
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 34 New Ten Thousand Yuan Households

As soon as the cleaning was done here, Wang Tiezhu led two villagers to deliver the rations for the educated youths.

  Each of the male and female educated youths had a small bag of rice and white flour. Each bag seemed to weigh more than ten kilograms. There seemed to be a lot of grain noodles, and both male and female educated youths had more than half of their bags.

  Thinking that the food would last until after the autumn harvest, everyone did not dare to be careless and carefully put the food into the new and not old cabinets in their respective kitchens. The female educated youth even directly found a lock and locked the cabinet.

  After a few days and nights of tossing on the train, then a few hours of jolting in the car, and then a bullock cart that was so bumpy that people's bones would fall apart... The

  mentally and physically exhausted educated youths of both sexes were not in the mood to throw away food. After a brief fooling around, they each took a shower and rested.


  the dinner table, Xiao Weidong gnawed on the leftover braised chicken from lunch.

  "Third sister, there are seven educated youths from our production team who have already settled in the educated youth camp. Xiaopang said that the skirts worn by those female educated youths are very nice." After

  throwing the bones, Xiao Weidong smacked the ones on his fingers. Oil, "Third sister, when I make money in the future, I will also buy you a beautiful new dress."

  "Okay! Third sister is waiting to wear the new dress you bought." Shen Zhihuan smiled and went to Xiao Weidong's bowl Added a spoonful of the bone soup that was stewed at noon.

  "Yeah!" Xiao Weidong nodded heavily.

  In the future, he will earn a lot of work points and a lot of money. He will hire the best doctor and buy the most beautiful dress for his third sister.

  Li Qiuhua watched the interaction between his children with joy, and smiled as he put a piece of ribs into Shen Zhihuan's and Xiao Weidong's bowls.

  "Mom, eat it too!" Shen Zhihuan and Xiao Weidong simultaneously picked up a piece of ribs and put it into the bowl in front of Li Qiuhua. The collision of the tips of their chopsticks made Shen Zhihuan and Xiao Weidong couldn't help laughing together.

  The leftover pot of pork rib soup and a small plate of braised chicken from lunch were eaten amidst the laughter and laughter of the three of them.

  Li Qiuhua cleared the table and poured all the gnawed bones into the stove where there were still some sparks...

  destroying the corpses and removing traces of them.

  After taking a bath, Shen Zhihuan lay on the canopy bed, quietly watching the moonlight slanting in through the gap in the window.

  Until the slanting moonlight shone on the dressing table by the window, Shen Zhihuan turned over and sat up.

  After listening for a while with pointed ears and making sure that the mother and son in the main room were fast asleep, Shen Zhihuan quietly walked out the door.

  Arriving at the cypress forest with ease, she placed the three hundred boxes of fruits that Qin Bin asked for at the place agreed the night before, then walked around to a large deserted grave not far away and hid.

  After a while, an H6 medium-sized truck equipped with a 6-cylinder 9-liter 120-horsepower diesel engine and a load capacity of 6,000 kilograms backed into the tractor path next to the cypress forest.

  Hearing the people in the car coming down to move things, Shen Zhihuan cautiously stuck out his head and took a look, then quickly retreated.

  I was afraid that those people would hear me if I made some noise.

  There were probably a lot of people coming. Not long after, Shen Zhihuan heard the sound of a truck starting.

  When there was no sound at all, Shen Zhihuan ducked out from behind the pile of deserted graves.

  After glancing around to make sure everyone was gone, Shen Zhihuan let out a sigh of relief and quickly went to pick up the floral cloth bundle left by Qin Bin at the foot of the agreed-upon tree.

  After returning home, Shen Zhihuan's eyelids were trembling and he fell asleep.

  There was no energy at all to take stock of the floral cloth baggage left by Qin Bin.

  After sleeping until noon the next day, the hungry Shen Zhihuan went to Li Qiuhua's house to get some chicken cakes to fill his stomach, and also made a bowl of milk.

