

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



*Aria's room*

Aria came out from the bathroom after having a cold shower.

She damped her body and selected a baggie jean trouser from her closet and big t-shirt.

She wore the cloth and went back, laying on the bed.

Her stomach made a loud grumble and she winced.

"Am really famished"She pouted looking at her stomach.

How the hell is she going to face him?

She doesn't even wanna see his face right now.

"Just stay calm okay"She said patting her stomach,like it has ears to hear.

The stomach made another noise and she bite her bottom lips tearfully.

"I'll definitely die of hunger here. God please protect my family and feed them well. Send a helper to Adam so he would finish his highschool completely. Always provide for them no matter what. All this I ask of you"She prayed with her eyes closed and her hands clasped together.

It only took another grumble to leave her stomach and her eye's flew open.

"I can't kill myself with my own hands"she thought and climbed down from the bed.

"I'll just go secretly and eat"she mumbled and slip in her foot in the flip on.

She opened her room door slowly and tiptoed to the kitchen cautiously.

She exhaled once she was inside and opened the fridge.

"Vanilla ice cream"She grinned and grabbed the con of ice cream.

She opened it and dipped in her spoon, scoping a large quantity.

"F**k. This is superb"she grinned sucking on her bottom lips with a closed eyes while nodding her head.

Immediately she was done with the ice cream,her eyes caught up with the pack of indomie.

"This was here all along?"She asked making a crybaby face and without a second thought.

She grabbed four packets of the indomie.

She brought out a washed pot and emptied the packs in it before switching on the infrared cooker and placing the pot on it.

She immediately added a small quantity of water.

Just then,she heard sounds of footsteps approaching.

She looked at the uncooked indomie which was still on the stove then at the door.

"Mommy!! This can't be my end"She screamed inwardly looking for the safest place to hide.

The sounds of footsteps began coming closer and she stood shaking like a jellyfish.



Maggie sighed after arranging her clothes in the closet.

She arrived minutes ago.

She smiled when the plan Lucas told her replayed in her mind.

"Oh gawd!!"She squealed happily and tore off her cloth, leaving her stark naked.

She grabbed a white towel and wrapped round her body before going to the bathroom.

She entered the jacuzzi and turned on the shower, leaving the water to drip down her body.

"Can't wait."She moaned with a closed eyes as the water continued dripping her body.



"And that's all for today"The lecturer concluded dropping the marker.

"There's going to be a trip to Dubai next week"He announced and the students exchange looks.



🗣️"It's going to be fun"

The students began mumuring and one glare from the lecturer shut them up.

"Like I said, there's a trip next week to Dubai but this trip is going to be different from the one's we already had. It's going to be fun,whole lot of it. I'll give you more information about the trip in our next class"he informed before leaving and the students began mumuring immediately.

"Blaire will definitely land before the trip!!"Kelvin shouted and his friends laughed at him.

"Seriously? You're still crushing on her? Thought the feeling was dead?"Francis asked and kelvin scoffed.

"We're in this together, don't make it sound like am the only one crushing on someone here"he replied with an eye roll and Marcus chuckled.

"Great for those doing that shitty stuff called love"Marcus said, dragging the word LOVE Scarcsm evident in his voice.

"Phew..mister playboy. Don't even talk"Francis scoffed.

"Who is this Blaire? You think she's gonna be hot?"Nora asked vision and she nodded her head.

"She is really hot,the senates only daughter"Vision said while reading the novel in her hand.

"Oh..seems like you knows so much about her?"Nora asked and vision gulped before looking up from the novel.

"Not really"She smiled nervously and Nora looked at her like she's suddenly grown two heads.

"I mean she was once a student of silver high before she traveled to London"Vision quickly added and Nora nodded slowly,still staring at her.

Vision exhaled and concentrated back on the novel.

"Kind of weird"Nora mumbled,still stealing glances from her.
