

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



Their plane landed safely minutes ago.

Aria did the sign of cross immediately the car taking them to their hotel arrived.

"Just help me once and I won't lie,ever again!"She prayed inwardly.

Ethan sighed looking at her.

Can he really control the urge surging in him?

The driver came out and their luggages were carried inside,they both entered the passengers seat while the driver sat on his seat.

In few minutes,they where already out of sight.. heading to ALVA HOTEL.



Dominic smiled after reading the book in his hand...*How to confess to a lady*

Seems like our playboy doesn't know how to confess.

He stood up from the couch and went over to the cellar.

He brought out a glass cup and a bottle of wine before pouring himself half of the glass.

He sat down as that smile kept playing round his lips.

"Hard nut to crack in deed!!"He chuckled.

"What..what..if she rejects me?I'll be positive"he giggled and sipped from his drink.

The door bell rang and he dropped the glass cup before standing up.

The moment he opened the door,a deep frown settled on his face.

One of his f**ckmate was standing at the door, almost naked.

"What are you doing here?"He asked disgusting staring at her from head to toe.

"Wow Nic... you're asking me this? What else am I here to do if not f**k?"She grinned and Dominic scoffed.

"Well no longer interested in your wide p*ssy"he scoff and the bitch chuckled.

"Oh c'mon Dominic,you and I knows that you can't go without diving in my hole so what's up with you?"She asked and Dominic sighed before trying to close the door but she stopped him putting her leg on the way.

"Seriously?"She scoffed and pushed the door open.

"Don't I have the right to get tired of f**king you?"Dominic asked and choosing to ignore him,she pulled him and smashed her lips on hers kissing him hungrily.

Dominic pushed her off roughly causing her to fall on her butt.

"Don't try this shit ever again!!"He gritted and grabbed the drink...he gulped it down using it to rinse his mouth, immediately he was done..


He spitted it out on her.

"Dominic?"She yelled angrily still sitting down.

"Just start leaving!"He said coldly.

"You're gonna pay for humiliating me!"

"That's not humiliation cos no body saw this and I don't buy empty threats,just f**king buzz outta here"he shouted and she stood up angrily while gritting her teeth.


"Leave here"Dominic shouted and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the room.

The moment he pushed her out,he shut the door on her face.

"F**k you!!"The bitch shouted at him.

"F**k a dildo"Dominic replied inside.


<THE M³>

"What really happened that day in the party?"May asked bringing back the topic that was long dead.

"What?"Mary and Mariana asked looking up from their phone.

"Adam really kissed that lowlife? Mariana you couldn't do a thing?"May smirked and Mariana glared at her.

"You know I should blame you for this seriously! The plan wasn't even carried out. How could you?"Mariana shouted and may chuckled.

"You can teach her a lesson..but what,have you tried confessing to him?"May asked.

"Do you think he'll accept? After your slutty act"Mary scoffed.

"Shut that thrash"Mariana fired back and Mary chuckled before taking her eye's back to the phone.

"I have an idea"Mariana smirked and the two looked at her.


"Come here"she said and may and Mary came closer.

She whispered incoherent words to them and they gasped immediately.




Adam sat on the bed in his room lost in his thought.

Why can't the scene just stop replaying in his head?

No matter how hard he tries...it just can't.

He sighed and laid down on the bed, covering himself with the duvet.

He threw off the duvet immediately and sat up.

"What's happening to me?"He sighed and climbed down the bed, going to the window.

He stood at the window staring at the beautiful city which was beaming with lights.

People chatting happily while walking, car's driving round the city, everyone is busy laughing in the streets.

He smiled while staring down the City but then.. something caught his attention.

A shadow running fastly with two hefty figure running after the person.

Adam gasped and became confused immediately.

What's he going to do?

He's not the type that overlooks things and this one isn't going to be different.

Why would they be after her and the people around seems not to care?

"F**k!!"He groaned and took his hood, slipping in it immediately.

"I'll have to jump through the window"He thought and opened his window fully.

He carefully examined where he was landing before jumping down.

"Ahhhh!!!"He groaned when he sprained his ankle,but nevertheless he stood up and ran after them.
