
Time lapse

|| Oh man… you really aren't going to talk are you? Why do you keep doing this? || || This is pointless you know, nothing will benefit you to ignore me like this || || I'm trying to help you || || So please, just answer one of my questions || - Forget about him. He's never going to wake up - Suddenly as if the lights had been turned off the scenery disappeared and the world the man had been seeing seemed to morph like a black hole till he was sucked into it. || I was sure you were the one… I guess everyone makes mistakes || "…"

JK_Maternity_ · Aktion
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3 Chs


|| Why do you keep denying my existence? ||

|| I am only trying to help you find your way out ||

|| Your name is Ran, you are from Earth 29, you had a family, a life ||

|| Why won't you answer me? Do you lack the knowledge to not knowing who I am? ||

|| If so why don't you ask me some questions on why you are here or even where you are ||

|| you are allowed to deny any of my questions but please try and pay attention ||

|| First, what is your name? ||


|| Where did you come from? ||


|| do you know who your family is? ||


|| How about your mother, do you think she's worried about you? ||

*static noises*



|| How about your father? Wasn't he a prideful man? ||

*static noise once more with an eerie loss of hearing ring*

A body lies briefly in a flashback which displayed it on the ground severely dismembered-


|| What about you? Do you know where you are? ||


|| Oh man… you really aren't going to talk are you? Why do you keep doing this? ||

|| This is pointless you know, nothing will benefit you to ignore me like this…||

|| I'm trying to help you ||

|| So please, just answer one of my questions ||

The sound of a clock ticking could suddenly be heard as footsteps approached.

"Mr Sage, you've been awfully quiet for some time, do you need a moment?"

A man looks off into the distance rather than to the individual in front of him. Being bound to a wheelchair and feeling like you really didn't belong felt more solidified looking out the window.

"Mr Sage?" A nurse behind the two stepped forward as the therapist that seemed to be trying to get through to the man made no progress. The nurse however reaching the therapist's side whispered some words of advice into the man's ear.

"I don't mean any disrespect but this man isn't in a state of mind right now to answer you" she spoke hush. He sighed understanding her words while arranging some paperwork that he'd hoped to write down a few more insightful information on this patient.

"It seems like I'm out of time for today anyway Mr Sage, so I'll take my leave, I'll see you same time next week. Do take care" he bid the man in the wheelchair goodbye but the man did not turn to do the same. He simply kept staring outside.

|| Humans are difficult beings, how long are you going to remain like that. Those before you already woke up ||

- You should give up on him, it doesn't seem like this one is going to wake up -

|| So what do you suggest? ||

- Chuck him into a void of time, he won't do any harm in there and time is endless so he'll never age. We won't be held accountable either if he dies to a time breaker. If we got caught doing this to normal humans they would come for us so quickly. -

|| I know that but- ||

- Forget about him. He's never going to wake up -

Suddenly as if the lights had been turned off the scenery disappeared and the world the man had been seeing seemed to morph like a black hole till he was sucked into it.

|| I was sure you were the one… I guess everyone makes mistakes ||


|| *sigh* I bid you farewell Ran Sage ||



"RAN RUN! RUN AWAY! GO NOW, DON'T LOOK BACK!" Screamed a woman with red hair as something unknown came up behind her and grabbed her hair pulling her head all the way back till it snapped.

'No! I didn't- No! I didn't want this… why! Why!'

The body of another man but much older laid dismembered as the same unknown creature tore apart at the remains and blood gushed from it's hideous mouth. As it feasted, it suddenly noticed another and it's eye seemed to lock onto the young boy who looked fearfully back.


The sudden sound of static for a radio was deafening but not enough to cause someone to panic.

"1, 2,3,- in my time we didn't have television or internet, the radio is what we listened too"

The sound of and old radio jazz song mixed with classical plays as snippets of black and white pictures distorted the unknown creatures and scenes of the woman and man being killed violently in the background.


Memories seemed to hop back and forth.

"Happy birthday to you!————————————————————-

The Blinding light of the camera flash of his birthday scene pushed his memories further-

"How many times are you going to play that game a day? Why don't you go get some air and maybe make some friends?"

The ticking sound of a clock once again crawled in as his memories continued to hop back and forth.

—————————————- Happy birthday dear Ran!"


"You- ou whore! How many other-s you sleeping with h-Huh?!" Yelled the man as he slung the woman with red hair across the room almost. His drunk slang and attitude had the boy peer though the hole underneath the kitchen sink's cabinet.

The Man clearly agitated yelled some more as he kicked the woman a few more times making her curl up. "Where is h-e- Huh!?" The boy flinched at the tone as the woman cried some more.


"Happy birthday to you ——————————————————————-

*crunch, crunch*

Suddenly his memories jumbled and glitched non-stop as time seemed to be escaping him.

"In my time-


You- ou whore-

Hip, hip, hooray~ hip, hip, hooray-

1, 2, 3-

Mr Sage-

You've been quiet for some time-

We didn't have television-


I'll see you same time next-

distortions of reality played by as the record playing in the back ground jumped to a sudden scratch stop. 

'Next time… but wasn't I dead?'

Sitting in his wheelchair Ran Sage sat in an unknown place that looked like worlds combined of worlds. Colours seemed to clash and stars had no proper pattern and just seemed to cover most of the sky.

Ran was awake but where he was, was unknown to him and lost to the ones who had put him there.