
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 27: Does Mom think it’s okay?

"Little Ancestor, don't bother, go and have a rest! Mom and your eldest sister are here, and your two nieces are not hungry."

  Li Qiuhua got up and chased out with a distressed look on his face, and grabbed the The pork belly and big bones in Shen Zhihuan's hands were thrown into the room.

  "Little sister, you go and take a rest. It's fine if my sister and mother are in the kitchen." Shen Zhimei quickly agreed.

  "Third sister, there is me, I can help too." Little Weidong jumped out with a peach cake in his mouth.

  "Auntie, there are Erya and I. Erya and I can also help." Daya also took a small bite of the peach cake and came out to show her support.

  "Yes, aunt, you go and have a rest. Sister Da Ya and I can also help." Er Ya followed closely.

  "Okay, today I will enjoy the blessings of my little brother and niece." Shen Zhihuan smiled softly, went to the well to wash his hands, and turned back to the house.

  She did feel very tired today, and her bamboo legs were particularly sore. If she hadn't held them up with just one breath, she would have sat down on the ground.

  After closing the door, Shen Zhihuan went into the resort, washed up casually, and then left the resort. Within a few minutes of lying on the canopy bed, Shen Zhihuan fell into a deep sleep.

  "Mom, my little sister is so good, why did she break off the engagement with the old Su family?" Shen Zhimei, who sent away Xiao Weidong, Daya, and Erya, was cutting meat in front of the chopping board, frowning and looking through the window at Shen Zhihuan's house. direction, whispered.

  The neighbor's aunt spoke vaguely, which made her even more confused.

  The marriage between my younger sister and Su Zijie was decided personally by my grandfather and Su Zijie's grandfather. How could I just back out?

  "Okay!?" Li Qiuhua snorted and added a handful of firewood to the stove, "That bitch from Xu Youcai's family has fallen in love with Su Zijie. In order to flatter Xu Youcai's dirty feet, Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei forced you to

  "Xu Jiaojiao? Isn't she a good friend of the younger sister?" Shen Zhimei cut the pork belly .

  "Friends? What kind of friend can steal a friend's fiancé?" Li Qiuhua spat.

  "Mom, are you mistaken? I don't think Xu Jiaojiao is that kind of person."

  Years ago, she accompanied her mother-in-law to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy new year's goods, and saw Xu Jiaojiao, Wen Wenjing Jingyi is a girl. When he sees her, he calls her sister sweetly.

  "That's wrong. Didn't you see that bitch behaved like that when he saw Su Zijie? To put it bluntly, he was just like that dog in spring. It was really embarrassing." Li Qiuhua's voice was slightly raised, almost uncontrollable. The anger in my heart.

  She has seen shameless people, such as the Xu family's shameless people. This is the first time in her life that she has seen them.

  Seeing that the eldest daughter couldn't accept it, Li Qiuhua added angrily, "Just watch! In less than half a year, we should hear the news about the engagement between Su Zijie and that bitch of the Xu family."

  There were two people, Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei. Su Zijie's slender arm could still twist his thigh with his father and mother, one of whom was a good person and the other a bad person.

  "Mom, what will I do next, little sister?" Shen Zhimei was extremely worried.

  She didn't care who Xu Jiaojiao wanted to get engaged or who Su Zijie wanted to marry. Shen Zhimei cared about her little sister's future.

  These days, no matter what the reason is for breaking off an engagement, the blow to a girl's reputation is fatal.

  That Liu Ah Hua from the next village ended up marrying an old widower whose mother-in-law died because she withdrew from the marriage as a baby, and became a stepmother for two and a half young men.

  Li Qiuhua sighed softly, "Mom has already thought about it. Your little sister is not in good health, so I don't feel at ease if you let her get married. I thought that if I find a good wife in the future, I can help her get married. If you stay under your mother's nose, you can take good care of your little brother. When he grows up, he can also help your little sister. "Is

  this what my little sister means?" Shen Zhimei breathed a sigh of relief.     My little sister's body...

  it would be perfect to stay with my mother.

  "I haven't found a chance to talk to your little sister yet. When this matter is over, I'll find a suitable opportunity to talk to her again!" Li Qiuhua sighed and shook his head.

  My daughter is very careful, and I don't know if she's done with the matter of breaking off the engagement.

  She didn't dare to ask.

  We can only wait a few more days, wait until the matter of breaking off the engagement subsides, and then talk about it slowly.

  Shen Zhimei thought for a while and whispered: "Mom, there is a young man in our village who seems to be pretty good. He works quickly and looks decent. A few years ago, things went bad. My father and mother both died. I have a younger sister who also got married last year. "We are married, and now only grandma is left..."

  "It's not urgent, let's talk about it later!" Li Qiuhua frowned, interrupting Shen Zhimei.

  As soon as the marriage was over, he was hurriedly yelling at his in-laws. What would outsiders think if they found out?

  Maybe he would be beaten up by Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei, two people who were struck by lightning.

  "Okay, my little sister is only seventeen. It won't be too late to wait until the New Year." Shen Zhimei nodded.

  After pouring the cut radish into the large iron pot for boiling bones, Shen Zhimei suddenly thought of something and looked up at Li Qiuhua who was lighting the fire behind the stove.

  "Mom, has the second sister been back recently?"

  "No, she must be busy!" Li Qiuhua shook his head.

  "Two days ago, I heard Xingwang say that he met the second brother-in-law's neighbor at the door of the supply and marketing cooperative. The second brother-in-law's neighbor told Xingwang that the second brother-in-law is now the production director of the cotton spinning factory, and the second sister also worked as a temporary worker in the cotton spinning factory. "I'm waiting for the official quota to become a full-time job next year," Shen Zhimei glanced at the kitchen door subconsciously and whispered.

  "Zhilan has gone to work, who will take care of Yang Ming?" Li Qiuhua began to worry about her grandson who had just learned to walk.

  How can a kid who has just learned to walk do it without anyone watching?

  Shen Zhimei smiled, "Mom, you are really worried about your life. How can the Yang family not care about the grandson of the old Yang family?!"

  "The second brother-in-law's neighbor said that the second brother-in-law will give him money every month My mother paid fifteen yuan to watch Yang Ming at home. Fifteen yuan a month, which is one hundred and eighty yuan a year. The second brother-in-law's brother and sister-in-law were so happy that they almost went crazy and almost gave Yang Yang to him. Get up."

  "It's good if someone looks after the child!" Li Qiuhua breathed a sigh of relief.

  Shen Zhimei thought for a while, "Mom, I want Xingwang to find his second brother-in-law, and let the second brother-in-law help Xingwang find a temporary worker. Do you think that's okay, mother?"

  Although the salary of a temporary worker is not high, it is still better than what he earns in the field. The work points are much better.

  Now she and her husband face the loess every day, and her pocket is cleaner than her face all year round.

  Li Qiuhua took out the only five yuan she had left from her trouser pocket and stuffed it into Shen Zhimei's hand, "Let Xingwang buy something when we go. Don't go empty-handed."

  "Mom, I... I can't take it, you should keep it for me. Little sister, little brother..." Shen Zhimei quickly stuffed it back to Li Qiuhua.

  It was unfilial enough for her to come back empty-handed, how could she still ask for her mother's hard-earned money?

  Besides, the younger sister's body has been in need of medicine all year round. She took the money away. If the younger sister has anything...

  "Take it, just treat it as a grandma and buy snacks for the big Ya Er Ya." Li Qiuhua insisted. Stuff it into Shen Zhimei's clothes pocket.