

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



A girl made her way down the stairs with her backpack hunged perfectly on her back with a red hair band tied on her hair.

She was smiling as she decended the stairs.

"Barbie!!!"A girl same age as her squealed happily running to her embrace.

"Blaire.. I've missed you"the girl replied hugging her.

"Good morning president"Blaire greeted bowing shortly and the president patted her back.

"Good morning ma'am"She greeted the president's wife too.

"How is my friend doing and how was your stay in London?"

"Great sir. Barbie come here"Blaire pulled the barbie girl and they climbed back the stairs, probably going to her room.



Adam sighed once the lecturer left the class.

The lecturer also told them how the trip was meant to be.

This ain't just a normal trip where the males stay in a different room from the girls.

They are paired with a girl and boy in each room.

Vision is paired with Adam.

Marcus is paired with Nora.

Ryan is paired with may.

Mary is paired with Francis.

Mariana is paired with one random guy while kelvin is paired with Blaire.

The school already got the information that Blaire is back and of course is resuming school with immediate effect.

Vision isn't in school and he feels lonely right now, thou Ryan is still with him.

"I'll be back"Adam said and Ryan sighed before nodding his head.

Adam went straight to the school rooftop and sat down.

He brought out his phone and tried texting vision and that was it, someone grabbed his phone from him.

He turned and met Nora with the phone.

"Seriously??"He scoffed and Nora pouted before sitting close to him.

"Am sorry Adam. Ion like how you're avoiding me since the incident"Nora said sadly and Adam groaned.

He's seriously not in the mood to chat with anyone and can this girl here rn don't make things worst for him?

Her voice fvcking irritates him..gosh!!

"Am not angry with you Nora,just that I least expected that from you."Adam said and Nora pouted sadly.

"I already told you what caused my reaction..what else?"She said slowly while picking on her nails.

Adam sighed and cupped her cheeks staring deeply in her eyes.

Nora's heartbeat started with the crazy beats and she gulped trying to control herself.

The way Adam's innocent but charming eye's is enchanting her.

How can someone be this handsome? probably he is a demigod.

Nora bite her bottom lips hard,still maintaining the eye lock with Adam.

"You're really beautiful Nora.."

"Mommy!!! Someone get a fan for me,my crush is finally confessing"Nora screamed inwardly as her heartbeat quickened.

Hot beads of sweet started forming on her forehead while her cheeks burnt immediately, turning to tomatoe red while she felt those insane butterfly dancing crazily to the beat of AZONTO in her stomach.

"You're really beautiful but this slutty character doesn't suit you. I mean, you're beautifully made,the perfect work of act. Every man's dream so what on earth came over you,I really like you as a friend and I don't want anything that will tint our friendship"Adam said slowly and Nora nodded before taking her hands to her cheeks, slowly removing Adam's hands from her cheeks.

She brought the hands down and held him with one hand, caressing the hand softly while looking at Adam.

The look in her eyes illuminates nothing but love,even a blind man will see clearly that her eye's shows nothing but isane love for the guy sitting on her front.

"What if I want more than friendship? What if what I feels for you is more than the word likeness? What if..."She trailed off and bite her bottom lips hardly trying to come up with the perfect words to profess her love.

She better do this now the opportunity is here,than letting it slide.

Opportunity they said,comes just but once.

"I love you"She throwed the bombshell and Adam's mouth went agape while he slowly removed her hand from his.