
Till the death do us apart

A sentence that often gives hope to love and to loved back.

A sentence which the lovers see as a goal of life, and those who got their heartbroken see it as a joke and a sentimental sentence.

When you read it or hear it, you are in one of those two.

This is the story of Edna. A girl who experienced both.

Sensitive and innocent, smart and honest, that is Edna. People around her always bet that she will have a big, and bright future. They were right.

Time went by, and Edna is a teenager now. A high school student.

Her school has clubs she joined the reading club. The club members used to meet every Sunday afternoon in the school library.

Since she has charisma, they chose her as club president.

One of the members will choose a book or story to read it then present it to the rest of the club members at the next meeting. This is how the reading club works.

My friend from the class wants to join the club, would you please let him? he is good with books said by Amiir, "a member of the club "

Since Edna was the president, she was the one who could accept or deny him.

Yes, of course, invite him to the next meeting, Edna said.

It is Sunday afternoon, everybody is here, saying hi and delighted to see each other again, all the faces are familiar to each other except one. People are all going to that one. To meet and welcome him to the club, this is Adam.

Edna reached out to him since she is the president and said: welcome to the club, I am the president, and my name is Edna, and you are.

Adam turned around with a smile on his face and said: I am Adam, and I will be the president, he said as a joke, Edna got it, and both ended up laughing.

The meeting started, and the person who was assigned to present the book that day started her presentation, the story of that day was " Ebla and Antar"

"For those of you who don't know, it is a love story between a knight and poet guy called Antar and his first cousin girl called Ebla, and his uncle refused to marry his daughter to him since Antar's mother was black, so his blood was not pure Arab. But eventually gets the girl."

When Amiira "the presenter" was in the middle of the story, the part where Antar's uncle, who was Ebla's father, called Antar a slave

Edna got emotional and said: what an idiot and stupid old guy, he can't just see they love each other !. And everybody started to stare at her, and she noticed that then said I am sorry, you can continue. This is where Adam noticed that Edna is just not smart and innocent but also has a heart full of love and life. She got his attention.

Sometimes you don't need to spend much time to know what kind of person is this. You can just see it through the person's ideas and behaviors.

When the presentation was over, It was time to choose the next person, who is going to present the next week, "I am going to present" said Adam.

Okey Adam pick a book, said by Edna

Adam, with a reward smile on his face, said: I picked Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Everyone was excited already.

When the meeting was over, Edna approached Adam and said, so you are more into the romance ha!

Who isn't! Replied Adam.

Well, I am not said, by Edna

Adam looked right into her eyes while packing his bag and said: you will when the right time comes.

They both headed out.

It is Sunday today. Students are all here in the library and all waiting to hear from Adam for the first time.

Adam came into the library wearing a black shirt and black trousers with white sneakers, matching Edna, who was wearing all black also. What a coincidence.

Adam started right away, presenting the Romeo and Juliet book.

Romeo and Juliet are An age-old vendetta between two powerful families that erupt into bloodshed. A group of masked Montagues risks further conflict by gatecrashing a Capulet party. A young lovesick Romeo Montague falls instantly in love with Juliet Capulet, who is due to marry her father's choice, the County Paris. With the help of Juliet's nurse, the women arrange for the couple to marry the next day, but Romeo's attempt to halt a street fight leads to the death of Juliet's cousin, Tybalt, for which Romeo is banished. In a desperate attempt to be reunited with Romeo, Juliet follows the Friar's plot and fakes her death. The message fails to reach Romeo, and believing Juliet dead, he takes his life in her tomb. Juliet wakes to find Romeo's corpse beside her and kills herself. The grieving family agrees to end their feud.

This triggered Edna and changed her mood. She couldn't keep listening and got out of the library rushing.

Everybody was emotional by how Romeo and Juliet didn't have happily ever after, but no, Edna's story was different. It reminded her past.

Let me take you 20 years back.

This is Amina. She is from a clan which the people see as a minority. She does the house chores and some other odd jobs for the other people to get some money to support her family. Since she was the eldest in her family, she was a survivor.

But have I told you that Amina was incredibly beautiful and stunning. She used to charm all the guys in the town just with her smile and dashing walk. She was a beauty. But no one gets to marry her just because of her clan, shame.

One day, while she was cleaning a guest house owned by one of the richest men in the city, she bumped into a guy, not a very familiar face to the city, tall and muscular gentleman, this is Amiin.

I am sorry, I wasn't looking in my way, I apologize said, Amina

It's okay. I was blinded by your beauty too, and couldn't watch out, oh God! I didn't want to say that out loud, said Amiin, and both laughed.

An impossible love story began there. Amiin was more than just a charming and gentleman. He was also a wealthy and successful businessman

Who got the eyes of all the single ladies in the town, but only one woman got both his eyes and heart.

Amiin was from a different clan, a superior one. They refused him to get the girl his heart wanted, just because she was from that minority clan, he only has his uncle left from his family, which he respects and listens to him every time.

