Felix is just a young man trying to navigate university life with the help of his wonderful best friend, but then he meets someone who catches his interest. Of course, he tries to avoid him and everything that he's tried to runaway from for the longest time, but it seems like at the moment, he's stuck.
He'd never cared about anything or anyone like he cared about music. Sure, he liked his friends and siblings, but the feeling never gave him what music gave him. He loved his mother--the parent he was closest to--so much, but like...it just wasn't the same. He never said that aloud though. No need to cause unnecessary hurt to anyone close to him.
From the moment he was little, he'd been mesmerized by beautiful sounds coming from instruments and nature. He had quite sensitive ears, that's why he wasn't a fan of people yelling or playing loudly. Well, he eventually had to get used to it somehow, especially if he was going to do music. Yes, that was what he wanted to do. He never told anyone that was what he was going to study, because he knew how people saw such things.