
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 20 Going into the Mountains to Find Treasures

 These days, food rations are tight, and most families are living a tight life. Those with children at home will not let their children eat and drink at other people's homes.

  Before it was time to eat, the little fat lady shouted at the door of her house at the top of her lungs.

  Hearing his mother's call, Xiaopang stood up and rushed out. As soon as he went out, he turned back. With a red face, he took out two white rabbit toffee from his pocket and put them on the stove in front of Shen Zhihuan, and then ran away.


  Shen Zhihuan held his forehead.

  She currently doesn't have the strength or plan to raise a puppy!

  The most important thing now is how to properly take out the things placed in the resort.

  Tomorrow is Saturday.

  It's time for those things in the resort to see the light of day.

  There is no reason in the world to guard a treasure house and have to live frugally every day.

  Shen Zhihuan, who had made up his mind, climbed out of bed after Li Qiuhua and Xiao Weidong left for work after taking a nap.

  After tying up her messy hair, Shen Zhihuan took off the sickle hanging on the back of the door, carried the basket on his back and walked towards the west back mountain closest to Shen's house.

  The original owner was weak and rarely went out, let alone into the mountains, except for going to school a few years ago.

  Shen Zhihuan was unable to find any useful information from the memory of the original owner, so she had to look and identify the direction carefully while walking to ensure that she could find the way down the mountain safely later.

  Although Panshi Village is located in a remote place, the scenery is still quite amazing. As far as the eye can see, it is full of green color. Shen Zhihuan walked up the mountain road slowly and slowly.

  She went into the mountains just to find an excuse for where the money came from. She couldn't afford to be so desperate. She took a walk around, picked up some herbs, and then decorated them with peaches and plums from the resort...

  Wasn't that the excuse for money and food stamps? !

  As for the mushrooms at the foot of the tree, she didn't recognize them and didn't know whether they were poisonous or not, so Shen Zhihuan just passed them by.

  Although her life was picked up, she treasured it!

  Shen Zhihuan picked up a stick and pushed aside the messy weeds in front of him, and continued up the mountain road.

  Perhaps the stick made too much noise, and a gray-yellow figure jumped out from the weeds. Without waiting for Shen Zhihuan to react, he ran towards the grass beside him.

  Shen Zhihuan, who reacted instantly, stared at the plump figure, raised his legs and chased after him.

  Seeing Shen Zhihuan chasing after him, the hare ran away desperately.

  One ran desperately, the other chased desperately, and the chase started in the back mountain.

  The birds on the tree were frightened by the noise made by this rabbit and flew around with their wings flapping.

  Shen Zhihuan, who looked worried about his life a second ago, now relaxed, completely determined not to give up until he caught the rabbit.

  As time goes by, the distance between Yitu and Yitu becomes closer and closer, and it is a fierce battle before their eyes.

  Suddenly, a pheasant fluttered out from the grass at the foot of the tree.

  I don't know if he was overly frightened, but the panicked pheasant hit the big tree in front of Shen Zhihuan with a "bang".


  Shen Zhihuan looked not far away and saw no sign of a hare.

  Looking at the dying pheasant at the foot of the tree, I rolled my eyes speechlessly.

  The truth is, if you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

  Shen Zhihuan, who sighed deeply in his heart, had just bent down and was about to pick up the stupid pheasant and take it home to make soup, when the corner of his eye inadvertently spotted a large piece of bright red fruit at the foot of the tree.

  Red hammer! ! !

  Shen Zhihuan's eyes suddenly widened.     This, this, this...

  Isn't she the legendary chosen one who can win without a fight and kill 000? ! !

  Shen Zhihuan took out the dagger he had exchanged with Qin Bin for self-defense and carefully began to move the bricks.

  Because the roots of ginseng are too thin, and the ginseng in this area grows too densely, Shen Zhihuan patiently cleaned up the surrounding area for fear of accidentally injuring the roots, destroying the appearance of the ginseng, and affecting its value. of soil.

  I chose two slightly larger 100-year-old ginseng, wrapped it in moss and put it aside.

  The rest were transplanted by Shen Zhihuan to the foot of the huanghuali tree halfway up the mountainside of the resort.

  Even the ginseng seeds in the red hammer were scattered all around the huanghuali tree by Shen Zhihuan.

  The soil there is loose and fertile, with good ventilation. It is a living environment tailor-made for ginseng.

  Looking up again, the sun has already set heavily to the west, and a thin layer of mist has risen in the direction of the top of the mountain. At a glance, it feels like a fairyland.

  Shen Zhihuan rubbed his sore neck, stood up, picked up his backpack, and walked down the mountain.

  Seeing that they were at the foot of the mountain, Shen Zhihuan casually picked up a bunch of weeds of unknown name by the mountain road and threw them into the basket behind him.

  On the trail near Xihou Mountain, Li Qiuhua was so anxious that he almost cried. Little Weidong, with red eyes, followed him everywhere to search for Shen Zhihuan.

  Until they saw the familiar figure at the end of the path at the foot of the mountain, the two of them rushed up to meet him.

  "You kid doesn't even say hello when you go out. Are you trying to make me mad?" Li Qiuhua looked around and made sure his daughter was fine, then pulled her over and slapped Shen Zhihuan on the butt.

  "Is the house short of food for you or the lack of clothing for you? Why are you going out to do so without even caring about yourself? Is the house short of the two wild vegetables you dug?" Li Qiuhua was furious.

  She was just getting better, but she no longer felt sorry for her. There were so many wild animals on the mountain. If anything happened, wouldn't it take her life?


  Shen Zhihuan was somewhat startled.

  Was she spanked...

  ? ? ?

  It was the first time in her life that she had been spanked...

  She couldn't describe how she felt.

  It hurts, a little.

  Embarrassed? Maybe not.

  Instead, there was a trace of...


  After living for two lifetimes, Shen Zhihuan only now discovered that she actually still has the potential to be a douchebag.

  Seeing that Shen Zhihuan was silent, Li Qiuhua subconsciously thought that the scolding she had just made had hurt her daughter's heart. The anger that arose in her heart due to anxiety and worry was instantly replaced by nervousness.

  "Zhihuan, did mom hit you so hard? Mom is not good. Mom shouldn't have hit you. Mom was just too angry just now. What are you going to do when you go out? Tell mom so that she won't see you when she gets home. " You are worried."

  "Third sister, you are weak and you need to take good care of yourself. Mom and I are enough to go dig wild vegetables in the mountains." Xiao Weidong also hurriedly comforted you.

  "Mom, it's my fault, I should tell you." Shen Zhihuan has never encountered such a scene before. She didn't think of how to deal with it for a while, so she had to act according to the original owner's character and be obedient. Head down.

  "Go home first! If you have anything else to do, we can go home. It's dark and cold outside." Li Qiuhua took the backpack from Shen Zhihuan's back and carried it on his body.