
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 24 Buy, buy, buy, buy

 When they arrived at the entrance of the community where He Rujin lived, Shen Zhihuan found an excuse to go to the toilet and asked Li Qiuhua and Xiao Weidong to wait under the sycamore tree not far from the entrance of the community. She hurried towards Run to the gate of the community.

  "Mom, do we really want to eat shredded pork noodles and braised pork later?" Xiao Weidong took small bites of the peach cake in his hand.

  It was the first time he ate such a delicious pastry, and he was reluctant to take a big bite. He just wanted to savor it carefully and keep the crispy and sweet taste in his mouth for as long as possible.

  "Dongzi, no one can tell you what happened when we came to the county today when you get back, do you hear me?" Li Qiuhua glanced around to make sure that no one was paying attention, and couldn't help but warn again.

  "Mom, I understand." Xiao Weidong nodded solemnly.

  Although he didn't quite understand what his mother and third sister said last night, he also knew that he couldn't tell anyone about the family affairs, including Xiaopang.

  After entering the community, Shen Zhihuan turned into the building where He Rujin lived.

  After just two knocks, the door opened, and He Rujin appeared behind the door with a bright face.

  "Sister, come in quickly."

  He Rujin smiled and made way. When Shen Zhihuan entered the house with a basket on her back, she glanced around and saw that no one was outside the neighboring houses on the same floor. Then "Bang" Close the door with a bang.

  "Sister He, I brought these here today. See if you like any of them." Shen Zhihuan opened the tattered clothes covering the backpack.

  "If I don't like girls' fruit, then there really won't be any good fruit in Sichuan City." He Rujin said with a smile.

  Not to mention the dean's weed that was just promoted to "national treasure", even her brother-in-law with a tricky taste was full of praise for it.

  Thinking of her mother-in-law's rare good expression that day, He Rujin felt relieved.

  Although her mother-in-law, who was a high-ranking official, had not treated her harshly in the few years she had been in the family, she had always treated her lightly.

  Even though she was jumping up and down to please her, her mother-in-law always looked indifferent and calm.

  Unexpectedly, a few kilograms of inconspicuous cherries helped her win back a victory.

  In the end, the ten pounds of lychees, ten pounds of cherries, eight pounds of apples and eight pounds of sunshine roses in the basket were all kept.

  For the new product Sunshine Rose, Shen Zhihuan still paid the price of cherries to He Rujin.

  A total of 108 yuan and 40 cents. Shen Zhihuan received 105 yuan and the receipt from He Rujin. Not to mention the three yuan and 40 cents, Shen Zhihuan also kept all the fruits with defects in shape that He Rujin had picked out. Got off.

  "This...how embarrassing..." He Rujin said, without even a moment's pause in collecting the fruit in his hand.

  "Sister He, don't dislike it. Although the shape of these fruits is not very good, the taste is the same." Shen Zhihuan smiled, picked up the basket and walked out.

  The new mother and little brother were still waiting outside, and she had no intention of doing ink here.

  "Sister, I work in our county hospital. If anyone in your family has a headache or fever in the future, just come to me." He Rujin smiled and sent Shen Zhihuan out.

  "Then I'll thank Sister He first." Shen Zhihuan nodded with a smile.

  How can a person eat whole grains without getting sick? It's good to have a relationship here.

  Not to mention convenience, it would also be nice to be able to help introduce a reliable doctor.

  Xiao Weidong was eating peach cakes in small bites, staring intently at the gate of the community not far away with his big round eyes. When he saw Shen Zhihuan coming out, he quickly went to greet her.

  "Why have you been gone for so long? Are you feeling unwell?" Li Qiuhua looked Shen Zhihuan up and down, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

  Shen Zhihuan had just left one second, and Li Qiuhua regretted not following him the next second.

  I left my son here alone, and I was afraid that my son would meet a philanderer.

  A few years ago, the boy from Liu Ergou's family in the next village was abducted by a philanderer while he was sitting on the roadside playing. He has not been found yet.

  I took my son with me, but I was afraid that my daughter would not be found when she came back...

  I got sidetracked.     My daughter is weak and unfamiliar with the place. If she feels uncomfortable or faints, no one will know.

  "No, I just left in a hurry and got a little hot." Shen Zhihuan took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  "Mom, when I went to the bathroom just now, I heard someone said that the department store is nearby. Why don't we go to the department store first and have a look! My little brother is old and the clothes at home are shabby. The little one should be given to him too. I've bought a new set of clothes. "

  There isn't much to go shopping these days.

  In addition to supply and marketing cooperatives, there are department stores, and some state-owned non-staple food stores.

  When it comes to shopping, it has to be a department store.

  "You can still wear Dongzi's clothes after changing them." Li Qiuhua frowned.

  Which of the boys in the village didn't mend their clothes when they were torn? If they were too short, they would just put them on and wear them again.

  As long as it's not too broken and can't be repaired, you can just add patches one after another, and keep adding patches.

  "Mother..." Shen Zhihuan pouted.

  "Buy!" Li Qiuhua compromised.

  As long as my daughter is happy, not to mention buying things, even her life will be fine!

  The family of three entered the department store and went straight to the cloth counter.

  Colorful fabrics are arranged according to their texture, thickness, and price, and are neatly lined up all over the wall.

  The most conspicuous places are the latest printed fabrics, denim and seersucker of the season, while the thicker corduroy, woolen and woolen materials that are out of season are placed on the bottom layer.

  On the counter are some beautiful, thin and popular fabrics suitable for long skirts and shirts.

  Shen Zhihuan blinked and pointed at the plain cotton cloth in a conspicuous position, "This...this...these two kinds of cotton cloth are pulled together according to my little brother's size."

  "Zhihuan, didn't you say you bought Dongzi a suit? "Li Qiuhua hurriedly grabbed Shen Zhihuan's hand pointing at the cloth.

  Why are you in two bodies again? ! !

  "Mother..." Shen Zhihuan pouted.

  "Buy!" Li Qiuhua smiled stiffly and retracted his hand.

  "Third sister, I have clothes." Xiao Weidong glanced at Li Qiuhua and whispered while tugging on Shen Zhihuan's clothes.

  "Be good! Third sister will take you to buy White Rabbit toffee later." Shen Zhihuan rubbed little Weidong's head.

  When she was five years old, she seemed to do nothing but eat and play, but this little guy...

  "Don't patronize Dongzi. You should also pick out some bright fabrics. Mom will make them for you when you get home." Li Qiuhua hurriedly took it from his pocket. Give out some cloth tickets.

  There is an advantage to being extremely poor at home. The food stamps, cloth stamps, meat stamps, etc. that were distributed every year are still there.


  Shen Zhihuan took the cloth ticket with a smile, turned around and pointed at the thin printed fabrics on the counter, "This...this...these two kinds of printed fabrics are cut according to my mother's size."

  "Zhihuan, mother has..." Li Qiuhua became anxious when he heard Shen Zhihuan say that he would pull the fabric for her.

  There are so many old clothes in her cabinet that can be worn for many years after being mended.

  Shen Zhihuan frowned, and Li Qiuhua moved his lips several times after receiving the displeased look from his daughter, and finally closed them wisely.

  "Auntie, your daughter is so filial. Many little girls drag their parents here to ask for this or that, without ever mentioning buying something for them. Auntie, you are a lucky one." The salesperson selling fabrics said with a smile. .