
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 36:

Before the second sister returned to her parents' home, Shen Zhilan rode the 28-inch big sedan that the cotton mill had equipped for her husband Yang Zhongyi back to Panshi Village. It was time to get off work, so she looked back along the way. The rate is one hundred percent.

  These days, bicycles are as much a luxury product as watches and sewing machines.

  If you want to buy a bicycle, you not only need money, but also tickets, a lot of industrial tickets.

  But industrial stamps are no better than food stamps. Every household in the countryside can produce one or two.

  Industrial tickets are only issued to regular workers in the factory, and ordinary regular workers can only receive one industrial ticket per year.

  Buying a bicycle requires at least a dozen industrial tickets...

  So having a bicycle these days is the same as having a Lamborghini in later generations.

  The entire tenth production team, including Su Changjiang, Wang Tiezhu, and Xu Youcai, was extremely surprised to see Shen Zhilan riding the 28-meter big bar today.

  Under the envious eyes of the villagers, Shen Zhilan got out of the car a little awkwardly.

  Seeing that the courtyard door was unlocked, Shen Zhilan curled her lips in disdain and pushed open the courtyard door.

  Everyone in the village had just finished work, and the courtyard door was unlocked. It didn't take much to know that the short-lived ghost was lying dead at home again.

  The old wooden door hit the adobe wall, and the insect-eaten door frame dropped a layer of wood ash.

  Shen Zhihuan, who was concentrating on doing yoga in the room, was so frightened by the loud noise that he almost doubled over. Shen Zhihuan frowned and glanced in the direction of the courtyard door through the gap in the window, and immediately laughed.

  "Short-lived ghost, get out of here, you lazy guy, you will end up lying dead at home every day." Shen Zhilan set up the 28-bar and said angrily.

  The Wang family, Hua family and Guan family closest to the Shen family are also separated by several fields, so Shen Zhilan is naturally not afraid of people hearing her.

  After putting away the linen bags spread under the window, Shen Zhihuan slowly opened the door and walked out.

  "Shen Zhilan, others use their mouths to talk, but you use your mouth to fart." Shen Zhihuan leaned lazily on the door frame of the hall and casually looked at Shen Zhilan, who had her hands on her hips and a shrew-like look on her face.

  Unlike Shen Zhimei, who is as gentle and delicate as pure jasmine, Shen Zhilan's eyebrows are bold and gorgeous, just like the bright red poinsettia.

  It may look glamorous on the outside, but it actually hides murderous intent. If you accidentally get it, it will cause vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches.

  The children of the Shen family all seem to be good-looking. Although the original owner is skinny, he can still see some good color between his eyebrows.

  "Short-lived ghost, how dare you scold me... This is outrageous!" Shen Zhilan was choked and stunned.

  We haven't seen each other for half a year. This short-lived ghost who is usually taciturn and doesn't reply back when he's scolded actually dares to talk back? !

  "Shen Zhilan, what kind of god do you think you are when you throw out a basin of water? Yang Zhongyi became the production director of the cotton spinning factory. Why, are you preparing for the ascension of chickens and dogs to heaven?" Shen Zhihuan smiled scornfully.

  The original owner pampered her, but she didn't.

  When Shen Zhilan heard this, she immediately became furious.

  Ever since she entered Lao Yang's house, who wouldn't have taken a high look at her? Not to mention that now her man has become the production director of a cotton spinning factory. This short-lived ghost actually dares to call her a chicken or a dog.

  But when she thought of the purpose of coming this time, Shen Zhilan took a deep breath.

  "Short-lived ghost, let me ask you, what did you say to Aunt Liu today? She was so angry that she ignored me."

  "Shen Zhilan, who do you think you are? Do you want to ignore you as a human being? Aunt Liu doesn't Ignore you, why don't you take a good look at yourself and find out the reason for yourself, why are you coming to ask me? Is there something wrong with your mind?" Shen Zhihuan gave her a cold look.

