
Till death separates us

Sasha is a young woman who has just received devastating news: she has a rare disease that gives her only a few years to live. As she tries to come to terms with her fate, she accidentally bangs into the expensive car of a wealthy and attractive man named Adam. Adam is initially angry at Sasha for damaging his car, but she doesn't have the money to pay for the damages. So they come to an agreement: Sasha will be in a contract relationship with Adam, which he can use as a way of making up for the damages. However, Adam is only interested in the relationship for show, and doesn't truly see a future with Sasha. Despite this, Sasha and Adam gradually grow closer, and they begin to develop real feelings for each other. Sasha finds herself falling in love with Adam, but she's afraid to tell him about her illness, fearing that he'll reject her because of it. As their relationship deepens, Adam starts to see that he has real feelings for Sasha too. He begins to see past their contract and begins to truly care for her. Just as he's about to propose to her, Sasha is admitted to the hospital, where she discovers that her disease is progressing rapidly and that her time is running out. Adam is devastated by the news, but he swears to do everything he can to help Sasha live as long as possible. They spend the last few months of Sasha's life together, making the most of the time they have left. However, just as they're starting to plan a future together, something tragic happens that tears them apart. Sasha's illness takes a turn for the worse, and Adam is forced to make a difficult decision that will change their lives forever.

Lindsy_newton · Urban
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72 Chs


Sasha sat on her couch, staring at her phone. She had been going back and forth in her mind for the past hour, trying to decide if she should call the guy whose car she had accidentally dented. She wasn't certain if it was the right decision to call him. Even though she was smitten by his looks, she couldn't forget that she had to pay for the damages she cost. 

On one hand, she knew it was the right thing to do and she wanted to apologize and make things right. On the other hand, she was scared of the financial burden that would come with paying for the damages. But all in all she knew whether she liked it or not she had to pay for the damages. 

She thought about all the different scenarios that could play out if she made the call. Maybe he would be angry and demand that she pay for the repairs. Maybe he would be understanding and forgiving. But what if the cost was more than she could afford? She was already struggling to make ends meet and the last thing she needed was another expense.

Sasha sighed and put her phone down. She had made her decision. She wouldn't call him. She was too afraid of the consequences and didn't want to take the risk. She would just have to live with the guilt and hope that he would pardon her. 

As she lay back on the couch, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was making a mistake. But she also knew that she couldn't bear the thought of paying for the damages and potentially ruining her financial stability. It was a tough call, but in the end, fear won over responsibility.

As she was engraved in her sorrow and fear. Suddenly her phone started ringing. 

Sasha stood nervously by her phone, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been avoiding this call for days now, afraid of what she might hear on the other end. The thought of the hot millionaire who she had accidentally crushed his car was constantly on her mind, and the idea of having to face him made her feel physically ill.

With a shaking hand, Sasha reluctantly answered the call. "H-hello?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

There was a pause on the other end, and then a deep, familiar voice spoke. "Sasha, it's me. The guy who you crushed his car."

Sasha felt her heart drop, and she stumbled backwards, feeling as if the ground had just been pulled out from under her. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "I-I didn't mean to-" Her hands were shaking as she was trying to stand firm. 

"Sasha, relax," the hot guy interrupted, his tone surprisingly gentle. "I'm not calling to berate you or demand payment. I just wanted to hear your voice and see how you're doing." This was the last thing she could think he would tell her. She was certain that he would be harsh to her since she damaged his car. 

Sasha was taken aback by his kindness, and for a moment, she was unable to speak. "I-I'm okay," she finally managed to reply. "I-I just feel terrible about what happened."

"I understand," the hot guy said. "But accidents happen, Sasha. And the important thing is that no one was hurt. I've already had the car repaired, so don't worry about that. And as for the payment, we will figure out how you will repay me."

Sasha felt a wave of relief wash over her, and for the first time in days, she felt a sense of hope. Even though she knew it would cost her a fortune. She was relieved since he didn't seem angry at her.

 "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

The hot guy chuckled. "No need to thank me, Sasha. Just take care of yourself, okay?"

Sasha smiled, feeling a warmth in her heart. "I will," she said, grateful for the unexpected turn of events.

"Am inviting you to my birthday party tomorrow night. We can discuss further on how you will pay for the damages," the hot guy mentioned. Sasha couldn't believe that he was just inviting her to his birthday. She was certain that he was angry at her over what had happened. 

"Ooh alright I will come just give me the address," she informed him this time speaking more louder than before. The fear that had washed over her had evaporated. After she was certain that he wasn't angry at her, she cooled down. 

"I will text you the address after the call," the guy stated. After he ended the call, Sasha felt a weight lifting from her shoulders. She had been afraid of facing the hot guy, but it turned out that he was not the monster she had imagined him to be. And as she walked away from her phone, she couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for the unexpected kindness she had received. She was certain that she had some chance with him. She was sure that he was the guy she wanted to spend the remaining time of her life with him. 

He was the first guy that she had ever had a crush on. She wasn't interested in relationships before and had never been in any since she was born. That's why she was certain he was the guy she wanted to be with.

She didn't know how she would approach him. That was her main concern since she had never approached a guy before. But since she didn't have so much time left, she needed to act fast. 

She let out a deep breath as her mind was preoccupied with him. Suddenly a smile crept on her face as she recalled him at the accident scene. He was the type of guy girls would love to be associated with. She promised herself that she would do everything possible to be in a relationship with him. Even though he was rich and cute, she wanted to be with him regardless of his social status. 

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