
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 31 Traveling with the Educated Youth

Wang Chungen had to rush to the commune to pick up someone. Shen Zhihuan got off the car directly at the entrance of the town and was still waiting here two hours after the appointment.

  These days, a watch is considered a luxury item. How can ordinary people afford it? It only lasts for two hours, which is an approximate time.

  There are only a few streets in Shuangsha Town, and it takes less than two hours to walk through them from beginning to end.

  The sun was so strong that it burned people's scalps as if they were on fire.

  Shen Zhihuan had no intention of standing in the sun for a long time to replenish calcium, so he went straight to the supply and marketing cooperative in the center of the town.

  As soon as he arrived at the door, Shen Zhihuan saw the few bare bones left on the meat stall without a trace of meat.

  "How can I sell these bones?" Shen Zhihuan stopped.

  "Five cents a piece, no tickets." The short, fat woman selling the meat said impatiently, waving the bamboo fan in her hand.

  "I want them all." Shen Zhihuan took out thirty-five cents and put them on the counter.

  The short, fat woman curled her lips, stood up slowly, wrapped the smooth tube bones in oily paper, and threw them in front of Shen Zhihuan with a "pop" sound.

  "Thank you, grandma!" Shen Zhihuan put the tube bone into the backpack behind him and smiled sweetly at the short, fat woman.

  The short, fat woman whose buttocks had just reached the bench jumped up.

  "You call me grandma?"

  The short, fat woman's furious voice frightened the few people who had just entered the door of the supply and marketing cooperative to tremble.

  "Grandma, what's wrong with you? Did I say something wrong?" Shen Zhihuan looked innocent.

  "I'm only thirty-five, you call me grandma?" The short and fat woman was so angry that all the fat on her body shook.

  "Thirty-five?" Shen Zhihuan looked suspiciously up and down at the short fat woman's swimming rings, her tone clearly disbelieving.

  When the few people who had just entered the supply and marketing cooperative heard this, they also looked at the short and fat woman. After a closer look, they also expressed doubts about the thirty-five that the short and fat woman said.

  "Sister Sun, are you the same age as me?" The saleswoman at the counter next to the pork stall looked shocked.

  She always thought Sun Yongxiu was fifty years old!

  Everyone looked at the short, fat woman and the saleswoman at the counter next to the pork stall, all with expressions of disbelief.

  One was short, fat and obese and looked like an old woman, while the other was young, beautiful and graceful. Even a blind man could not conclude that they were the same age.

  Mother and daughter are pretty much the same.

  Perhaps because everyone's silent doubts were too harsh, the short, fat woman glared at the saleswoman at the counter next to her and rushed out of the supply and marketing cooperative angrily.

  Shen Zhihuan watched the short and fat woman disappear at the corner of the street, humming a tune and went to the counter selling cans and pastries.

  Shen Zhihuan stuffed chicken cakes, canned yellow peaches, honey wedges, malted milk, peach cakes, glutinous rice sticks, white rabbit toffee, etc. into the basket on his back as if he didn't need any money.

  The pastry salesperson was dumbfounded by this cunning act.

  Many people are reluctant to buy a pound of chicken cake for 50 cents a pound all year round, but this little girl bought two pounds.

  There were also many canned fruits and malted milk that ordinary relatives would not be willing to buy. This little girl had three cans in her hands.

  "I bought it for the educated youths in our production team." Shen Zhihuan explained with a smile when he noticed that the salesperson couldn't close his mouth.

  "No wonder! I just said it's not the right time to buy so many good things." The saleswoman smiled.

  Educated youth are the main consumers of high-end products from their supply and marketing cooperatives.     For those mud-legged people in the village who face the loess and back to the sky, let alone buy malted milk, canned fruit, and white rabbit toffee, even if they buy glutinous rice sticks for 25 cents a pound, he will feel distressed for more than half a month. .

  Before leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, Shen Zhihuan turned to the braised meat counter and got half a braised chicken. Only then did Shen Zhihuan leave the supply and marketing cooperative.

  Walking along the green trees on the street to the entrance of the town, Wang Chungen's bullock cart had not yet arrived. Shen Zhihuan found a stone pillar to sit down, took out an egg cake from the basket on his back and ate it.

  Although the chicken cakes of this year are not as delicate and soft as those eaten in the previous life, they are still very sweet.

  Before I knew it, I had eaten three chicken cakes.

  Seeing the bullock cart appear at the end of the street, Shen Zhihuan quickly raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth.

  When the bullock cart slowly approached, Shen Zhihuan saw clearly the three men and four women behind the cart.

  Judging from the clothing styles of these people, they should be from big cities, especially the long-haired girl wearing a pink bragi, who looked like she came from a wealthy family.

  "Zhihuan, have you been waiting for a long time?" Wang Chungen jumped out of the carriage.

  He took out the sack that Shen Zhihuan was sitting in from the grid under the driver's seat and laid it on the empty seat near the female educated youth.

  "I just arrived too." Shen Zhihuan smiled, carrying the basket containing several tube bones and getting on the bullock cart.

  The female educated youth with two braids glanced at the sack under Shen Zhihuan's butt, then looked down at the wooden board under her body, her face suddenly became ugly.

  "Fellow, did you buy these bones to feed the dogs? But your bones have no meat at all, will the dogs eat them?" The female educated youth with two braids glanced at Shen Zhihuan's backpack and smiled.

  Several other educated youths and even Wang Chungen had stern expressions on their faces.

  These days, most families are having a hard time, and some families with financial difficulties cannot even smell the smell of meat all year round.

  In order to satisfy their greed, many people will buy a few tube bones that rich people don't like to see and take them home to make soup, which can be regarded as a meaty taste.

  "Comrade Educated Youth is really joking. My family is so poor that we can hardly support ourselves. How can we raise a dog? It can't be compared to your family, which has both old dogs and puppies." Shen Zhihuan's lips curled up slightly.

  The pride at the corner of the braided female educated youth's mouth froze for a moment, and she said angrily: "You mud-legged guy..."

  The male educated youth sitting next to the driver's seat glared.

  "Comrade Wang Meili! Pay attention to your words. Do you think what you just said is what an educated young man with ideals and ambitions should say? As educated young people who go to the countryside to support construction, we must pay attention to our words and deeds. We must not give The vast number of educated youths going to the countryside are disgraced."

  "Brother Chu... Comrade Chu Ge is right, Comrade Wang Meili, you must take a good look at yourself. We go to the mountains and countryside to support construction, not to show off our superiority. "The long-haired educated youth nodded in agreement.

  After being talked about by the two, Wang Meili reluctantly lowered her head and remained silent.

  "Comrade, I apologize to you on her behalf. She is young and ignorant, so don't blame her." A male educated youth wearing glasses diagonally opposite smiled at Shen Zhihuan.

  Shen Zhihuan was speechless and twitched the corners of his mouth.

  young? immature?

  Perhaps he noticed the sarcasm in Shen Zhihuan's eyes, the male educated youth wearing glasses touched his nose sarcastically.

  The male educated youth wearing glasses didn't say he was okay, but he exploded when he mentioned Wang Meili.

  "He Tianming, you apologize on my behalf? Are you worthy?"

  "He Tianming, let me tell you, my mother agreed, but I did not agree. You stay away from me in the future, do you hear me?" Wang Meili said while still nervous He glanced at Chu Ge, who was wearing a white shirt next to the driver's seat.

  Shen Zhihuan lowered his eyes, and the smile on his lips deepened.

  The ten production teams are probably going to be lively in the future!