

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs





"Dad do something! Do you think I'll seriously give up that role?"Livy half yelled angrily while pacing round the room.

She's currently on a call with her dad.

"And I told you to give me time,is that too much to comprehend? Why the hassle?"Her dad yelled angrily and Livy groaned.

"Not now dad...not now! After everything,dad if you don't fix this within 24hours am going to do something drastic"She yelled angrily and hung up the call before throwing her phone on the couch.




Lucas pushed the door opened and entered angrily into the room.


That's the girl she once had sex with in the office before Rosie interrupted them.

"Maggie!!!"He yelled angrily and a slim girl came downstairs in just a lingerie and a glass of juice in her hand.

"Why are you yelling my name?"she asked sitting on the couch and crossing her leg.

"You wanna tarnish a reputation I struggled and built?"Lucas said balling his fist and Maggie laughed shortly before sipping from her drink.

"Reputation you say?"She asked mockingly and chuckled.

"You're getting rid of that bastard in your tommy"Lucas gritted pointing at her stomach and Maggie smirked before dropping her glass on the table and stood up.

She went closer to him,their faces inches away.

"You ran all the way from your office down here to sprout nonsense?"She asked calmly and Lucas gritted hard.

His vein popping out while his eyes turned bloodshot.

"Oh..I forgot! You're really shameless,you want me to get rid of our child? That's going to happen in your dream"Maggie said angrily before stepping back from him.

"It was only once Maggie! Once!! So how the hell did you get pregnant?"Lucas yelled angrily and Maggie chuckled.

"Have you forgotten sweet heart that you didn't use protection? oops!! Quit the playboy life and settle down cos am pregnant with your seed which automatically makes me your wife!"Maggie snorted which got Lucas laughing out loud.

"Oh my goodness!! You're high... should I get a hangover soup for you? You're my wife? Keep dreaming slût,you came to me in the first place remember? And I couldn't decline! Who doesn't love p*ssy?"Lucas laughed and Maggie smirked.

"Does that change the fact that am carrying your seed? It doesn't so get that into your skull and accept us"Maggie half yelled.

"But you know...I can remember clearly not shooting my seed inside you or was I drunk? Hell no! I wasn't....we both did it to satisfy ourselves!! Nothing else. So why the hell are you being clingy?"

"Wanna have you all to myself"Maggie replied bitting her bottom lips.

"That's never going to happen cos I won't stick to a p*ssy all my life! Wanna taste p*ssies...yours is not tight and you know so,how do you want me to f**k you all my life? You must have lost a nut, seriously! So you know....when you're interested to get rid of that thing in your tommy,you know the way to my office...come and I'll settle you! B*tch!"Lucas scoffed and turned trying to walk away but Maggie pulled him back and what happened next was a slap.

"Maggie!"Lucas called holding his burning cheek.

"How dare you!! You care about your reputation don't you?"She smirked and brought out her phone.

"This is sure going to tarnish the f**king reputation you don't even have"she smirked and showed him her phone.

It's a video recording of their love making.

"You...you.. recorded that?"He stuttered shockingly and Maggie smirked.

She turned it off and immediately another recordings was heard.

All their conversation right now was also recorded.

"Imagine what's going to happen when this sex video gets to the media...the CEO of p-p industry had sex or better still impregnated a young teen and isn't ready to accept the responsibility, instead he wants her to abort the child! That's going to destroy you! Think about it...all your shareholders and business partners are going to withdraw,that's going to be satisfying seeing you crumble. So choose wisely dear future hubby"Maggie said with no quota of mercy in her voice,rather a dangerous smile curled round her lips.

"See you later dear husband"She smiled pecked him on the lips and left the room climbing the stairs afterwards.

"Am doomed!"Lucas said gradually sitting on the couch.



"Thanks so much"she squealed happily and hugged him absentmindedly and that instant the library door opened and someone walked in to find them in each other's arms.

"Ryan"Adam called and broke the hug.

"Seriously?"Ryan scoffed and went closer to them.

"I've been looking everywhere for you and you're here, playing lovey dovey? Am your best friend buddy. Tell me you've gotten a girlfriend at least"He scoffed and Adam chuckled while vision bite her bottom lips.

"She's not my girlfriend,only helping her with some topics"Adam replied and Ryan nodded his head with a silly smile.

"What?"Adam asked and Ryan shook his head.

"Nothing"He replied with that silly smile.

"Let's go"Adam said and vision stood up.

"We will continue some other time"Adam said and pinched vision cheek before leaving with Ryan.

Vision touched her cheek and a smile escaped her lips as she kept standing there with her hands still on her cheeks.

"Vision"Someone called and she flinched.

"Oh... Nora!"She replied with her hand on her chest.

"Did I scare you?"She asked and vision nodded.

"You've being in the library all along?"Vision asked and Nora nodded with a smile.

