
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 14 Eating Pork Buns

"What kind of fruit is this? It looks a bit like a cherry."

  Qin Bin threw the cherries into his mouth, and the sweet and solid texture with a hint of sour made him, who likes sour and sweet things, He sighed with satisfaction in his heart.

  "This is called cherries. You can also call it big cherries. How do you like the taste?"

  Shen Zhihuan, who was squatting next to the basket, stuffed several more cherries into his mouth as he spoke.

  Qin Bin frowned at this. When Shen Zhihuan's hand reached for the backpack again, Qin Bin quickly picked up the old clothes Shen Zhihuan had thrown aside and covered it on the backpack.

  "Are you here to discuss business or eat fruit?!" Qin Bin glanced at the cherry kernels at Shen Zhihuan's feet and said angrily.

  "Let's talk! What do you want to talk about?" Shen Zhihuan retracted his hand without any embarrassment on his face.

  "Besides these cherries and lychees, what else do you have on hand?" Qin Bin whispered.

  "As long as the price is right, I can get all the summer fruits. It just depends on the price you give." Shen Zhihuan smiled and shrugged.

  Qin Bin thought for a while, "Apples, peaches, watermelons, plums, apricots, etc. are counted as four cents. I'll give you two yuan a pound for lychees and cherries. What do you think?"

  "Cheerios are the least. Four pieces." Shen Zhihuan curled his lips and shook his index finger twice.

  "No, four yuan is too high." Qin Bin objected in a second.

  What a joke.

  No matter how rare this Cheerilee is, you can't take someone for granted!

  Good quality fat meat only costs 60 cents per pound. For four pieces, you can buy six pounds of fat meat, which is enough for a whole family to have a good meal.

  Shen Zhihuan: "Then let's each give in. Three and a half yuan, no more."

  "Three yuan, no more." Qin Bin gritted his teeth.

  Shen Zhihuan pretended to frown and pondered for a long time, and finally sighed softly, "Okay! Three yuan is three yuan."


  Qin Bin's heart skipped a beat.

  I feel like I've fallen into a trap.

  Seeing that it was getting late, the two agreed on the time and place to pick up the goods tomorrow. Shen Zhihuan picked up the basket and got on the bus back to the town.

  As for the rice noodles, vegetable oil, brown sugar, soap, seagull shampoo, etc. she exchanged from Qin Bin, they were all thrown into the resort when she stepped out of the small courtyard.

  If she wasn't afraid that buying too many things at once would frighten her new mother and new brother, she would have wanted to buy them a few more new clothes, and a few more cans of milk powder and malted milk.

  When passing by the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative, Shen Zhihuan couldn't hold it back and bought a few more kilograms of leftover ribs picked by others.

  Walk and take breaks along the way.

  Not long after entering the village, Shen Zhihuan's eyes felt sore when he saw two figures, one tall and one short, at the door of his courtyard from a distance.

  In the past, every time she came home late, her grandparents would stand at the door like this.

  Later, her grandparents disappeared, and there was no one waiting for her at the door...

  "Third sister!" The sharp-eyed little Weidong saw Shen Zhihuan at the end of the path at a glance, and jumped towards Shen Zhihuan.

  Li Qiuhua saw it and quickly followed him.

  Shen Zhihuan lowered his head to calm his mind and quickened his pace to meet him.

  "Third sister, I earned two work points today, and I also helped Xiaohua and Xiaohei catch a bamboo tube caterpillar. Do you think Xiaohua and Xiaohei will lay eggs tomorrow?" Xiao Weidong said happily.

  "Yes! I will certainly do it!" Shen Zhihuan smiled and rubbed little Weidong's round head.     One work point is five cents, two work points is one cent. These days, fruit candies are two cents, pencils are one cent, matches are two cents a box, and steamed buns are five cents each. In this way, ten cents Money can really buy a lot of things.

  "You must be tired!" Li Qiuhua looked Shen Zhihuan up and down. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, he reached out to pick up the basket behind Shen Zhihuan.

  The next moment, she was completely shocked by the weight of her hand.

  "Mom, it's only a few steps away." Shen Zhihuan squeezed Li Qiuhua's hand, glanced at the men and women washing clothes by the river not far away, and motioned her to go home.

  Li Qiuhua retracted his hand slightly nervously and walked home stiffly side by side with Shen Zhihuan.

  Little Weidong rushed ahead happily.

  As soon as the three of them entered the courtyard, Li Qiuhua closed the courtyard door with a snap. Not only did he lower the bolt, but he also found a large wooden stick as thick as a bowl from the pile of firewood next to the courtyard door and pressed it against the courtyard door.

  Shen Zhihuan stared dumbfounded at Li Qiuhua's hurried operations. Even Xiao Weidong realized that something was wrong and stood quietly beside Shen Zhihuan.

  "Mom, what are you doing?" Shen Zhihuan couldn't help but whisper.

  "Go back to the house first." Li Qiuhua glanced outside through the gap in the courtyard door with some worry.

  It wasn't until the door of the main room was closed that Li Qiuhua, who was uneasy, said, "What do you have in this basket on your back?"

  The wild vegetables couldn't bear the weight.

  Shen Zhihuan opened the tattered clothes and took out the rice noodles and the five big meat buns. As for the vegetable oil and other things, she thought about it and threw them back to the resort.

  "Where did you get these... these... things?" Li Qiuhua looked at the snow-white fine flour and shiny rice, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly.

  "I took my hair to the market and sold it. I bought it." Shen Zhihuan's face was not red and her heart was not beating.

  While talking, Shen Zhihuan opened the oil paper wrapping the meat buns, took one and handed it to Xiao Weidong.

  I don't know if it's because it's been kept in the resort, but the meat buns are still warm to this day.

  "Baozi!" Xiao Weidong's eyes lit up.

  "Eat!" Shen Zhihuan gently scratched Xiao Weidong's nose.

  "Third sister, I'm not hungry, you eat." Xiao Weidong smacked his mouth and swallowed, then put his hands behind his back.

  "Sister has already eaten. These are reserved for you and mother. Eat them quickly!" Shen Zhihuan forcefully stuffed the buns into little Weidong's hands.

  With that said, Shen Zhihuan stuffed another small grapefruit-like meat bun into Li Qiuhua's hand.

  "Mom, you're not hungry, I'll keep these for you to eat at night." Li Qiuhua felt as if his hands had been burned by the meat buns, and he was about to put them back.

  "Mom!" Shen Zhihuan called out in a deep voice and frowned.

  "Mom is really not hungry." Seeing that her daughter was unhappy, Li Qiuhua said cautiously.

  "Anyway, I've already eaten. If you're not hungry, it will be a bad thing tomorrow. I might as well take it out and throw it away now." Shen Zhihuan stood up, preparing to take action.

  "Little ancestor, mother eats, mother eats, isn't it okay?" Li Qiuhua grabbed Shen Zhihuan.

  Finally, under Shen Zhihuan's supervision, all five big meat buns went into the stomachs of Li Qiuhua and Xiao Weidong. Originally, Li Qiuhua wanted to leave two of them for Shen Zhihuan to eat at night, but Shen Zhihuan stared back.

  "Third sister, Su Zijie came to our house today." When Li Qiuhua took Su Ziyu's eight big pictures and went to Su Changjiang's house, Xiao Weidong leaned into Shen Zhihuan's ear and whispered.

  "What's he doing here?" Shen Zhihuan raised an eyebrow.

  According to the memory of the original owner, Su Zijie was a good person, and his appearance was not bad. He was a little bit like a little boy from later generations. He was his mother and father...

  Thinking of this, Shen Zhihuan curled his lips.