

Del was ambushed and forced to leave the Hero's party by his own teammate ,He then went back home to his kingdom but troubles always come to him *I'm still a noob so I can't guarantee you will like this novel*

_ELZAI0_ · Fantasie
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10 Chs


When Del and the 2 girls are on the way through the Alliance, People saw them and start whispering to each other

"That's a demon child what are doing with a Demon"

"We should avoid them and move away that demon might start a rampage any moment from now"

"She is very cute though"

"A Half demon? They should throw her away from here or for the best kill her "

Shery heard some whispers and she bows down her head but Del hold her hand "Heads up and don't listen ,You are not what they are talking about"

Shery gain some confidence being in the middle of Del and Alice and all of the people who tries to point their finger to her and say something froze when Alice looks at them.

Upon arriving at the Alliance building Alice approach the receptionist "Tell Hank that Alice and Del are here "The receptionist nods and calls Hank through his watch "Sir There are people looking for you they said they are Alice and Del"

A sound then came out from the receptionist's watch "Okay escort them to the 3rd floor in the conference room" The receptionist then nods and turns off his watch ,He looks at the 3 and said "Ma'am and Sir Please follow me on the 3rd floor" He wasn't confused about Del's appearance because knew who Del was ,Del was not very famous because he was trying to hide all news about him that's why few people know that He is the person who used to be in the Hero's party .

They arrived at the 3rd floor and Del sense 3 very strong People in the room "Ow I suppose they are taking this case very seriously " because this is a case where the suspect is an S class Hunter and still on the loose ,the Alliance are taking this seriously so that the killer will be caught very soon .Without waiting for the Receptionist ,Del opens the door and found 3 people sitting in a chair in a huge round table each of them have one or two person standing behind them

The 3 People sitting are the 3 Councilor of the Alliance and also the strongest person in each race

"Hello everyone "Del smile and bows down

"State your name and ranks " The human councilor voice was very loud , Although he knows Del he was very displeased on him interrupting their meeting without even knocking

Del then replied "I suppose the Alliance don't know about me just like the don't know about the S class Hunter murdering people around at night"

The Human Councilor stares at Del releasing his SS Rank aura but surprisingly Del didn't even bulge and also stared at Councilor

"That's enough Del" The Dwarf Councilor spoke this time , "I assume you brought the girl you saved yesterday we need to know what happened"

Del stopped provoking the Human Councilor, and Looks at Shery and smiles "Come here you need to tell us about yesterday"Because He didn't want Shery to tell her traumatic experience multiple times he revoked his Idea of asking her this morning

Shery hesitates but Alice comforts her by holding her hand they both went inside in the room .Upon seeing this the receptionist didn't follow them he close the door and leaves to go back to his duty.

"A half Demon, what are you thinking bringing a half demon here "The human councilor looks at Shery seriously he has the face of a man who's about to kill someone

"She's a half human and that's why she can come here" he goes in front of Shery and retort

"That's right Isca all of us hates Demon but she's a victim not one of them" The elf finally spoke

"I suppose you don't remember what happen whe-" He was about to continue when the Dwarf sitting shouted "Stop we know what happen but it was done by others not this child , And please stop fighting with each other or else this meeting will end here"

None of them made a sound ,Iska the human Councilor wanted to persuade them to banish this child but he has no choice and just stop talking about it although he is strong the dwarf girl is stronger than him and even if the elf helps him, they still has no chance against the Dwarf Councilor or the only Living SSS class Hunter in this world.

Del then looks at Shery and whispers "I'm very sorry but you have to be strong and tell us what happen yesterday because we need to catch the man who tried to kill you"

Shery nods and steels her heart and mind and told them what happened yesterday,

"No clue huh" The Elf councilor sighs after listening to Shery's story they found out that beside the mans body size she didn't give any information that can help them catch the killer

"We must place a curfew time for the people so that nobody will become the next victim" Del suggested

Iska then asked "How do we know that he is the same person who does the killing that's happening recently?"

"The killer kills a person every night and he makes sure that his victim's body can be found the next day providing that he managed to avoid detection this past few days it proves that he is strong like the one Del faced and also there are still no news about a dead body today" The Dwarf Councilor spoke

"Del can you tell us about your confrontation against the Killer?" The elf ask Del

Del nods and recount his encounter on the masked man ,He describe every detail the color of his clothes ,the design of every little inch he saw on the clothes of the man and also that mask that hides all parts of his face excluding the eyes

The elf nods " This will do atleast we can forward this to our subordinates who manage the security of the kingdom" Del and Shery gave them a insufficient details that they need but still it's a good start finding an S class Hunter who roams the kingdom killing people everywhere

"The man he didn't speak with me even though I asked him questions but after hearing Shery's story I guess that the reason the man didn't talk to me because there is a huge possibility that I might recognize him" Del said to the three people " You do your meeting here our part here is done , and Hank please register this child on the Alliance as a resident of the kingdom" The dwarf behind the dwarf Councilor nods and follows Del and the girls out of the room

Del knows that they will talk about serious things involving the their plan on this world afterward that's why he wants to leave early with the girls so that they will not hinder their meeting