
Tiga Kali Menikah

Romansa Anak Muda
Laufend · 11.9K Ansichten
  • 39 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Tiga Kali Menikah

Lesen Sie den Roman Tiga Kali Menikah des Autors Sagi_Tarius_9689, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Pandemi Covid-19 merebak di Indonesia. Banyak orang yang merasa dirugikan terutama kalangan menengah ke bawah yang harus rela dan ikhlas melepas pekerjaannya. Dan bagi mereka yang duduk di kalangan at...


Pandemi Covid-19 merebak di Indonesia. Banyak orang yang merasa dirugikan terutama kalangan menengah ke bawah yang harus rela dan ikhlas melepas pekerjaannya. Dan bagi mereka yang duduk di kalangan atas, akan sangat mensyukuri momen ini dengan work from home serta mengganti waktu yang tergerus untuk di habiskan bersama keluarganya. Bukan hanya itu saja, kejadian serta polemik yang terjadi dianggap sebuah konspirasi. Dan kondisi yang memburuk, berdampak tidak baik untuk semua kalangan. Tingkat pengangguran meninggi dan rantai kematian yang tak ada habisnya. Bukan itu saja, angka perceraian meningkat drastis. Sama halnya dengan yang dialami Pulung Rinjani. Tidak hanya di berhentikan secara paksa dari pekerjaan yang menjadi sumber keuangannya. Namun juga di talak oleh suaminya. “Tahun ini susah. Ekonomi juga turun drastis. Kalau harus menghidupi kamu, saya bisa mati berdiri,” kata Aga Kusuma. Jadi, sampai di situ saja arti pernikahan bagi mantan suaminya?

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Light Novel X Mangaka

"Let me colour your world with these words..." Yuki Leigh, your average teenage girl, has a knack for writing stories. She goes to Japan, together with her best friend, Roxanne. They enrol themselves in the International Japanese School to chase their dreams. Leigh also becomes famous because of her works, making a title of her known as the Queen of Gores or The Lady in Blood. But nobody knows who exactly this “Yuki”-her pen name is since she never reveals her face in public. Those quiet days instantly change when Yuki browses the internet and sees a manga adaptation of her light novel series under the artist name “Nick”, who she assumes is a student going to the same school, and she is right! She refuses anyone to adapt her story, given that these written texts hold something dear inside her heart. It is the only source of happiness Yuki has when she feels alone inside her room. Upon noticing the positive feedback of the manga, Yuki would let Nickson pass this chance only if he transfers a share of his earnings to poverty or charity. That is all Yuki wants to hear. They sit next to each other and not uttering a single word despite being classmates inside the room. Everything is going swimmingly to the two, not until the student council elections show up. They want to claim the prize of “not attending any lecture in class” following their jobs as mangaka and author. Yuki then meets Nickson’s relatives, who are not on good terms. She thinks that joining their affairs would make her and Nickson’s situation worse. But her emotions change when Yuki notices Nickson’s sudden shift of mood during examinations or in meetings. He is neglecting his work in the student council, grabbing the attention of the school and the two former student council officers. Eventually, she helps Nickson in her own way. Because of Yuki’s sudden interruption in his life, Nickson finally takes an interest in this light novel author. There are a lot of things going on as well! The three join a club, family problems, and relationship status they need to work out. The club advisor, Benjamin Tsai, gives the author and the artist tips on creating masterpieces of their works. He also becomes their mentor when they feel stuck in a bottleneck. Benjamin is an avid fan of both Nickson and Yuki, so he knows everything about them, including their styles. Along the way, they meet some friends and make a group together to prepare themselves for the university. If they want to pursue their passion, they need to do well for the upcoming entrance exams. Everything becomes serious and dull, considering they need to plan for their future jobs and roles. Yuki expresses her doubts about becoming a full-pledge light novel author, knowing that it will be a risky job for her to make money. Leigh admits she was lucky enough to win the competition before, but what will she do right now that she is losing her popularity as an author? This novel is a rollercoaster of happiness, sorrow, and other emotions from the characters. Every reader will unravel their stories one volume at a time, while the two, Yuki and Nickson, commit themselves as romantic couples soon. The story doesn’t need to be fast paced or slow since they will encounter problems and solve them one at a time. ______________________________________________ I referenced the characters to the people I know. But keep in mind that I separate their lives and create fictional events on my own. I don’t have any opinions of what the character will do since the story explains everything in the present tense. All of them will have their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Huge thanks to these awesome people who are supporting this book! Especially to @Snowphira. She is the artist/illustrator of this novel. If you want to see Nickson’s illustrations, I will post them inside the first few chapters in the comment section! Cheers, and have a wonderful life, everyone! Book Cover not mine.

kuhaku_sora · Teenager
74 Chs


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  • Charakter-Design
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