
Time and Space Dimension Cross (Four: Miraculous Magicans In Paris)

Although Rei and Nide are sisters and brothers, they lived separately because of a divorce. Now, an interesting coincidence made them realised that they should come back together and teach their parents a lesson. With their friends, they travel to Paris for a magic show in the holidays, only to find that the mysterious organization is after Kaito Kid. As the superheroes of Paris lends a hand to the fight, will they succeed in defeating this organization? I do not own Magic Kaito nor Miraculous.

SilenceasDeduction · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Showcase 4: Gathering, Preparation and Fight

I will now say the words of happy new year from Kuroba Kaito, Nakamori Aoko, Hakuba Saguru, Koizumi Akako and....

Kaitou Kid!


"For the last day of school, we will be heading to a history museum. I know it is boring, but you all will be allowed to spend time with your friends through the day until 3p.m. so you can enjoy fun with your friends!" Miss Bustier says, grinning.

"Yes! I can finally hang out with Adri-kins!" Chloe says.

Adrien backs off a bit. "Woah, hold it there."

"Ahem!" Miss Bustier coughs, getting the attention of the class, "But we are going by a public bus, so please take care of all your belongings."

"Yes, Miss Bustier!"

At the Airport...

"Ah! The Sun!" Nide exclaims.

"What is so excited about the Sun?" Akako asks.

"Do you know the Greek or Roman god of the Sun?" Rei asks.


"Basically he likes him, not just like, adores him."

Kaito thought it might be just him, but the Sun shines just a bit stronger than before. That made him questions himself.

Are myths real?

"Might be." Rei says, "I don't know."

"Wha-Eh!" Kaito shouts in surprise, "How do you know what I was thinking?"

"Easy. I read minds." Her right eye glows pale gold for a second but goes away as soon as it appears.


"So, guys." Akako interrupts the conversation, "What are we first going to do?"

"Well, my mother told me to go to the hotel first and check in to the rooms. Then we are going to the history museum by bus."

"That sounds like a well-constructed plan," Hakuba says.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Aoko pushes everyone forward, and they all start to walk to their destination.

Time Passes...

"Phew! We caught up with the bus." Kaito says, relieved.

"Yeah, never thought we would make our way through that fast," Nide says.

Rei looks around at the surrounding. Being a girl on high alert, she always does this when moving to a different space for safety reasons. She sees a group of students, probably almost their age, on the bus with an adult of umber hair. Then, she senses something. A strong shadow in the corner. She smirks.

So you are here as well, Akira-san... She connects her mind to hers.

Yeah... Considering you and your brother plus me are kinda a team. Akira says in her mind.

"I sense something unfortunate is going to happen in your journey to the heist, Kuroba-kun." Akako whispers, "I can hear gunshots when I see the future."

"Ah, that might be just nothing." Kaito shrugs it off.

Then the bus stops, and four suspicious men come up. Rei is already on guard, sees the weird bulge showing under the clothes, she says in the mind connection to Akira, There is going to be a hell of a gun fight. Another hijack...

Why are people so eager to hijack a bus? Akira thought, and also, do I need to fight?

Well, if you want to protect the children, then yes.

Fine. The children should have come by bus in the first place. Akira sighs in the connection.

Well, there was no other choice if the teacher says they should go on public transport, is there?

Suddenly, a loud bang. A bullet hits the ceiling.

One of the suspicious guys fires the gun hidden in his pocket.

S**t. Rei thought.

Guess we don't have a choice but to first play along. Akira "suggests".

Yeah, agree. I do not want this situation to f**k up. (Yes, Rei uses mature language ever since the divorce. Do not judge.)

"If any of you tries to do something silly, we will fire at you so stay silent." A tall, slim guy speaks in French, his voice booms the whole bus.

"As for you, mister driver, do as I say." An obese man stands near the driver, holding a gun that aims near the temple.

On my mark, okay? Rei says through the mental connection.

...Sure. Akira replies.

Marinette closes her hand on her pouch. Adrien covers his hand on the silver ring. They thought of the same thing. If only I can transform here to help the people, but this place is too crowded. Everyone will know our identity.

"What should we do?" Alya whispers to Marinette.

A bang.

Blood splats.

Both fall.

Everyone was shocked. Alya stirs under Marinette, thinking that she got shot but then realises that Marinette protected her. Her stomach is...

Bleeding. A fresh, red patch on the white shirt. Adrien runs to protect Marinette and Alya, only to be met with...

Another bang.

He falls.

Okay, no more waiting, someone f**ked them up, let's do this. Rei says in the connection.

Yeah, I agree. Akira says, bloodlust already emerging from her body.

"You f**king son of a b**ch!" Rei yells before a black shadow whiz passes the passengers and silver light attacks the member who just shot the two junior high schoolers. The guy falls to the ground unconscious. The shadow continues, combining with the silver light, takes down a second opponent.

A bang of a gunshot.

Then a golden light, then a push, a scream, silver light, another fall.

It's just the fat guy left.

"Ha! I thought there are some heroes in this bus! Don't you dare try to do anything! Because I have a bomb with me! You all will die!"

"Lunatic," Akira mutters.

"Motherf**ker," Rei growls.

"Watch your language," Nide says.