"Oh.. don't know,was about leaving thou"vision replied and Nora smiled.

"You're going to the party?"Nora was the one asking and vision scratched her head.

"Please! Please! Please! Please"Nora begged holding her hand and vision nodded confusedly,thou a little bit shocked.

Why is she trying to be nice with her?

All the students treats her like thrash except Adam so....

"Wanna be friends, nothing much"Nora pouted and vision smiled slowly.

Making friends is really not a bad idea or is it?

"Friends?"Nora asked and vision nodded.

"Friends!"She replied.

"Yeah...."Nora jumped up and hugged her.

"Thanks best"

"Let's go shopping after school"Nora said and vision nodded.

"I love you best"Nora grinned and vision smiled cutely.



"This,sir said you should work on them...he needs it in the next five minutes"One of the workers said and handed a file to Aria which she took.

"Okay and thanks"She muttered while the worker smiled and winked at Aria.

"You just look like a zombie right now with the wink"Aria thought inwardly staring at the worker disgusting who kept smiling sheepily.

"Anything else?"Aria asked.

"Oh..not really"The worker smiled and winked one more last time before leaving.

"Holy gross"Aria exclaimed and her thoughts suddenly diverted to Ethan.

The moment she fell on his thigh and when she opened her eyes and met him staring at her to the moment they nearly shared a kiss.

She was the one that pushed him off and ran out of the office.

"Why can't I concentrate"She thought frustratedly and took her eye's back to the laptop.


Ethan sighed for the umpteenth time while making research with his phone.

"This is getting out of hand! Why won't I stop thinking about him? The last time I checked,I am Gynophobia but that doesn't mean am gay? So what the f**k is happening?"He thought worriedly and immediately typed something on his search box.


The answer popped in immediately and he began reading it with keen interest.

Sometimes ,we realize this because we have sex dreams, sexual thoughts,or intense feeling attraction toward people of same gender as us.

*Ask yourself this:

★Have you ever been physically and emotionally attracted to other men?

★was this an occasional curiosity or a persistent feeling that is consistently been a part of your life?

The key insight here isn't simply about attraction but about the emotional depth and consistency of these feelings.

Your comfort level around men can also be an insight guide.

If you naturally gravitate towards men and find it easier to relate to them emotionally,it could be you're gay...

"No!! No!! It can't be"Ethan stuttered shockingly dropping his phone without reading further as he began sweating.

The office which has an AC inside it and fan too suddenly became hot which got him unbuttoning his shirt as he began fanning himself with his hand while blowing air with his mouth.

That moment, Aria entered the office.

"Sir the..."Her jaw dropped and her throat went dry as her eye's traveled round his chest which was looking s£xy.

Aria tried her best to take her eye's away but the eyes itself refuse to be torn away.

Instead it got lost staring at the chest and Ethan too gradually stood up.

Aria swallowed hard and looked up,then met with the charming eyes of Ethan which was looking at her lovingly.

Aria's heart beat quickened the moment Ethan came closer to her.

"Sir..what are you doing?"Aria stuttered and took steps backwards while Ethan took steps forward.

"I should be asking you this? How did I end up as this?"Ethan asked still going closer to her while she continued moving back.

"Sir..I.. don't under...ah!!"She shrieked when her back hit the wall and Ethan smiled Before placing his hand on the wall,caging her in the middle.

"How did you do it?"He asked staring down to her lips and Aria felt her heart beating crazily.

"Sir... am.. am..a guy"Aria stuttered fearfully and Ethan smiled.

"What if am into you? Like am gay?"He asked and Aria shook her head.

"You're not sir"she replied and Ethan smiled.

"But I ended up turning gay cos of you! How the hell did you do it?"He half yelled and Aria bite her bottom lips nervously, making it redden.

Ethan looked at the lips and then Ariaa, something in him wants to eat that f**king lips right now! S*cking on it and bitting it till he moans his name,but first he still wants to be sure he's doing the right thing.

"Sir..this..this..is..not right!"She stuttered at the verge of tears with her heart palpitating.

"You wanna cry right now?"Ethan smirked and Aria shook her head while bitting her bottom lips.

Ethan took his hands to her lips and caress it softly,which got Aria closing her eyes as his hands did magic to her body.

She felt a chill pill running through her vein as Alex continued caressing her lips.

"Don't do this again! I might end up s*cking it till it becomes swollen"Ethan said and stepped back from her.

Aria's eye's flew open and she ran out of the office immediately.

"Ethan.... you're gone"Ethan said and gradually slumped on the chair.

The moment Aria ran into her office,she held her throbbing chest.

"Twice already today! He tried kissing me twice today"Aria screamed holding her chest.

"Why the hell are you beating? And why most my body react crazily to his touch huh?"She shouted and slumped on her chair.

"How is he's lips going to taste!"She thought with a smile and gasped immediately she realized what she just said.
