

Long ago, in the year 1891, a child entered this world, bestowed with the name Johnathan V. Timber. A name that, though unassuming at its inception, would swiftly inscribe itself as a legend that transcended continents and unfurled across generations. Born amidst the resplendent tapestry of Ireland's landscapes, Johnathan's nascent years were steeped in the shadow of a profound and harrowing tragedy.

At the tender age of eight, his family, an emblem of humble virtue, fell prey to the clutches of a merciless criminal syndicate, the dreaded Jackals of Éire. Their lives were cruelly extinguished, leaving young Johnathan adrift in a world as unyielding as it was unforgiving.

The Ireland of the late 19th century bore the scars of political turmoil and profound despair, as it grappled with the relentless churn of history. A nation yearning for solace, an oasis amid the ceaseless torment of unrest and strife.

As the hands of time carried him forward, Johnathan matured, and, by the age of twenty-one, he resolved to etch his own narrative in this tempestuous land. In a daring undertaking that defied the somber backdrop of Ireland's strife, he embarked on a venture, modest in its inception but destined for greatness.

Two years into his audacious endeavor, Johnathan encountered an unforeseen adversary. Emerging from the shadows was a rival entertainment spectacle, capturing the hearts of audiences with a bewitching halftime performance, starring three enchanting wolf pups. In a display of unwavering resolve, Johnathan did not merely compete; he transformed his own show, confronting head-on the very wolves that had once threatened to eclipse his success.

These three wolf pups, christened Yeltfa, Bloka, and Wakita, bore names hailing from the annals of Native American tradition—a testament to their enigmatic allure and latent power. Under Johnathan's vigilant care, they flourished, evolving into indispensable luminaries of his spectacle and seizing the affections of a mesmerized audience.

But this narrative transcends the realm of a man and his wolves. It unfurls as the epic chronicle of the Timber Wolf, the Thunder Saga, reverberating through the corridors of time, where justice, hope, and retribution collide—a testament to the indomitable bond uniting a man and his extraordinary companions.