
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 15 Good Person Award

 "Zhihuan Niang, do you think my Ziyu lost this money?" Zhang Fengxia, Su Changjiang's daughter-in-law, looked at the eight big unity cards on her dinner table with some surprise.

  Su Changjiang, who had just returned from the village committee, also looked puzzled.

  "Zhihuan originally wanted to call your Ziyu, but he left too fast. You also know my Zhihuan's body. Why don't you ask me to deliver it to you when you get back." Li Qiuhua forced a smile.

  If it weren't for the daughter's inconvenience to come forward, she would never visit his old Su's house again.

  Although Su Changjiang, the village party secretary, is different from his second brother Su Changhe, he is still from the old Su family.

  Even if the bones are broken, the tendons are still attached!

  Now that the two families have broken off their engagement, there is no reason to get together again.

  "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Li Qiuhua stood up.

  "Mother Zhihuan, look at this, I don't know how to thank you Zhihuan." Zhang Fengxia also stood up, with a somewhat embarrassed look on her face.

  There was a huge uproar about the break-up of the engagement, but not only did they not blame it, but...

  if someone else had picked it up, they would have covered it up much more tightly.

  Send it back?

  Don't even think about it!

  "What's there to thank you for? This was your Ziyu's money. Zhihuan happened to pick it up, so it's only natural that it should be returned. So you guys are busy, so I'll go back first." Li Qiuhua pursed his lips and turned around. About to leave.

  "Mother Zhihuan, wait a minute." Zhang Fengxia grabbed Li Qiuhua, turned to Su Changjiang and said, "Daddy, go into the house and pack twenty eggs for Zhihuan, and then get a bag of brown sugar. Let Zhihuan Niang take it back to replenish Zhihuan's body."

  "Hey!" Su Changjiang glanced at the two women, then turned and entered the house.

  "We appreciate your kindness. There are still many things to do at home, so I will go back first." After Li Qiuhua said this, he broke away from Zhang Fengxia's hand and strode towards the entrance of the courtyard.

  When Su Changjiang came out with a bag of eggs, Li Qiuhua was nowhere to be seen.

  "Where are the people?" Su Changjiang glanced at the empty yard.

  "Let's go!" Zhang Fengxia sighed softly.

  "Then..." Su Changjiang weighed the net bag in his hand.

  "Put it back!" Zhang Fengxia sighed again in her heart.

  Zhihuan girl is a good girl, but that body...

  Although she doesn't look down on the style of Su Changhe and Wang Chunmei, as a parent, who doesn't want to marry a son with good family background, character, and body? Where is my daughter-in-law! ? Within two minutes


  Li Qiuhua stepping out of the courtyard of Su Changjiang's house, he met the person he least wanted to see.

  Li Qiuhua subconsciously turned away and quickened his pace.

  "Auntie!" Su Zijie frowned and walked up to Li Qiuhua.

  "We will repay the money we owe your family as soon as possible. From now on, don't go to my family to find Zhihuan again. She is in poor health and cannot withstand the hardship." Li Qiuhua said calmly.

  "Auntie, give me some time, and I will make my father and mother change their minds and let them agree that Zhihuan and I are together." Su Zijie looked at Li Qiuhua longingly, his voice almost pleading.

  As long as he could remember, he knew that the third girl from Uncle Jianguo's house in the west end of the village was his little wife.

  When he was a child, every time he passed by the west end of the village, he couldn't suppress his curiosity and wanted to see if his thin and small daughter-in-law had grown taller.

  "Zijie, you are a good boy. You will definitely meet someone better in the future. Just forget about my Zhihuan!" Li Qiuhua sighed.

  She also watched Su Zijie grow up, but unfortunately...


  "Auntie, if you have anything else to do, leave first. You should come back as soon as possible!"

  Su Zijie watched Li Qiuhua go away, feeling depressed.

  "Brother Zijie!"

