
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 30 The Brother’s Adoption

As work was approaching, the horn sounded again.

  "Mom, it's time, go ahead! I'll come back after wandering around for a while, I won't be tired." Shen Zhihuan took the backpack from Li Qiuhua's hand.

  Shen Zhihuan really has to thank Xu Youcai's eight generations of ancestors. If Xu Youcai hadn't been unwilling to approve the leave due to the busy farming schedule, she really wouldn't have been able to get away.

  Li Qiuhua warned worriedly: "Zhihuan, remember to come back early, don't miss your uncle Wang's oxcart..."

  "Mom, I understand!" Shen Zhihuan nodded quickly.

  I have said this eight hundred times at home.

  Xiao Weidong wrinkled his little face and cooed, "Third Sister..."

  "Don't worry, Third Sister will be back in a minute. If you want to eat anything, please tell me. There is no shop like this after passing this village!" Shen Zhihuan smiled and rubbed little Weidong's face, which almost turned into a wrinkled old man.

  A guy as big as a kid!

  She was just going to catch a party, and she wasn't going to the battlefield. Did she want to look like she was parting from life or death? !

  "Third sister, I don't want anything. Just remember to come back early and don't be tired or hungry." Xiao Weidong was extremely worried.

  Grandpa Hua said that the third sister can no longer be tired and hungry, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

  "Third sister, if you are hungry in town, you can buy whatever you want. Don't worry about money. I am old enough and can earn work points. Don't be afraid that I can't support you." Xiao Weidong raised his little face. , with a sincere look on his face.

  All I have to do is pat my chest to ensure it.

  "You are really a good brother to Third Sister." Shen Zhihuan bowed and hugged little Weidong's face and gave him a sip.

  With a younger brother who can support his sister, he no longer has to worry about going hungry.

  Xiao Weidong covered his forehead that was kissed by Shen Zhihuan, and his face suddenly turned red.

  "Mom, I'm going to Uncle Wang's house." Shen Zhihuan said as he kissed Li Qiuhua on the face as fast as lightning.

  "The bigger it gets, the less upright it is!" Li Qiuhua said with a smile as he watched his daughter leave briskly.

  Sitting on the bumpy carriage, Shen Zhihuan held his backpack and looked at the busy villagers in the fields in the distance, his mind going blank.

  "Zhihuan, how are you lately?" Wang Chungen tightened his grip on the reins.

  "Ah?" Shen Zhihuan was startled.

  "Your body..." Wang Chungen turned his head and glanced at Shen Zhihuan, who looked confused, with a smile flashing in his eyes.

  "Much better!" Shen Zhihuan smiled lightly.

  Compared with the original owner's previous three days of one illness and five days of one illness, she is indeed much better.

  She firmly believed that as long as she ate well and slept well, she would gain weight sooner or later.

  Shen Zhihuan lowered his head and glanced...

  Not bad!

  It can be rescued again.

  "Oh! By the way! Zhihuan, do you know about the educated youth coming to our production team?" Wang Chungen suddenly thought of his mission to the town today.

  "I heard." Shen Zhihuan nodded with a smile.

  The old educated youth was building roofs, building walls, and installing glass tiles. It was hard for her not to know whether they were making such a big fuss or not.

  It's said to be an old educated youth spot, but it's actually just a decoration.

  Panshi Village is not big. Not to mention its remote location, there is still little arable land.

  Compared with other villages in Shuangsha Town that have a lot of people and lots of land, Panshi Village is really unsatisfactory.

  Therefore, when allocating educated youths to the countryside over the years, Panshi Village was always ignored.

  However, in order to respond to the call from above, the previous production team leader turned a yard confiscated from a wealthy landlord into an educated youth spot.

  A few years later, the educated youth spot where no educated youth had ever stayed has turned into an old educated youth spot.

  "This time seven educated youth will come to our production team. My uncle said that after the educated youth come, we will also organize literacy classes, so that all those in our production team who cannot read will go to the literacy classes to study and study." Wang Chungen said with some excitement.

  Literacy class...

  Shen Zhihuan smiled with a smile.

  Wang Tiezhu deserves to be the production captain who beats the rest.

  This educated youth has not yet arrived, and the next step has been planned.     "Uncle Tiezhu is a wise man." Shen Zhihuan smiled.

  Xu Youcai, a idiot who only knows how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, still wants to snatch the throne of production captain from such a person?

  So what is it if it's not a dream?

  Wang Chungen turned his head and glanced at Shen Zhihuan's profile, and said hesitantly: "My uncle also said that he would let me... learn... tractor..."

  "That's good!" Shen Zhihuan looked at the familiar figure passing by, and couldn't help but wonder. He replied carelessly.

  Gao Xiuxiu...

  it's over!

  As soon as she saw these two items, the "Quan Wu Xing" in the old warehouse automatically came to her mind.

  Shen Zhihuan shook his head and forced himself to leave those yellow wastes behind.

  After thinking about it...

  as long as the general environment allowed it, she would move to a big city with her mother and little brother, away from the right and wrong here.

  The most important thing is that in the new environment, no one knows the background of their family, so she no longer has to worry about arousing unnecessary suspicion from others because she eats meat and drinks porridge.

  "My uncle also said that when I learn how to tractor, he will let me be a tractor driver in the brigade. Even if I don't go to the fields, I will still have full work points 365 days a year." Wang Chungen, who was sitting upright, felt a little agitated. Swallowing nervously.

  "That's good!" Shen Zhihuan said absentmindedly.

  I secretly thought about where to live better in the future.

  Sichuan City...

  is too small!

  It is easy to run into acquaintances.

  Shen Zhihuan passed directly.


  A brick can knock down a large number of department directors and directors.

  It doesn't matter, it's really not easy to get around in such a realm.


  it's convenient to eat seafood.

  But the salty smell was too overpowering.


  is warm in winter and cool in summer, and feels like spring all year round.

  It's a great place to live.

  When the time comes, I will buy a slightly larger house, preferably one with a front yard and a backyard. Plant some flowers, plants, and vegetables in the front yard, plant some fruit trees in the backyard, and raise some chickens and ducks...

  Wang Chungen thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "I know Huan, you and Zijie..."

  "Me and Su Zijie?" Shen Zhihuan was stunned for a moment, looking sideways at Wang Chungen in the driver's seat, with a puzzled look on his face, "What's going on between me and him..."

  Besides breaking off the engagement, the original owner ? Is there anything else she doesn't know about Su Zijie?

  Shen Zhihuan worked hard to search for useful information in the few memories of the original owner and Su Zijie.

  Although the two of them had been engaged since childhood, they rarely talked together.

  Even if we occasionally bump into each other on the way to school, they are always with Xu Jiaojiao.

  Compared to the dull-tempered original owner, the cheerful Xu Jiaojiao and Su Zijie seemed to talk more together.

  Wang Chungen's hand on the reins tightened, "Zijie is fine, it's just his mother..."

  "You can't force things like fate." Shen Zhihuan resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

  Daqing wants to be a peacemaker.

  It made her think she missed something...

  She wanted money and tickets, so why did she need a creature like a man?

  Besides, God has helped her get rid of the burden. How long does it take for her to think too hard before asking for trouble? !