
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 2 Pain and Happiness

 As soon as Xiao Weidong finished speaking, he heard rapid footsteps coming from the door of the courtyard.

  "Zhihuan, Dongzi, no... it's not good! Your mother and Wang Chunmei are fighting!"

  Shen Zhihuan hurriedly got out of bed, put on the old-fashioned white-soled black-topped cloth shoes that were placed beside the bed, and hurried out of the house. .

  "You...your mother went to find Wang Chunmei and his wife with a butcher's knife, and they started fighting!" Aunt Wang, who was sweating profusely from running, pointed anxiously in the direction of Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei's house.

  Butcher knife...

  Shen Zhihuan looked shocked.

  So tough?

  Shen Zhihuan trotted after the panting Aunt Wang.

  In the courtyard, Li Qiuhua, who was being supported by a neighbor's fat aunt, had his hair disheveled, several scratches on his face, his clothes were wrinkled, and traces of pulling could still be seen vaguely on his collar.

  "Mom, you..."

  "Zhihuan, you... scared mom to death! If something happens to you, how will mom and your little brother survive?" Seeing Shen Zhihuan wake up, Li Qiuhua pulled her to his side with red eyes. , while crying, he punched Shen Zhihuan several times.

  This unsatisfactory thing, willing to die for a man, isn't this tearing out her heart?

  "Mom, I was just angry for a moment, and I won't do it again." Shen Zhihuan endured the pain and hurriedly promised.

  Huan's mother had congenital heart disease and was not suitable for giving birth, but in order to leave a child for the man she loved...

  Huan's mother, who had rushed through her life directly on the obstetrics and gynecology bed, would never have imagined that she would use up her last effort to give birth to a child. daughter, the man she loves doesn't look down on her at all.

  A man who has a family outside his home already has children outside his home, so how can he take this sick child like her into consideration, who has yet to be raised as a child?

  Shen Zhihuan, who had been raised by his grandparents since childhood, felt the critical blow from his loving mother for the first time. This was probably the legendary...

  pain and happiness! !

  "Mom, stop crying! Watch your hands carefully. When your hands are healed, you can hit me how you want, okay?" Shen Zhihuan tilted his head and looked at Li Qiuhua who was crying in front of him and his whole body was shaking. He stroked her back to help her calm down.

  "Widow Li, you have to mourn and go back to your own house. Don't mourn at my house. Now while everyone is here, let's have a good talk about you using a knife to kill us. If you can't tell me one thing or two today, In the third place, we have no choice but to go to the Public Security Bureau." Wang Chunmei threw the shiny butcher knife at the feet of Li Qiuhua and Shen Zhihuan and said angrily.

  There was a "bang", and the sudden sound scared Shen Zhihuan.

  After seeing the butcher's knife at his feet, Shen Zhihuan raised his eyebrows and glanced at Li Qiuhua beside him, and clicked his tongue several times in his heart.

  In the memory of the original owner, the cheap girl who was so busy killing chickens actually dared to kill people with a knife!

  Is this a qualitative leap? ?

  "Wang Chunmei, you're the one crying out for mourning!" Li Qiuhua pulled up his sleeves and wiped away his tears, and replied with a blushing neck.

  "Widow Li, who are you cursing..." Wang Chunmei's expression changed, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to rush towards Li Qiuhua.

  Su Changhe, who was standing aside, quickly grabbed her and gave her a wink.

  Today is about solving troubles, not looking for them.

  Can they wait? Can Accountant Xu's family wait?

  Can I wait for the quota for becoming a regular member of the machinery factory?

  Wang Chunmei, who understood instantly, immediately stopped.

  When her precious son married Xu Jiaojiao, her son became a regular worker in the machinery factory...

  Wang Chunmei snorted proudly in her heart.

  Seeing that his mother-in-law stopped talking, Su Changhe coughed lightly.

  "Mother Zhihuan, you didn't say anything before you stabbed us, but you just talked about Zhihuan girl and my son Jie."

  "As mentioned above, marriage should be based on the complete consent of both men and women, and we should resolutely resist arranged and mercenary marriages. and interfere with the freedom of marriage, and abolish all feudal customs..."