  "Short-lived ghost, I'm going to talk to you properly. You'd better be wiser and don't make me lose my temper." Shen Zhilan glared at Shen Zhihuan fiercely and gritted her teeth.

  "What? You still want to bite me?" Shen Zhihuan raised his eyebrows playfully.

  "Short-lived ghost..." Shen Zhilan bit her back teeth, wanting to go up and tear Shen Zhihuan apart.     In the past, three sticks couldn't beat a fart, but now...

  "If you have nothing to do, hurry up and don't act like the wife of your director here. I don't have time to chat with you." Shen Zhihuan covered his mouth and yawned.

  "Oh! That's right! Shen Zhilan, don't take my chances in the future. If you make me angry, you won't get the best of you." Shen Zhihuan raised her chin and added coldly.

  Shen Zhilan rolled up her sleeves and said, "Short-lived ghost, if I don't deal with you today, I will lose my surname..."

  "Shen Zhilan, who are you going to deal with?" Li Qiuhua threw away the hoe in his hand and said angrily.

  On the way home, she heard people in the village talking about her second daughter coming back riding a big bar.

  She still felt strange.

  She hasn't even gone to settle accounts with her yet, but it's good for her to come back and show off her power.

  "Second sister, you are not allowed to bully third sister!" Little Weidong, who came in later, ran in front of Shen Zhihuan, stretched out his arms, and glared at Shen Zhilan angrily with his face raised.

  Shen Zhilan had a mouthful of old blood stuck in her throat.

  "Mom, it was my little sister who scolded me first." Shen Zhilan rubbed her eyes secretly at Xiao Weidong, then turned to look at Li Qiuhua and said aggrievedly.

  "Let me ask you, did you ask that matchmaker to marry your little sister?" Li Qiuhua said with a cold face.

  "Mom, I am doing this for my little sister's benefit. Boss Zhu is the boss in the slaughterhouse. He has a high salary and good benefits. His salary alone is dozens of dollars a month, not to mention the filial piety of his subordinates. None of the girls in our village would want to enter Lao Zhu's house. "

  "It's just that Mr. Zhu has a high vision and looks down on those vulgar people. Otherwise, if he had married everyone, how could such a good thing have happened? On our little sister's head?"

  Seeing Shen Zhilan banging her head, Shen Zhihuan took a stool and sat down.

  "Oh! Shen Zhilan, the wife who became the production director is different. We all know that she is vulgar, but do you know how to write the word "shameful"?" Shen Zhihuan curled his lips and smiled.

  The slaughterhouse...

  Daqing wanted to trade her bones for fat meat.

  He is a businessman.

  Shen Zhilan stamped her foot, "Mom, look at her, she is her second sister no matter what. She talks about Shen Zhilan, and you don't care."

  "Do you think of her as your sister?" Li Qiuhua frowned and looked at Shen Zhilan. His face was filled with pain and sorrow.

  If she doesn't understand it by now, then her decades of life have been in vain.

  These days, in order to be able to buy some good fat meat from time to time to improve the food, those who have two dollars in their hands stuff money, cigarettes, and food into the people in the slaughterhouse. This is a tacit secret among everyone.

  But there is really no such thing as a sister pushing her own sister into a fire pit because of her stuttering.

  How could she raise such a heartless person?

  Shen Zhilan frowned, "Mom, what are you talking about? Why don't I regard her as my biological sister? Although Boss Zhu is a bit older, older people can love others!"

  "Boss Zhu said, earn money He and his three sons are responsible for money matters, his mother and two younger sisters are responsible for family matters, and the younger sister will only take care of herself after getting married..."

  "Boss Zhu is so loving, why don't you and Yang Zhongyi divorce Shen Zhilan? It would be great to get married and enjoy a happy life! You can also eat fat meat for free every day." Shen Zhihuan curled her lips and smiled coldly.