
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 3 It has become a habit.

"Sister Huan, it was Su Ziyong's brother who injured my aunt's hand!" Xiaopang held the medicine bowl and whispered close to Shen Zhihuan.

  "Mom, did Su Zijie start a fight with you?" Shen Zhihuan frowned.

  When a woman fights, it would be a bit ugly for him, a grown man, to take action.

  Before Li Qiuhua could speak, Xiaopang quickly shook his head and explained, "It's not Su Zijie, he's the son of uncle Su Zijie, Su Zi...zi..."

  "My name is Su Ziyu." Before Xiaopang could finish his words, a cold and smooth voice came out. sounded behind the three of them.

  The three of them turned around in surprise.

  Shen Zhihuan frowned and looked at the man behind him who was dressed in olive green, tall and tall, with a short head, angular features, and deep eyes that were fierce and unruly...

  At first glance, he was not a good person.

  The moment he turned around, Xiaopang slithered behind Shen Zhihuan holding the medicine bowl.

  Seeing Shen Zhihuan looking at him, Su Ziyu couldn't help but soften his facial expression and tried his best to smile.

  "This medicinal wine has a miraculous effect on bruises. Take it back and rub it for Auntie." Su Ziyu walked a few steps quickly and handed the medicinal wine bottle in front of Shen Zhihuan.

  Shen Zhihuan didn't reach out and looked at him with a frown, "You're a grown man bullying a woman, what do you think?!"


  Just as Su Ziyu was about to explain, Li Qiuhua grabbed Shen Zhihuan.

  "Zhihuan, it's not Ziyu's fault. If it weren't for Ziyu, mother would have really made a big mistake."

  Li Qiuhua was a little scared when she thought about it. If she really stabbed her in, she would be so happy. What will her daughter do in the future? What will my son do next?

  She was really mad at that time.

  I didn't think about the consequences at all.

  Now that I think about it, I really have to thank Su Ziyu for that kick...

  Su Ziyu presented the medicinal wine bottle in front of Shen Zhihuan again.

  "No need! You should keep such a good thing for yourself!" Shen Zhihuan twitched the corners of his mouth, frowned and looked away, pulling Li Qiuhua and turning around to leave.

  For some reason, Shen Zhihuan always felt that the man in front of him had a hint of sinisterness in his unfathomable eyes, like a wolf king waiting for an opportunity on the grassland, making people want to escape.

  Seeing this, the little fat man trotted after him. After running a certain distance, he didn't forget to look back. His frightened look made him think that there was a wolf chasing behind him.

  Su Ziyu looked at Shen Zhihuan's petite and slightly stubborn back, couldn't help but laughed.

  The chuckle behind him made Shen Zhihuan's heart tremble for no reason, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

  It wasn't until she turned into the house that Shen Zhihuan's slightly disordered heartbeat returned to normal.

  "Sister Huan... you... are sweating!" The chubby little finger pointed at the sweat beads on Shen Zhihuan's forehead and stammered.


  Li Qiuhua, who had just sat down in the main room, heard the fat man's words and hurried out of the room. He looked worriedly at the beads of sweat that had begun to trickle down Shen Zhihuan's forehead.

  "Zhihuan, you..."

  Shen Zhihuan was a little frightened by the two men's gaze, and subconsciously reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.


  the original owner was too weak due to premature birth. He was afraid of cold since he was a child. His body was always cold, even in the dog days of summer, he never left his body without two pieces of clothing.

  On weekdays, don't talk about sweating, it's good if you don't show off.

  Seeing that Shen Zhihuan remained silent, Li Qiuhua thought that her daughter was afraid of spending money on medical treatment and was suppressing her discomfort, so she couldn't help but become anxious.

  "Zhihuan, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Just talk! Are you trying to make me anxious to death?" Li Qiuhua's eyes turned red, and there was a hint of crying in his anxious voice.

  If she hadn't walked carelessly, my daughter would not have been born prematurely, nor would she have been frail and sick since she was a child, and she would not leave her mouth for soups and medicines.