  After solving the problem of food and clothing, Shen Zhihuan moved the bath water placed under the grape trellis to the door of the hut, then turned back to the house to open the floral cloth baggage left by Qin Bin last night.

  The Great Unity was neatly tied up in bundles, with a large pile of colorful national tickets in the middle. Shen Zhihuan casually picked up the tickets, and his eyes were instantly attracted to the dozen or so industrial tickets in the middle.

  The iron pot used for cooking rice at home had been chipped for a long time. If my hand accidentally touched it, there would be a big hole.

  And the bottom of the soup basin is almost worn out.

  Every time she used it to serve rice porridge, Shen Zhihuan was afraid that the base, which was as thin as a piece of paper, would cause a tantrum and cause the rice porridge to splash all over her body.     She had already told Qin Bin to ask for industrial votes, but industrial votes were in short supply. There had been no movement from Qin Bin, but she didn't expect that there would be one.

  She just didn't know if these ten industrial tickets were enough. If there were more, she would buy a few more large soup bowls to avoid having to hold the soup without having to hold the vegetables.

  There are also bowls for eating...

  As for bicycles or something, Shen Zhihuan doesn't even dare to think about it.

  She hasn't figured out how to pay back the eighty yuan she owes the Su family.

  After all, if their family has a child and a sick child, and they spend eighty yuan at once...

  what will the people in the village think?

  If there is someone with bad intentions who stabs him in the back...

  he might be slapped with a big hat.

  Even if she doesn't get slapped with a big label, her family spending 80 yuan to pay off the debt at once is enough to arouse all kinds of suspicions among the villagers.

  I don't have money to eat glutinous rice and I'm hungry...

  annoying! !   It's annoying

  to not be able to use it even if you have money, and to be wary of all kinds of precautions… !

! !

  But compared to starving herself from eating glutinous rice bran, she would still choose the latter.

  As long as there is meat to eat every day, there is nothing to worry about.

  The key point is that although she is a newly promoted household with ten thousand yuan, she is worried, but she cannot implement the matter of eating meat every day!

  This is like saying she is irritating or not because she only wants to sell white rice flour but earns money from selling cabbage.

  Shen Zhihuan sighed, tied up the flower cloth bundle and threw it into the resort, got up and went to the kitchen.

  You have to eat even if you don't have meat!

  As soon as the rice was finished, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

  Hearing the knock on his courtyard door, Shen Zhihuan frowned and put the lid on the pot.

  As soon as she opened the door, Shen Zhihuan was a little blinded by the oncoming smell, and she quickly took two steps back.

  "You are the third girl of the Shen family, right?" Before Shen Zhihuan could speak, the middle-aged woman standing at the door began to look at Shen Zhihuan up and down, her eyes were exactly the same as when Qin Bin inspected the goods.

  "What do you want from me?" A trace of disgust flashed in Shen Zhihuan's bright and flexible eyes.

  It seems that there is no such person in the memory of the original owner.

  The middle-aged woman put away the scrutiny in her eyes and said with a smile: "I am your second sister's neighbor. She heard that you broke off the engagement, so she asked me..."

  "Ask you to come and propose marriage to me?!" Shen Zhihuan asked lightly Eyebrows.

  Is Shen Zhilan so kind?

  "Let me tell you, that young man is the most capable in our village. He has three big tile-roofed houses in his family. You can marry him and enjoy the blessings! He only has an old woman, two sisters and three sons in his family..."

  " Wait, you said the most capable young man in your village has three sons?" Shen Zhihuan laughed to himself.

  He is already the father of three sons, how can he still be called a young man...

  Does she look so easy to fool?

  "It's good to have a son! You can save yourself from that trouble. You are still young and don't know how hard it is to raise a child. Those three little things, the eldest is eleven and the youngest is six years old. They can even go to the ground. You earn work points, and you don't need to serve food and drink. How easy it is!"