
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 13 How Courageous

"Didn't you take your daughter-in-law to the hospital to have a look?"

  "Why didn't you take a look? The doctors have said that the Sangmen star is cold and it is not easy to conceive."

  "A cold body is not a big problem. You go buy more brown sugar, add some ginger slices, boil water for her to drink, and it will be fine slowly."

  "It's easy for you to say. In the past few days, my son has been waiting in line at the supply and marketing cooperative before dawn, but he didn't even see the oil paper wrapped in brown sugar. "One piece."

  "If that doesn't work, let your son go to Southwest Hutong to buy some. There are no tickets there, but they are more expensive."

  "If I had so much money, I would have asked my son to buy some at Southwest Hutong, and he would still be doing this. On a nice day, go to the supply and marketing cooperative to wait in line to try your luck." At this point, the skinny old lady sighed.

  Southwest Alley...

  Shen Zhihuan, who instantly caught the keyword, jumped up.

  "Auntie, may I ask how to get to the Southwest Alley you just mentioned?" Shen Zhihuan quickly took out two apples from the basket covered tightly with old clothes and stuffed them into the hands of the two old ladies who were passing by while chatting. Got one.

  The two old ladies subconsciously wanted to refuse.

  Many people know about Southwest Hutong, but few dare to tell it in public.

  They just let it slip for a moment. If anyone knew where they had been, their family would be in big trouble.

  "Auntie, please do it! My sister-in-law had a massive postpartum hemorrhage and finally managed to save her life. The doctor told her to eat more brown sugar and eggs to replenish her body, but I waited in line for several days and didn't even see the shadow of brown sugar. "

  My sister-in-law has been bleeding heavily and her milk has not come out. My mother can only make some rice soup to feed my little nephew every day. How can my mother drink rice soup these days when the child is so young? I almost cried my eyes out because of this. "

  Auntie, just think of it as a good deed! My brother is gone, and my little nephew is the only one left in our old Li family. If he has anything, my mother will do it." I'm afraid my sister-in-law and I both..."

  Having said this, Shen Zhihuan pretended to raise her hand to wipe away the non-existent tears.

  But the two old ladies were so deceived by Shen Zhihuan that their eyes turned red.

  "The road goes straight. At the fifth intersection, when you see the school, turn right, then keep walking, and at the third intersection, turn left. Go forward two more intersections and you will see two small alleys. On the right About a hundred meters into that small alley is the Southwest Alley," the skinny old lady pointed to the distance with red eyes and whispered.

  "Little girl, be careful when you go there. Look at the intersection first to see if there is anyone in uniform. If there is, go there later to make sure you don't get caught by them." The slightly fatter old lady couldn't bear it. He warned in a low voice.

  "Thank you!" Shen Zhihuan bowed to the two of them and picked up the backpack on the side.

  "Little girl, there is a man named Qin Wuye in the southwest alley. He has a complete range of goods and the prices are fair. You are right to go to him." The slightly fatter old lady thought for a while and whispered again.

  "Thank you!" Shen Zhihuan smiled and waved goodbye, then walked towards the road pointed by the skinny old lady with the basket on his back.

  "Xu Erniu, Xu Erniu, thanks to me being a good sister with you for decades, you actually hid the matter of Qin Wuye's fair price from me." Watching Shen Zhihuan go away, the skinny old lady turned around and said Staring at the slightly fatter old lady.

  "...I heard it from someone recently." A fat old lady named Xu Erniu hurriedly explained.

  The skinny old lady rolled her eyes at Xu Erniu, snorted coldly and turned her head to the side.

  "I really didn't lie to you. I also heard what the old Wangtou said a few days ago. If you don't believe it, just ask him." Xu Erniu had a smile on her face.

  "You knew it a few days ago, so why didn't you tell me a few days ago?" The skinny old lady turned around and glared.

  "This apple is so big! It must be six or seven taels, right?" Xu Erniu moved her lips and quickly changed the subject.

  The skinny old lady then remembered the apple in her hand and weighed it quickly.

  "Yes, these apples are really good! They look fresher than those in department stores..."

  At this point, the skinny old lady slapped her thigh, "Oh! I'm a bitch! I still have to go to the supply and marketing cooperative..."     After saying that, he put the apple in his pocket and left in a hurry. There are green trees all the way,


  Shen Zhihuan walked around and took a look.

  After passing three intersections, he turned left and walked another intersection. Just when he could see two alley entrances in the distance, Shen Zhihuan saw a flurry of excitement at the alley entrance on the right.

  After a while, a dozen young and old men of various ages were chased through the streets by a group of uniformed men. Shen Zhihuan subconsciously took a step back to the side of the road to make way for the group of people.

  "Fifth Master, you run first, we are behind." A middle-aged man in a white shirt said to a young man wearing a blue and white horizontal striped sea soul shirt while running.

  Fifth Master...

  Fifth Master Qin?

  Shen Zhihuan raised his eyebrows playfully.

  She is worried.

  The real owner is now at your door.

  Shen Zhihuan watched as the young man wearing a sea soul shirt ran into a small alley not far away. Shen Zhihuan then quickly walked into the alley behind her...

  Half an hour later, deep in the alley, Shen Zhihuan and the man wearing a sea soul shirt ran into a small alley not far away. Qin Bin in the sea soul shirt, known as Qin Wuye in the world, bumped into him.

  "Who are you? What do you want to do with me?" Qin Bin frowned, with a hint of defense in his eyes.

  Today's sudden attack left him still frightened.

  "I want to do business with you." Shen Zhihuan took out a lychee from his pocket and threw it to Qin Bin, who was a few steps away from her.

  Qin Bin reached out to take it, frowned and looked at Shen Zhihuan, "Do you know me?"

  "No." Shen Zhihuan shook his head.

  "I don't know. You still want to do business with me even if I don't know you?" Qin Bin sneered.

  This little skinny girl is really courageous!

  "I heard people say that your business prices are fair, that's why I came to you. Could it be that what they said is false?" Shen Zhihuan's mouth curled up slightly.

  "It's true that the price is fair. If you don't believe it, little girl, you can go out and find out if your Mr. Qin Wu is an innocent boy in Southwest Hutong." Qin Bin raised his chin slightly, with a proud look on his face.

  Shen Zhihuan raised his head and glanced at the sky, put down his backpack, lifted the clothes covering it, and pursed his lips towards Qin Bin.

  "Since Mr. Qin Wu is a good boy, let's give him a price."

  When Shen Zhihuan lifted up his clothes, Qin Bin stretched his neck.

  The lychees are round and plump, red and bright.

  In addition, the fruit that you can't tell what kind of fruit it is is also red and round, so you can tell it is top quality.

  Qin Bin looks young, but he is an experienced buyer. He can tell the quality of the fruit just by looking at its color and shape.

  Although most people are still struggling to make ends meet these days, there are also many people who have money and nowhere to go.

  The next second, Qin Bin seemed to see a large group of people floating towards him like snowflakes.

  "Do you still have it in your hand?" Qin Bin looked back and forth and whispered.

  "As long as the price is right, we'll have them."

  Shen Zhihuan picked up two cherries, handed one to Qin Bin, and stuffed one into his mouth, then continued: "Try it, taste it. Talking about business."