  It's all her fault!

  "Mom, don't worry. I'm fine. I'm just tired from walking in a hurry. Just rest." Shen Zhihuan stretched out his "chicken paw" to wipe Li Qiuhua's tears.     This body is indeed quite short-changed.

  If it weren't for Li Qiuhua's constant careful care, it's hard to say whether the original owner could have survived until now.

  "Then you go back to the house and lie down. Mom will cook rice porridge for you in the evening." Li Qiuhua said quickly.

  Shen Zhihuan nodded slightly, and just as he was about to enter the house slowly, there was a rush of footsteps at the door of the courtyard.

  "Mom, Grandpa Hua is here."

  Xiao Weidong rushed in sweating profusely, followed by Dr. Hua, who was wearing a cotton Tang shirt and was full of energy.

  When Xiaopang saw his grandfather coming, his eyes lit up and he directly dragged Doctor Hua to Shen Zhihuan.

  "Grandpa, Sister Huan just broke out in sweat and feels very uncomfortable. Please hurry up and show Sister Huan a good look."

  Shen Zhihuan: "..."

  Feeling very uncomfortable?

  When did she say this?

  "Uncle Hua, please let Zhihuan take a look. She is sweating profusely when she comes back from a walk, and her body is still tight from fatigue." Li Qiuhua also quickly agreed.

  As he spoke, he dragged Shen Zhihuan to the dining table in the main room and sat down.

  Doctor Hua put down the small medicine box in his hand and stepped forward to take Shen Zhihuan's pulse.

  Li Qiuhua, Xiao Weidong and Xiao Pang watched eagerly, not daring to make any noise.

  As the minutes passed by, Doctor Hua's hand on Shen Zhihuan's mouth did not move at all.

  As time went by, Li Qiuhua, Xiao Weidong and Xiaopang's hearts gradually became anxious.

  Before Goudan's grandfather died, Doctor Hua was like this too...

  "That one..." Doctor Hua frowned and pursed his lips, motioning for Shen Zhihuan to switch to the other hand.

  Shen Zhihuan's mind went blank.

  She had just walked through it...

  Swallowing nervously, she put her left hand on it.

  It is a blessing, not a curse, and even a curse cannot be avoided.

  After carefully checking his pulse, the silent Doctor Hua stared at Shen Zhihuan with wide eyes in surprise.

  "Zhihuan, have you taken any medicine today?"

  Although the pulse is still thin, weak, and weak, it is much better than yesterday's pulse that seemed to be there and not at all, but not completely.

  His blue and black complexion seemed to have improved a little.

  "Uncle Hua, my family knows Huan..." Before Li Qiuhua could finish speaking, tears welled up.

  "Third sister, I don't want you to die! I don't want you to die!" Little Weidong threw himself into Shen Zhihuan's arms with a "wow" sound.

  "Sister Huan, you can't die! What will I do if you die?" Xiaopang also hugged Shen Zhihuan's arm and cried loudly.

  Shen Zhihuan frowned and looked at the three people who were extremely sad, with mixed feelings in his heart.

  She had just enjoyed some maternal love, and God had given her such a hard time.

  Did she take advantage of God or what? God wants to play with her like this!

  Doctor Hua glanced at a few people with a dark face, and finally his eyes fell on his grandson who was crying so hard that his nose was full of bubbles. "Who told you that Zhihuan is dead?"

  Li Qiuhua wiped away his tears and stopped talking for a moment, " Uncle Hua, what do you mean... my Zhihuan can still be saved? "

  "Hua Niu, Hua Niu, what do you think of me? Zhihuan is a good girl. She is not afraid of being saved!" "Doctor Hua!" He glared at Li Qiuhua angrily.

  "Okay?" Li Qiuhua was stunned and couldn't react for a while.

  Ever since he was born from his mother's womb, the original owner has not completely recovered. He has been suffering from minor illnesses for three days and one major illness for five days. It seems that it has become a habit to keep the soup and medicine in his mouth.