  Xu Jiaojiao, who was wearing a red braji, was wearing a pair of brand new leather shoes with tendon soles. Without waiting for the bored Su Zijie to react, she stood in front of him with light steps and a shy smile on her face. .     Su Zijie frowned slightly and took a step back.

  "Brother Zijie, when did you come back? Didn't my uncle and brother say that the factory was busy?"

  "Last night." Su Zijie's eyes flashed slightly and he replied a little stiffly.

  "Brother Zijie, I heard that my aunt broke her leg. Is it serious?" Xu Jiaojiao blinked and whispered.

  "It's much better." Su Zijie's expression changed slightly.

  Last night, when he opened his mouth, everyone in the room was crying and others were scolding.

  Then they got into a fight for some reason, and he was so angry that he said they wanted to separate the family, and her mother...

  "I heard someone said that drinking more bone soup will make your leg heal faster. I've already told my aunt, let her She will keep the pig bones for me tomorrow, and I will take them to my aunt tomorrow."

  Xu Jiaojiao blushed at some point, and her voice was as soft as honey.

  "Well, it's getting late, so I'll leave first. I have to go back to the factory later." After Su Zijie said that, he turned around and left.

  Seeing Su Zijie running away, Xu Jiaojiao stamped her feet in anger.


  Li Qiuhua curled his lips and spat.

  If the shoe hadn't gotten into the soil, she wouldn't have been able to look back.

  Fortunately, she thought she had gone too far before.

  Closing the courtyard door with a "snap", Li Qiuhua angrily pulled Shen Zhihuan into the house.

  Xiao Weidong, who was feeding worms to the chickens in front of the chicken pen, saw Li Qiuhua dragging Shen Zhihuan into the house. Knowing that they had something to say, he hurriedly poured the caterpillars in the bamboo tube into the rotten pot of chicken food and followed him into the house.

  As soon as he entered the door, he heard Li Qiuhua asking Shen Zhihuan to stay away from Xu Jiaojiao.

  "Third sister, mother is right, Xu Jiaojiao is not a good person. Don't talk to her in the future." Xiao Weidong quickly agreed.

  "Then who is good?" Shen Zhihuan joked.

  Little Weidong frowned and thought about it seriously, "Mother, eldest sister, and third sister are all good."

  "You're talking nonsense again, let your second sister hear it, let's see if she doesn't beat your ass." Li Qiuhua scolded with a smile.

  "If you beat me to pieces, beat me to pieces. It's not like I haven't been beaten by her before." Xiao Weidong pursed his lips and muttered softly.

  Shen Zhihuan smiled and scratched Little Weidong's pouty mouth, which could hang a soy sauce bottle.

  The sisters of the Shen family...

  the eldest sister Shen Zhimei, if you say she is nice, she has a good temper and is easy to talk to, but if you say she is unpleasant, she is as timid as a mouse and is weak and can be bullied.

  The second sister, Shen Zhilan, is just the opposite. She is lazy and has a bad temper, and she talks rudely.

  Because of the original owner's health, Li Qiuhua basically didn't let her get involved in the family work.

  It was okay when the mainstays, Mr. and Mrs. Li butuhu, Shen Jianguo and Shen Zhimei were there. They were the mainstays who shouldered all the dirty and tiring work in the house.

  But then Shen Zhimei got married, and Tuhu Li and his wife and Shen Jianguo disappeared. All the work in the family naturally fell on Li Qiuhua and Shen Zhilan.

  Seeing that the dirty work fell on her, Shen Zhilan couldn't escape or hide. How could this not make her scratch her heart?

  This also directly caused Shen Zhilan to dislike everything about the original owner, a sick man who didn't do any work.

  However, the original owner was protected by Li Qiuhua, a mother-in-law. Even if she was dissatisfied, she did not dare to make any big noise.

  They only dare to do small things behind the scenes, such as throwing the original owner's books on the ground and stepping on them, tearing the original owner's only good clothes, spitting into the original owner's soup...