

Kobo woke up in another hospital, and he heard"how could this be possible"'Laro,the doctor,said in his mind. Kobo said "what's not possible"and Laro said "Hi,my name is Laro", " my name is...wait"Kobo said."what's the matter" Laro said, "am I a super human",Kobo said and suddenly a sudden bright light appeared and took Kobo away. Then Laro shouted "Kobo,Kobo,Kobo!..... alert,alert,alert!, Kobo has gone missing".

Kobo appeared in the midst of four other humans he has never seen before. The Cela, the girl who came as a bright light and took Kobo, came and said "Hey, Kobo!am Cela" and Kobo said in a romantic way "Hi, am.." then,suddenly Kobo fell down shouting in pain, hearing everybody's thought, then Mancro, the healer, touched Kobo on his fore head and said "sleep at ease friend" and Kobo slept off.

Two hours later

Kobo woke up , and looked up , only to find Cela looking at him , then she teleported out of his bunk. Kobo walked out of the bunk, and went into a room , where he found himself in the midst of four people.

And Kobo sat down, then they started introducing themselves to each other, "Hey, am Shucra , the therapist and the controller of the Tides of power. This is Cela, the teleporter and the spy of the Tides of power". " Hi", Cela said. "This is ....." ,Shucra continues ..." Ocpa, the beast and the strongest of the Tides of power". " H..e..y!" ,Ocpa said in an beastly manner, " And this ...", Shucra continues... "Is Mancro, the wise one and the healer of the Tides of power"." Hello Kobo" , Mancro said." We all welcome you to the family, which we call Tides of power", Shucra Said.

Then Shucra started showing Kobo everything and teaching Kobo how to make use and control his powers.

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