
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 35: Keep it as a spare tire

 "Shall we go into the house and talk?" The middle-aged woman wiped the sweat from her forehead and raised her legs to go in.

  Shen Zhihuan stretched out a finger to push the person outside the door.

  "It's better to leave such a good thing to my second sister! The young man with three sons should keep it for herself as a spare tire! When she is dumped by my second brother-in-law who is the director, the young man with three sons will immediately It's so easy to get a full-time job!"

  Seeing the middle-aged woman's expression change, Shen Zhihuan laughed.

  "If my second sister really doesn't like her, you can keep it yourself. The term "old cow eats young grass" is not only used for old men."

  She knew that Shen Zhilan was not holding back anything!

  Say goodbye to her?

  It's almost enough to sell her for money.

  "What the hell are you talking about?" The middle-aged woman immediately turned pale with anger.

  "Your second sister is also doing your best. You don't look at your own conditions. Let's not talk about your reputation as a second-hand goods. Just talk about your sick body. Do you have the life to have children? Who is from a good family? Will an unmarried young man want a woman like you who can neither give birth to children nor work in the fields? "

  "Whether I can give birth to children, work in the fields, or get married, I don't need to worry about it. Go slowly... no. Send it off!" Shen Zhihuan closed the courtyard door with a bang.


  The middle-aged woman was so angry that she covered her nose that was almost crooked.

  "Who do you think you are? If your second sister hadn't begged me to come, do you think I would be willing to come to your door? A second-hand guy who has been stepped on, really thinks of himself..." "

  Pa! "The sound of the door opening was accompanied by a shadow.

  The middle-aged woman felt a chill from head to toe.

  "You dare to insult me?" The middle-aged woman's eyes widened in anger.

  She has been walking around these ten miles and eight villages for decades, and has had countless kisses, but no one has dared to treat her like this.

  "This time it's foot washing water. If you keep pushing, it will be boiling water next time. If you don't believe me, try it." Shen Zhihuan said coldly and closed the door with a "snap".


  The door opened again, frightening the middle-aged woman to dodge in a hurry.

  Shen Zhihuan, who came out with a butcher's knife, stood behind the door and smiled coldly, "I would like to remind you again, people like me who don't know if I can see the moon tonight like to drag people along on the road. , I remember you said, you are my second sister's... neighbor?"

  The repeated word "neighbor" caused a bit of cold sweat to break out on the middle-aged woman's forehead.

  "I won't talk anymore. I won't talk nonsense anymore." After the middle-aged woman finished speaking, she ran away.

  Seeing the middle-aged woman sprinting away at a speed of 100 meters, Shen Zhihuan smiled and narrowed his starry eyes.

  Li Qiuhua, who had just returned from the field, saw his daughter and a man standing at the gate of the courtyard talking something from a distance. Before she could get closer, the man ran away.

  "Zhihuan, who was that person just now?" Li Qiuhua put the hoe next to the firewood pile behind the door, patted the dirt on his body and walked inside.

  "Second sister's matchmaker neighbor." Shen Zhihuan closed the door, turned around and followed Li Qiuhua back to the house.

  "Matchmaker neighbor?! Then why did she come to our house? Did your second sister ask her to bring something?" Li Qiuhua turned around in surprise.

  "Second sister asked her to marry me." Shen Zhihuan twitched the corner of her mouth mockingly.

  "Are you talking about marriage? Which village are you from? What is the young man's character like? Is the young man's mother easy to get along with? How many people are there in the family? What kind of house is the house in?"


  Shen Zhihuan let out a long sigh in his heart.     "What do you think about this kid?" Seeing that Shen Zhihuan didn't speak, Li Qiuhua became anxious.

  Just now in the fields, it was rumored that Wang Chunmei and Su Changhe had begun preparations for Xu Jiaojiao and Su Zijie's engagement. The time was set, after the busy farming season.

  "I live in the same village as my second sister's mother-in-law. The matchmaker didn't tell me what the young man's character is like, nor did he say whether the young man's mother is easy to get along with. However, the matchmaker did tell me how many people there are in the family and what kind of house they live in."

  Shen Zhihuan said . He put the pig knife back on the shelf next to the cupboard, and then continued: "The matchmaker said that the young man's family has three large tile-roofed houses, and he has a mother, two sisters, and three sons..."

  "What did you say? What did you say? "Little...that man has three sons?" Li Qiuhua frowned and his face suddenly turned ugly.

  Her daughter, a yellow-flowered girl, is going to be a stepmother? Is the matchmaker's brain confused by shit?

  And that damn girl, is she such a sister?

  "Yes! The matchmaker also said that the young man's sons are eleven years old and six years old. They can go to the fields to earn work points. They don't need me to serve them. She said that if I marry her, they will just wait and enjoy happiness." Shen Zhihuan was careless. smiling.

  "Did that damn girl have a brain problem after taking the wrong medicine? I dare to introduce any kind of person to you." Li Qiuhua was choked.

  She always thought that the second daughter just had a bad temper and was a little vain, but she still had a good heart. She didn't expect that she was a conscienceless person.

  It's okay for others to mistreat one's own family, but she, as a biological sister, also wants to mistreat her own sister.

  How could she raise such a thing.

  Afraid that his daughter would be sad, Li Qiuhua quickly comforted her: "Zhihuan, I have already discussed it with your eldest sister. After this period of time, your eldest sister will tell you about a guy from their village. Your eldest sister said that the young man has a handsome appearance and a good temper." Fortunately, there is only one grandma at home..."

  "Mom, where is my little brother?" Seeing Li Qiuhua's concerned look, Shen Zhihuan hurriedly changed the subject.

  "Little Fatty took your little brother to the educated youth point to see the educated youth." Li Qiuhua opened the lid and looked at the rice porridge in the iron pot. Seeing that the porridge was almost done, he quickly went around to the back of the stove and turned off the rice porridge in the stove. firewood.

  "Mom, I'll do it. You go take a shower first!" Shen Zhihuan stepped forward.

  Li Qiuhua: "Your eldest sister's side..."

  "Mom, I just broke off the engagement, and now we're proposing again. It doesn't sound good if we say it out loud. Let's wait until next year!" Shen Zhihuan was speechless.

  Why can't we get around it?

  She is only seventeen, not seventeen or eighty.

  "That's okay!" Li Qiuhua nodded.

  I'm afraid that if I talk too much, my daughter will be upset.

  "Don't worry about the matchmaker's words. Mom will definitely find you a good one in the future, one hundred times better than that bastard from the Su family." Li Qiuhua seemed a little uneasy, and Li Qiuhua, who had just turned around, turned around and pulled Shen Zhihuan to add.

  "Okay!" Shen Zhihuan nodded obediently, but his eyes rolled up in his heart.

  She, a millionaire who only needs money and votes, needs the most unreliable creature like a man?

  With that energy, she might as well earn more money and build herself a nursing home with complete facilities as soon as possible.

  "You pat the cucumbers and pickle them with salt. Mom will do it after you take a bath." As soon as he stepped out of the kitchen, Li Qiuhua couldn't help but turn around and tell her.

  "Yeah!" Shen Zhihuan responded dumbfounded.

  Since she fainted last time, her mother and the little guy have treated her like glass that breaks at the touch of a touch.

  The people in the village looked at her as if they were looking at a dying person.

  So what did the young man with three sons see in her?

  In such a hurry to put mourning on her...

  What did Shen Zhilan see in that "young man"?