  The villagers who gathered around the entrance of the courtyard to watch the excitement looked at each other with a familiar look, with a hint of contempt in their eyes.

  In order to climb a high tree, I have to give up my face.

  "I agree to break off the engagement, can we go now?" Shen Zhihuan looked at Su Changhe and opened his mouth without any end, and quickly interrupted.     She has no control over what the original owner means.

  Now that this matter falls on her head, everything can only be done according to her wishes.

  Su Changhe: "..."

  He has prepared a lot of great principles and hasn't even explained them yet!

  "This is what you said. Everyone has heard it. You can't make any excuses to pester my Zijie in the future." Wang Chunmei clapped her hands happily.

  Li Qiuhua glanced at Wang Chunmei, who was about to jump for joy, and turned her head to the side in anger.

  Shen Zhihuan stroked Li Qiuhua's back in a soothing manner and moved his gaze to Wang Chunmei and Su Changhe, "I said it. From now on, men and women will have nothing to do with each other. Even if I am begging for food, I will never go to your courtyard. Come to the door."

  Wang Chunmei raised her chin, "Then the eighty yuan you owe our family..."

  "Damn it, kid!" Su Changhe yelled pretendingly.

  Shen Zhihuan was somewhat startled.

  The original owner had no memory of the eighty yuan debt.

  However, since the original mistress did not refute, then the debt was indeed real.

  "..." Li Qiuhua looked embarrassed, and his hands hanging by his sides tightened his trouser legs helplessly.

  Now let alone eighty yuan, even eight yuan, she couldn't get it out.

  "Before the end of the year, I will definitely repay you with interest." Shen Zhihuan, who had already seen everything clearly, took Li Qiuhua's hand. The slightly rough feel on the palm made Shen Zhihuan feel a little sad.

  He is less than 1.6 meters tall and would be blown away by any strong wind, but he is the weak support of the whole family.

  The left hand holding the trouser leg was held by Shen Zhihuan. Li Qiuhua felt at ease inexplicably. Seeing that his girlfriend looked calm, her tense nerves slowly relaxed.

  "What if you don't come out by the end of the year?" Wang Chunmei curled her lips and looked contemptuously at Shen Zhihuan, who was so thin that he almost lost his appearance.

  "Don't worry. Before the end of the year, even if I sell myself skinned and cramped, I will still pay back the eighty yuan I owe you with interest!"

  Shen Zhihuan's lips curled up with a sneer. He glanced at Wang Chunmei and Su Changhe coolly, picked up the butcher knife at his feet, turned around and walked out with Li Qiuhua in his arms.

  The engagement was called off and the things that needed to be mentioned were brought up. Wang Chunmei kept her mouth shut knowing the current situation.

  The villagers who had no excitement to watch shook their small bamboo fans and turned around to go home and take a nap. After all, they had to go to work in the afternoon.

  Shen Zhihuan, who had just left the hospital with Li Qiuhua on his arm, looked up and saw little Weidong holding an empty medicine bowl, an angry face, and a small mouth that could hang an oil bottle. The corners of his mouth slightly turned up uncontrollably.

  "Little brother, go and see if Doctor Hua has come back from the brigade, and ask him to show his hands to Mom."

  Little Fatty's grandfather, Doctor Hua, is the only doctor in Panshi Village. He is highly respected by the villagers because he is easy-going and righteous.

  "No, it's just a twist. Just apply some medicinal wine and rub it in later." Li Qiuhua quickly stopped him.

  There are not many American ginseng slices left to replenish her daughter's health, and the cereal noodles are almost at their bottom...

  Li Qiuhua feels uncomfortable when he thinks of the eighty yuan he owes Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei's family.

  If parents and Jianguo were still there...

  Xiao Weidong stopped and looked at Shen Zhihuan subconsciously. The latter winked at him. In an instant, Xiao Weidong understood and stuffed the empty medicine bowl into the hand of the fat man next to him. , slipped into the woods and disappeared.

  "Dong..." Seeing his youngest son running so fast, Li Qiuhua was extremely anxious.

  "Mom, I will find a way to deal with the money. Your wrist is swollen like this, and you don't know if you have injured your muscles or bones. What can you do if you don't see a doctor?" Shen Zhihuan hurriedly expressed relief.