
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 18: My lungs almost exploded.

As work was approaching, the production team's horn sounded again.

  Shen Zhihuan, who was sleeping heavily, heard a noise in the room next door and got up quickly.

  The mother and son, who were quietly preparing to go out, heard footsteps behind them as soon as they crossed the threshold of the courtyard gate.

  "Mom, I'll go with you." Shen Zhihuan picked up the backpack by the door and threw it on his back.

  "It's such a bright sun. Why don't you go out and run around? Just take a good rest at home. Dongzi and I will be enough for that." Li Qiuhua objected in a second.

  My daughter's health has finally improved a bit. What if she is exhausted again?

  "Third sister, listen to my mother, take a good rest at home, and my mother and I will be able to earn work points." Xiao Weidong quickly agreed.

  Seeing Shen Zhihuan lying lifelessly on the bed that day, little Weidong secretly vowed that when he grew up, he would earn many, many work points and hire the best doctors to treat his third sister.

  Let those bad guys who said that his third sister will not live to adulthood open their eyes and take a good look at how his third sister lived a long life.

  Let that family of bastards named Su regret it!

  "Grandpa Hua said that moderate exercise is good for my body." Shen Zhihuan quickened his pace.

  The production team's pig farm raises fifty or sixty pigs. One pig produces eight kilograms of excrement in a day, which is nearly 500 kilograms of pig manure in a day, and nearly 4,000 kilograms in a week.

  Although the pig farm and the manure storage tank are not far from each other, it takes half an hour to go back and forth, plus the time for loading and dumping manure...

  One day for one person?

  One more night would be enough.

  Xu Youcai...


  Li Qiuhua frowned slightly, "If you want to go out for some exercise, wait until the sun goes down before going out..."

  "Mom, the book says you should get more sun to replenish calcium. Besides, I will help you. You won't be tired. ." Shen Zhihuan closed the door and locked it in one go.

  "Then if you feel tired and uncomfortable later, you must tell your mother." Seeing that his daughter was determined to follow, Li Qiuhua sighed helplessly.

  "Mom, I know!" Shen Zhihuan took Li Qiuhua's arm with one hand and held Xiao Weidong with the other.

  The family of three happily walked towards the pig farm.

  "Widow Li's three daughters seem to be more energetic."

  "They seem to be more energetic, but I don't know how long they will be able to stay energetic this time."

  "Energy? What can you do if you don't have energy? You can't go back to the roots. Hang yourself with a rope!"

  "Su Changhe and his wife are too damaged, and they are not afraid of giving birth to a son without a butthole in the next life."

  "The appearance of Widow Li's three girls is just okay, but her health is too bad. If she could be in better health. , Su Changhe and his wife might not be clamoring to break off the engagement."

  Everyone looked curious when they saw Shen Zhihuan, who had been ill all day long and had been kept at home by Li Qiuhua, going out.

  "What's the use of being in better health? Hu Banxian approved the lives of Widow Li's three girls, saying that the girls were born with a short life and would not live to adulthood. Just look at it. That girl is already seventeen this year. Next year... ..."

  "Widow Chen, why are you so bad-mouthed? This little girl didn't bother you or messed with you. Why are you grinning all day long?" Wang Lianhua put down the hoe and gave Widow Chen a displeased look.

  I am a widow myself, but I still have the nerve to call others a widow.

  All day long, the East has parents and the West has family troubles. Have you figured out all the nonsense that is going on in your own family?

  "I...that was what Hu Banxian said, not me." Widow Chen defended in a low voice.

  "Hu Banxian? Hu Banxian is so powerful, why didn't he calculate that he would freeze to death in the cowshed!?" Wang Lianhua snorted coldly.

  Widow Chen shut her mouth.     Seeing Widow Chen deflated, everyone felt happy.

  Only Wang Lianhua can deal with Widow Chen's piece of meat.


  exposed to the sun, the pig manure seems to have fermented, and the stench is as strong as the smell.

  Shen Zhihuan clenched his molars and tried his best to suppress the rolling in his chest.

  Seeing that Shen Zhihuan's face was pale and her forehead was sweating, I thought she was feeling uncomfortable again.

  Li Qiuhua hurriedly put down the dung scoop and said with a distressed look on his face: "Zhihuan, why don't you go and rest at the foot of the tree over there, and Dongzi and I will go in this car."

  "Third sister, how about you go back ? Rest! Mom and I will do the rest." Xiao Weidong wrinkled his face and looked worried.

  "I'm fine! It's just that the smell is a bit disgusting." Shen Zhihuan smiled and shook his head.

  If she hadn't been afraid of scaring Li Qiuhua and Xiao Weidong, she would have moved these smelly pig daddies into the base fertilizer fermentation tank under the resort at once, and finished the work in a second.

  "Third sister is so afraid of smells. If you get married and have a son in the future, what will you do if your brother-in-law asks you to wash a diaper full of poop?" Xiao Weidong began to worry.

  Goudan Niang was kicked into the river by Goudan Daddy and almost drowned because she asked Grandma Goudan to help wash diapers.

  The third sister is so weak. If she was kicked into the river...

  "I'm not afraid of the smell. How about I help the third sister wash the diapers for my nephew?" Shen Zhihuan suppressed laughter.

  "Okay! From now on, when my nephew poops, I'll wash the diapers." Xiao Weidong patted his chest.

  "Your third sister washed your clothes for you, and you also helped your little nephew wash his diapers." Li Qiuhua smiled and knocked Little Weidong on the head, slinging the hemp rope of the trolley over his shoulder, "Let's go, don't delay any more." Come on, it's getting dark."

  The family of three were talking and laughing.

  Again and again...

  until the rocks at the bottom of the pig manure pit were exposed, Li Qiuhua looked up in disbelief at the sun that had just set in the west.

  In the past, when two grown men came to pick up dung, they had to work until the sun went down...

  Not to mention that Li Qiuhua couldn't believe it. When returning the cart and dung bucket, Xu Youcai also had a look of doubt on his face. He was stunned and went to raise pigs himself. At this time, I reluctantly wrote 20 work points in the work-point notebook.

  Looking at Xu Youcai's resentful face, Shen Zhihuan twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

  "Mom, it's still early, why don't we go up the mountain to dig some wild vegetables and pick up some dry firewood or something!"

  Xu Youcai's face was dark, and he almost burst out.

  In my mind, I kept cursing the two little wolves from the landlord's family who were responsible for picking up manure.

  If they hadn't been sneaking around...

  how could he let the damn Widow Li get the advantage in vain?

  "Mom, I'll go too. I know where the most dry firewood is." Little Wei Donghou hurriedly dragged Li Qiuhua out.

  "Uncle Xu, you are busy first, then we will go back first." Shen Zhi smiled with his eyebrows crescent.

  The soft voice successfully made Xu Youcai's face look a little ugly.

  "Yeah!" Xu Youcai, whose lungs were about to explode with anger, nodded solemnly.

  Seeing Shen Zhihuan's family of three leaving briskly, Xu Youcai gritted his teeth and picked up the notebook where he recorded work points, and walked towards the end of the field angrily.