
Tillian Jean Fansworth (not creepypasta correct story)

how of became who she is today, started freshman year and finished the last few after some writing skill building. don't judge too harsh. also if you a true fan of Creepypasta...it isn't how it's supposed to be like I think for example Jeff isn't a proxie but he is in here. (also copy and pasted straight from Wattpad and any fixing ruined everything)

KierstinIsHere · Andere
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12 Chs

12- end

Tillian walks outside all the police point their guns at her.

"Ma'am, put down to weapon and put your-"

The strong gust of wind knocks the speaker's police hat off. All of them taken aback.

Tillian tightens her grip on her bloody knife, she continues to glare at the speaking cop as she feels the weather change. She looks up at the sky.

"Ma'am! Please put the knife down and-"

"This is a lovely day for some stormy weather, isn't it?" She interrupts.

The cops look at her confused until dark clouds start the pass over, only seconds after her comment.

"Too bad we're in the woods, huh?"

Suddenly, lightning strikes one of the police officers, then two, then three. They start to shoot at her and she hides behind the door of her house. She watches the lightning strikes around the cops, but not another cop was struck as back up came.

A cop runs inside and goes to hit her with his gun, but she shoves her knife through his throat. Blood spews as he gaggles and falls dead on the ground. She pulls the knife back out and stabs another cop in the chest. She runs further into the small home and hides behind a couch, the walls were thin and they were easily shooting through. The lightning was helping some but not much.

Not sure what to do, she quickly runs over and grabs one of the guns from the cops she stabbed and starts shooting back. She didn't really know how to use it though, so she really only killed two with it, out of pure luck.

She starts to feel strong heat from her hand. She puts down the gun and looks at her hand again, sparks begin to fly off her fingers, she could feel them swimming throughout her hand.

She looks at the police outside again and started thinking about movies and shows she's seen on the old box tv in her parent's room. She puts her hand up, palm facing outside. Suddenly, lightning shoots from her hand and strikes a random officer, right in the chest for a few seconds, until it stops, and he falls to the ground dead.

Tillian gasps and looks at her hand again.

And was suddenly filled with determination.

She picks the gun back up and runs outside as fast as possible and stabs the closest cop in the stomach and whips behind her and shoots another right in the eyes. She jumps over a motorbike and tosses her gun in the air and shoots lightning at another, burning him and catches her gun, shooting him for good measure.

Using her powers and her weapons, dead bodies were scattered across the grass. Not one still standing. Tillian laughs hysterically to herself as she picks up a brown over the shoulder bag. After she puts it on and puts three guns and her knife inside, she stands proud and looks at the mass of blood and corpses. She picks up a random lone cop hat and puts it on with a menacing smile.

Suddenly, she hears a scream. She starts walking in the direction of the sound. She didn't have to go very far, for the owner of the scream was only a few tree distances away.

It was a random girl, screaming at every sound or movement, she seemed to be lost.

While she was facing away, Tillian came up from behind her and grabs her head tight. The girl screams some more and smacks Tillian repeatedly.

"Who are you?! Get off me!!"

"My name is Tillian Jean Fansworth." She says calmly in her ear.

The girl takes a minute to catch her breath and collect her thoughts. "Well, Tillian Jean Farnsworth, if you don't-"

"It's Fansworth. "

"Right, Fansworth. Well as I was saying-"

"Don't forget me."

Almost immediately after she finishes her sentence, Tillian quickly snaps the girl's neck and smiles at the sound. She lets go and watches as she falls to the ground.

From that day forth, Tillian murdered any person or animal she saw and explored the forest on her own.

There was no match for her, people talked about her like a myth.

"Don't go into those woods, stories say there is a woman with one eye with the power of weather. That's why no one comes out of the woods, that's why we have weird storms that other towns don't have."

And they were right, but she was just a story, most people just thought it was a creepy phase people had, believing in mythical serial killers.

This is the story of Tiffany and Tillian Fansworth, and how Tillian came to be the murderous psychopath she is.