"Right, Brother. You are worried about my language when someone is dying." Rei says sarcastically. She then turns to Hakuba and starts a Japanese conversation, "Hakuba!"

"Huh?" The fight still leaves him in a haze.

"Can you do first aid?"


"Nide, shield him while he is doing first aid, okay?" Rei turns her conversation to Nide in English.

"Roger that," Nide says while flashing out two cards. Kaito is confused.

"Nide, you can't shield with cards."

"Unless there is a bulletproof bronze piece under it."


"I wish Chiharu's here." Rei mutters, "She would be able to see the positions of bullets accurately. For now, you will just have to perform first aid to stop the blood."

"But I don't have the things to-"

Rei throws a hairspray can and a row of white sanitised gauze into Hakuba's laps, "Here, don't ask me why I have them. Just do it."

Rei then trots to Akako and Aoko. Aoko starts to cover her eyes from the very beginning of the fight, and Akako stays calm. Rei whispers to Akako, "Okay, Akako, you are going to lend me some of your red magic."

"What-How did you-"

"Your redness is showing from the start, witch. Now, I am just going to make a portal to the bomb system and stop the activation of the bomb."


Rei made some hand signs, and golden sparks start to form between her fingers. Then she pushes the golden sparkles forward, and surprisingly they form lines and little-scribbled words that Akako doesn't know. In the middle, there is a circle.

"Okay, Akako, just release your power gently into the middle of the circle."

Akako puts her hand in the circle, and a red glow starts to flow and fills the whole loop in no time.

"Thank you," Rei says, controlling the magic around her carefully so that no one can see it. She then turns to Kaito.



"Can you shoot?"


"Well, I want you to use this." Rei grabs a gun on the floor and gives it to Kaito, "I trust you, Kuroba-kun, to shoot at the bullets Nide can't shield, is that okay?"

"I'll do my best," Kaito says, putting on his poker face.

"I wish Junko's here. She would have devised a perfect backup plan. Now we are going to do it with what we have..." Akira sighs.

"Junko?" Kaito asks.

"Junko Suzuki. Not in the wealthy Suzuki family, she is another Suzuki and a great strategist in assassination plans." Rei says.


"Now let's do this," Rei says, the smile of craziness crawls up to her face. Her face of insanity. Then a short conversation of Ancient Greek begins between Akira, Nide and Rei:

"Okay, when I defuse the bomb, I will kick the gun beside me towards you, Akira-san, and then you must shoot the activator as soon as you grab it to distract. Then Nide, you push him to the ground and knock him out."

"Roger that, sis," Nide says.

"Let's go, comrade," Akira replies.

"Execute plan." Rei says in English with a smirk, "You're done, dude."

She starts to defuse the bomb using the portal activated by Akako's power behind her. Cutting the wires behind her back, she concentrates on the surrounding. The fat guy is still shooting at them, she has to be quick on this. "S**t." She curses in Japanese. Almost there. She was about to cut the wire when she realises something. That's the wrong one.

Concentrate now on the wires and calm down. Rei says to herself. Remember what Furuya-san had told you? If you are too impatient about this, then you might cut the wrong wire, and the bomb will explode.

She slips the thin knife through another loop of wires and cuts them. Then another two. Done. Now.

She kicks the gun accurately towards Akira. The gun slips into Akira's hand smoothly. Swiftly, she points at the activator with excellent aim and steady hands.

The fat man starts to panic. He presses the button on the activator. Click. No response. Rei breathes out in relief. She gives Akira a signal. Now.

The fat man continues trying. Akira shoots at the activator, and it spits to pieces, the impact hurts the obese man's hand. Nide quickly pounds out the man and knocks him out. All of the passengers sigh in relief. "You can call the police now, Aoko," Akako says as Aoko pulls out her phone out of her pocket. "And also the ambulance," Rei says seriously.

About five minutes later, the passengers go off the bus, Marinette and Adrien into the ambulances with the whole class, while the group of hijackers got arrested and into the police cars.

"I think we should go with the class into the ambulances," Rei suggests.

"Sure, if they need help, we can sure help them," Hakuba says, Kaito and Nide agree.

"Well, that makes all of us. We now know that we need to travel in groups for safety reasons." Akako says.

"Wait for a second, though. Who are you?" Kaito suddenly asks the girl with black hair.

"Akira Senju, but since you know Rei, I am a member of the Shizuko family, Kushina."

"Akira-san, would you mind calling your car and drive us to the hospital?"

"Do I have to?"



She gives a phone call, and in three minutes, a black car comes, and the group goes in. The vehicle starts towards the Hospital.


Hi guys!

Things are getting like the Detective Conan episodes of when Conan was shot by a group of robbers and save the Detective Boys from them when he was wounded.

Yes, Akira Senju is in this, and the famous motto of Oreki Houtarou: "If I don't have to do it, I won't do it; But if I have to, then I'll do it quick." is the same as Akira. In fact, the Shizuko Family are most of the favourite characters that I love, First Chiharu, then Akira with Rei and Nide, then Katsuki. After Katsuki is Miku.

I hope you guys have answer the list I have given to you all. Or else I would be able to write file 8 and some of the other Showcases in this book... And I know you don't want that.

There will also be updates about family trees and relationships, so get ready for a confusing life.

Thank you and Goodbye!

Silence as Deduction/Sweet Silent Death