

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



The school dismissed few minutes ago and students could be seen swooping out of the school environment.

Adam laughed immediately Ryan told him about his feelings towards may which got him frowning.

"What's funny right now?"

"Ryan!! You know am disappointed with you! Of all girls,you choose that shemale to fall in love with? Like that crazy peacock?"He asked slowly and Ryan shook his head.

"You joke with everything seriously! Do you have the might to control the Heart? If I do,do you think I'll fall in love with someone like her? A bully? But this silly heart here choose her"Ryan said hitting his chest and Adam chuckled.

"Well wish you luck in your love journey"Adam said patting his back and Ryan glared at him.

"What if I confess it tonight at the party?"He asked and Adam eye's widened.

"You're serious? Thought you're joking!"Adam blinked and Ryan sighed before walking away.

"Ryan"Adam shouted going after him.



"Check this out"Nora said and gave vision a red gown which had a slide at the left thigh.

"It's too short,adding to the slide...this is nakedness. I can't wear this"vision declined and shook her head.

Nora sighed and kept back the cloth before taking hold of her hand.

"Life is too short and we live once! Enjoy it to the fullest now you're still alive, c'mon...you're not a kid anymore"Nora said and vision shook her head.

"I'll go with jeans and sneakers please"She said and Nora sighed.

"Your wish"She mumbled and picked her own dress.

A white gown with tiny hands, backless too.

The gown had a slide reaching her upper thigh,then her cleavages are exposed too.

The Tommy of the gown have just a tiny line too which got her stomach exposing too.

In one word,she's naked.

"That dress...it's for prostitute"Vision said and Nora rolled her eyes.

"Am not you please"She mumbled.

"Adam is definitely going to notice me"she thought with a smile.

They paid for their dresses and left the mall.



The hall is filled to the brim, students could be seen in their best outfit swooping in and out of the environment.

Sounds of pop music could be heard, some students could be seen dancing and some could be seen drinking.

Everyone is busy occupied with one thing or the other waiting for the arrival of the host.

Suddenly ear splitting scream filled the environment as the hot boys of the school walked in.

🗣️" Marcus's welmer"

🗣️ "Kelvin lips for me?"

🗣️"Francis changed his hair color"

The students were still gushing when May and her friends came down stairs.


🗣️"The M³..."

The students kept screaming their lungs out.

The M³ was dressed in a matching outfits, each looking dazzling hot and s£xy.

May catwalk to the stage and the music stop abruptly.

"Welcome everyone"May said with a smile.

She was suddenly interupted by another round of scream.

🗣️"Is the Newbies"

🗣️"Am dying someone hold me"

🗣️"Adam be looking hot"

🗣️"Isn't this vision?"

🗣️"OMG!! She's looking hot mehn"

🗣️"Who would have thought that she's this beautiful?oh my someone fan me"

🗣️"I need my spectacles."

The students lost their breath the moment, vision and Nora walked in.

"F**k she stole the spot light again! must she be the only one to be noticed?"Nora thought inwardly gritting her teeth.

"Adam it's definitely going to notice me"she thought with a smile and flipped her head.

They finally settled down and the party began officially.

May stood up from her seat immediately.

"It's time for the game!"She screamed and the students immediately rushed out.

The gathered round the table which had a an empty bottle on it.

"T or D"they squealed happily.

"You'll know the rule right?"She asked and they nodded.

"Okay fine, am starting first"she smirked and spinned the bottle which stopped at Ryan's face.

"T or D?"She asked and Ryan gulped.

"Dare"he finally answered and may smirked.

"Dare you to give the most hottest girl here a kiss! Five minutes to be precise"She said and Ryan gulped before standing up boldly.

He began walking towards her and everywhere went calm immediately as the students stared patiently.

The moment he was close to her,he pulled her up and May's eye's widened in shock.

"Don't tell me Ryan is serious with this!"Adam thought still looking at them eagerly.

"What's happening?"Mary asked with a serious look,still looking at them.

Ryan leaned in and May's eye's shot on their own and in the next minute,their lips met in a slow but passionate kiss.


"F**king choose already"The students shouted and Ryan snapped out of his imagination.

"Truth"he replied and may nodded.

"Do you have someone you're crushing on?"

"Yes"he replied forwardly.

🗣️"Tell us! Tell us!"

"I'll have to answer only once and I just did that"he scoffed and the students groaned.

Ryan spinned the bottle and it landed on Nora.

"T or D?"

"Dare"she replied immediately.

"I dare you to take three shots of the tequila drink"he said and Nora's jaw dropped.

"What?"They'll shouted.

"Dare is dare,once she fails to do it,she's still taking the shot"Ryan said and Nora gritted before gulping the shots thrice.

She spinned the bottle and it landed on Mary.

"T or D?"She asked with a smirk.

"Truth"She replied flatly.

"Are you a virgin?"she asked and Mary took her bottom lips in.

"Am not"She replied immediately and Francis jaw dropped while Mary bite her bottom lips tearfully.

She spinned the bottle and it landed on Adam.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to give Mariana a kiss"she smirked and Mariana smiled immediately while vision looked away.

Nora folded her fists tightly.

Adam stood up and walked to Mariana,he bent to her level and Mariana closed her eyes.

He smirked and grabbed the bottle of tequila before pouring himself a shot and gulping it down.

"Hahaha"The students laughed and Mariana's eye's flew open.

She bite her bottom lips feeling embarrassed.

"In your dreams"Adam whispered and went back to his seat.

He spinned the bottle and it landed on vision.

"T or D?"


"I dare you to...to...to..."Adam trailed off and vision bite her bottom lips nervously.

"I dare you to..to..kiss me"he said hurriedly and the students gasped.

Mariana and Nora clenched their fist tightly while vision and Adam stood up slowly.

Vision was the first to take a step and Adam did.

The moment they where close,Adam pulled her close and without a second thought...

Their lips met.