This time he was expecting his uncle to understand and defend him, but the contrary happened, and his uncle didn't have his back.

He was very disappointed but didn't let go of the girl who got his heart. He chose Amina over everyone. They moved out of the city and started fresh.

Because of their courage and strong bond, they turned that impossible love story into one of the most beautiful and successful love stories. They had that happily ever after and had babies. One of those babies was named Edna.

When Adam finished the presentation, he came out looking for Edna.

He found her sitting on a chair made of stone and watching the sunset. It was around 17:30 now.

He quietly sat next to her and said;

I am sorry if I said something that bothered you.

Edna: don't be. You were telling just a story. The story is what bothered me, not you.

Adam was relieved but still curious how the story bothered her and asked her;

May I know how it bothered you?

Edna; it's a long story

Adam; well, we have till the sun goes down.

Edna was amazed how this stranger was so persistent to fix her mood. She was impressed.

She told him the story of her parents and how this book is related to it and triggered her.

Adam felt bad about it, and at the same time, he didn't want to show her that he was feeling bad for her because that could make her feel even worse.

Since I am the one who brought it up, let me fix it up, said Adam.

Edna smiled and said; what do you have in mind?

Adam: well, I have a pretty good voice so. 😉

Edna laughed and said; well then, what are you waiting for I love songs

Adam; but there is one little problem

Edna: what is it?

Adam; I only sing for my friends so if I have to sing to you then you have no choice but to become my friend, so.. Friends?

Edna smiling; of course friends

Adam was about to start singing, and Edna was excited already, but, unfortunately, the other students came out after them and crushed the moment. He said to her, till next time, but Edna stopped him, and they exchanged numbers before the other students reached them.

Your big eyes were supposed to be closed by now, Adam texted Edna

And as Edna was waiting for his text, she replied shortly

Edna: yeah, right, but I was studying. How was your day?

Adam: I spent most of my day with you, remember! Lol

Edna laughed; you are right again

This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

They used to text in the day in and day out.

Adam is a good listener. He forced Edna to tell him all of her past. She even mentioned that she never dated before. A girl who never dated before is every man's dream. Adam was glad to hear that. He wants to be her first.

They both love watching sunsets. Adam used to take her to the hills, so they can watch the sunsets together.

This made Edna more interested in him.

Adam does everything that Edna told him that she likes. He knows what women want.

This made Edna into him.

That beautiful friendship slowly turned into a relationship.

Edna didn't want to get into a relationship, but she couldn't help herself. Adam was too good

They become night owls, texting and talking all night. Edna used to sleep very early at night but not anymore.

One night at 2 am while they were texting, she asked him what does he have in mind right now

And this was his answer

When you love someone, his habits will become yours. You love what he loves and hate what he hates. You become that person.

Edna became Adam. She reads romantic books now. She believes in love, a matter of fact, she is in love.

Time went by, and high school was about to be over, which means they are both going to their paths. Even though Edna is hoping that they both go on the same path but, she still doesn't know Adam's plans for the future. He is a mystery.

But none of that matters now, She lives her best life with Adam. Full of happiness and joy, she always makes sure to see him every day, creates every possible excuse just to get out to see him

Edna was living happily ever after with Adem already.

He always told her how much he loves her and how he wants to marry her right after they finish high school. He made her consider herself as his wife already.

But her mother who was her best friend too always told her to take it easy and not rush into this marriage thing. She told her she is too young for this and still have her whole life ahead.

Adam one day called her in the middle of a night. This time it was not I love you and goodnight call. It was different.

Adam: hey Edna " he didn't even call her babe and honey-like he used to". You always wanted to know about my plans after high school right? Well, I am traveling outside the country, going far and I don't think I am coming back any time sooner

Edna with disappointment on her face: but you are coming back eventually right honey! I mean like we still got each other and nothing is going to go wrong I will be waiting for you.

Adem: I don't want you to wait for me, you are young, talented, and beautiful. I am sure you are going to find someone better than me " that sentence is always used by the people who are breaking the hearts of others".

Edna: but I don't I don't want anyone but you Adem, stop joking around and where are you traveling to and who is taking you?

Adem: my cousin is taking me, actually our parents are planning to ship us together and we are going to marry each other. You know I am the only child in my family that's why my parents are pushing me to do this, I told them about you but my father insisted to marry this girl since he raised her after her Father "my uncle" died when she was young. I am sorry, I found this out a couple of days ago and didn't know how to tell you about it all these days. I know you will understand and get over it. At least you can find true love and marry him but I will be stuck with a girl I never loved and always considered her as a sister. I loved you and always will but this is the end of our journey. Wishing you nothing but the best smarty.

Edna was very disappointed and couldn't believe she just lost the person who thought her what love is.

But this is how life goes. We may find true love but that love may not give us happily ever after.

When we love, we may say till the death do us apart, but sometimes destiny does take us apart