
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 28 Tired and Hungry

The Qian family was busy, and Shen Zhimei didn't dare to stay any longer. She put down the dishes and hurried back with her two daughters.

  Shen Zhihuan slept until noon the next day. If she hadn't been so hungry that she couldn't bear it, she might have been able to sleep forever.

  Shen Zhihuan patted his still groggy forehead and reluctantly got up from the bed.

  How bad is this body?

  After resting all night, not only did my fatigue not ease, but my whole body ached and I couldn't feel any energy.

  If the windows and doors hadn't been tightly closed, she would have really suspected that someone had beaten her under the quilt while she was sleeping.


  The protest from her stomach made Shen Zhihuan brace herself up and walk to the kitchen.

  Suddenly, the sky and the earth were spinning, and Shen Zhihuan felt his eyes go dark...

  "Third Sister!" Little Weidong, who was still outside the courtyard gate, screamed in fright at the first glance.

  "Zhihuan!" Li Qiuhua, who was following Xiao Weidong, was so frightened that his expression changed. "Go find your Grandpa Hua quickly."

  Xiao Weidong ignored the response and ran desperately to the Hua house not far away.

  Li Qiuhua trembled and closed his eyes tightly, carrying Shen Zhihuan, whose face was almost transparent, back to the house.

  After a while, Doctor Hua, who was carrying a medicine box, was dragged over by Xiao Weidong and Xiao Pang who were crying profusely.

  Looking at his grandson who was crying so much that snot bubbled out of his nose, Doctor Hua's hand that was placed on Shen Zhihuan's mouth froze.

  I don't know if this heartless little white-eyed wolf will cry like this when he returns to the West.

  "Uncle Hua, didn't you say that Zhihuan's health has gotten better? How...how..." Li Qiuhua's eyes turned red, and tears fell freely.

  "Grandpa, you must cure Sister Huan!" Xiaopang pulled up his sleeves and wiped away the snot that was almost in his mouth, and said with tears in his eyes.

  Little Weidong sobbed, "Grandpa Hua, my third sister..."

  "Grandpa, I don't want to..." become a bachelor!

  "Uncle Hua, Zhihuan..."

  "Shut up! Shut up! Can someone take your pulse?" Dr. Hua couldn't bear it anymore and stood up suddenly.

  From the moment he entered the house, he felt like he was surrounded by a swarm of buzzing flies, making him unable to rest for a moment.

  Diagnosis requires silence. Do these people understand?

  Li Qiuhua bit his lip and stopped crying instantly.

  Xiao Weidong and Xiaopang also covered their mouths with their little hands.

  Seeing that several people were being honest, Doctor Hua sat down again.

  Time passed minute by minute... It wasn't

  until Doctor Hua withdrew his hand that Li Qiuhua wiped the tears on his face and said tremblingly: "Uncle Hua, Zhihuan..."

  "It's okay, I'm just tired and hungry. "Yes, Hua Ni, I'm not talking about you. You don't know what kind of girl Zhihuan's body is, so how can you let her be tired and hungry?" Doctor Hua said with a sullen face.

  No matter how tight the rations are, a patient cannot go hungry.

  Li Qiuhua bit his lip and lowered his head, tears silently sliding down his face, one by one on the coarse cloth on his chest, soaking a large area in a moment.

  "Hua Niu, if you don't take good care of Zhihuan's body, there will be big problems sooner or later. By then, it will be too late for you to regret." Seeing Li Qiuhua like this, Doctor Hua couldn't help but sigh.

  "Uncle Hua, I know, I will never let her go out again." Li Qiuhua choked.

  "She is your daughter, you should weigh it yourself!" Doctor Hua left the prescription, picked up the medicine box and dragged Xiaopang away.

  Li Qiuhua didn't bother to make lunch and asked Xiao Weidong to eat some peach cakes she bought in the county yesterday. She took the prescription and went to the village health center.     The woman picking up the medicine saw a trace of disdain in her eyes when she saw Li Qiuhua.

  "Is that one of yours sick again?" The woman curled her lips, with a hint of joking in her voice.

  There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, and the sick man can take medicine for three hundred days. He will not be sick for three days, but he will have to go early for five days.

  "Yes!" Li Qiuhua lowered his eyelids, bit his lip, and handed over the prescription bravely.

  "Again credit?" The woman glanced at the prescription with contempt in her eyes and mocked.

  "I'll send you the money later." Li Qiuhua's expression moved slightly.

  "Later? How late? Is it the thirtieth of the twelfth lunar month? Don't forget, your family still owes my second brother eighty yuan!" the woman said with a smile.

  Fortunately, her second brother and sister-in-law were smart and got rid of the medicine jar that sick Yangzi had.

  Otherwise, when the sick man entered her second brother's house, her nephew would be dragged to death by the sick man.

  "I will definitely send you the money before it gets dark." Li Qiuhua's hands hanging on his sides suddenly tightened.

  "What if you can't get it before dark?" The woman's voice was slightly raised, and the disdain in her eyes was undisguised.

  "Hongying, believe me, I will definitely send you the money before dark." Li Qiuhua quickly promised.

  "Call me Dr. Su." The woman raised her chin.

  At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the village medical station.

  Hearing the familiar footsteps, the woman's expression changed slightly. She picked up the prescription that Li Qiuhua placed on the counter and began to pick up the medicine.

  "Your daughter is sick at home, didn't you know? Are you still in the mood to chat here?" Doctor Hua glanced behind the counter with a cold expression.

  Li Qiuhua lowered his head and remained silent.

  He knew that if he didn't make a trip, the girl wouldn't be able to take the medicine in order.

  Mr. Su is such a good person, how could he raise such a useless thing?

  And that Su Changhe...


  Zhihuan woke up from the smell of the bitter medicine soup. Looking at the two pairs of red eyes, one big and one small, Shen Zhihuan was a little confused.

  "Zhihuan, you scared me to death." Li Qiuhua carefully helped Shen Zhihuan up.

  "Mom, I'm fine. I'm just hungry because I didn't eat last night." Shen Zhihuan's whole body was still sore, and Shen Zhihuan, who didn't dare to show off any more, leaned against the head of the bed softly.

  "Third sister, Grandpa Hua said you are tired and hungry. Third sister, I have grown up. From now on, my mother and I will be the ones doing the work at home. You just need to take good care of your health." Xiao Weidong said with red eyes.

  "Dongzi, give me the medicine, and you go get your third sister a bowl of rice porridge." Li Qiuhua looked at her daughter with bloodless lips, feeling extremely distressed.

  As long as she is more useful as a mother, my daughter will not go into the mountains to make a living, and she will not faint from exhaustion.

  If something happens to my daughter...

  Li Qiuhua doesn't dare to think about it.

  The sour and astringent medicinal soup still had a bitter smell. Shen Zhihuan pinched her nose and puffed away, fearing that if she hesitated, she would not have the courage to take a second sip.

  In her previous life, her grandparents often made some folk remedies to help her stay healthy, but they were not so bad.

  It wasn't until he finished a bowl of rice porridge that Shen Zhihuan felt that the bitter taste in his mouth was a little lighter.

  "Mom, put this money away." Shen Zhihuan took out the cloth bundle with yesterday's money from under the pillow on the inside of the bed.

  "This is your money. Mom can't take it." Li Qiuhua waved his hand quickly.

  "What's your money? It's my money. This is our family's money." Shen Zhihuan forced it into Li Qiuhua's hand.