

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



That's the restaurant Aria works as a waiteress.

Aria came out from the restroom feeling exhausted,she's been working since morning.

"Adam!! Your dream is my priority"she muttered heading back to post when she started hearing that familiar noise.

🗣️"It's Lucas!"

🗣️"A kiss please!"

🗣️"Can I date you for a day?"

"Phew"Aria humphed.

"Aria?"Her boss called.

"Ma'am"She replied.

"Lucas is here!attend to him"she instructed and Aria rolled eye before going to him.

Lucas is the owner of p-p industry and he has a thing for Aria,he comes there mainly to see her.

Aria walked to him and he placed his order,but not without lusting over her.

The moment Aria wanted to go get his order,Lucas put his leg on her way and Aria who is unaware of it..tripped and fell on his thigh.

"Careful crush!"Lucas winked at her which got Aria slapping off his hand and standing angrily.

"Ouch...a thanks could do"he replied and Aria scoffed

"It would have been better I fell than you touching me"She rolled eye and he chuckled

"Playing hard to get huh??"He asked and choosing to ignore him Aria began walking away

"Am not giving up on you Aria Smith,I must get to f**k your tiny hole"he mumbled to himself but Aria already went out of sight.




"Bestie!! I'll advise you give the guy a chance,he really loves you"Anaya said which got Aria glaring at her

"C'mon on babe.."

"Ana please come and start going, today is your free day,but you've overstayed ya welcome"Aria said pulling her up from the chair

"Am not going anywhere girl,ah!! Aren't you tired of this?? Even if you don't love him, accept him at least he's gonna spoil us with cash yunno!..he claims to have much,so make him bankrupt"She winked and Aria slapped her forehead sitting back on the chair

"Money is definitely going to be your end"She scoffed and Ana giggled

"How about that work, have you talked to them about it??"Aria asked changing the topic.

"Yeah,I did but,ermm!! They.."

"They didn't accept??"She concluded cutting her off and Ana nodded scratching her hair

"I'll keep trying nevertheless,I must enroll Adam,that's for sure"She said with a sad face.

"Aria,go serve the customer in table 2"Her boss shouted from outside

"Gat to go"Aria said and stood up.


Rosie stood with her hand folded at her back while Lucas attention glued to the laptop in front of him..he came back some hours ago.

That's Lucas industry,an industry that produces skin care products too.

That's it,he's Ethan rival..big one at that and it's suprising how Ethan is always ahead of him.. topping the best

Rosie is his secretary and she really has an unfathomable crush on him.

While Ethan is Gynophobia,Lucas is a total flirt..a big time play boy

Rosie bite her bottom lips and adjusted her mini skirt, wishing for Lucas to just look her way.

Staring at him is already making her f**king wet.

Lucas unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt with his attention still glued on the screen.

"F**k!!"He groaned hitting his hand on the desk and Rosie immediately rushed to him

"Calm down sir,take a deep breath!!"She said rubbing his chest while bitting her bottom lips.

Lucas looked at her face then at her redden lips and in a second he pulled her closer, crashing his lips on hers.

"Mmmm!!"Rosie moaned on his mouth

He grabbed her @ss sequeezing it while his tongue rolled in her mouth.

They broke the kiss of devouring each other for ten minutes.

Lucas stood up and unbuckled his belt while Rosie positioned herself well,one of her legs placed on the desk while the other stood on the ground.

Lucas pulled down his trouser and his c*ck plunged out.

He penetrated through her backside and a pleasurable moan left Rosie's lips as she shut her eyes absentmindedly.

Later that night, Aria was coming back from work when she saw three guys harassing a girl.

The first guy pushed the girl roughly on the ground while the others began unbuckling their belt.

Aria hanged her backpack well before marching to them

"What are you guys doing??"she yelled which got the guys laughing.

"Wow!! This is more fun than I imagined! Fivesome"one of the guys grinned and Aria landed a slap on the guys cheek making him stagger

The second one came but a kick landed on his tommy and he fell on his butt.

The third one took to his heel while the first one lunched on Aria but she kneed immediately

"Mommy!!"He yelped holding his grion

Aria smirked and went closer to him before giving him another knee on his grion

He yelped falling to the ground and began rolling with his hand on his d*ck.

"Ah!! Mommy!!,my d*ck"

Aria chuckled cunningly and went closer to the other guy who was trying to escape and landed a slap on his cheek and he fell down immediately.

"Let's just destroy ya thing,so that you won't harass a girl next time"she smirked

"No, please don't do it!!"

Aria smirked before raising her leg on his middle,and the next thing that happened was...

"Let's burst ya bubble!!"She grinned and immediately an agonizing scream filled the air as Aria destroyed the guy's balls with her foot.

"My balls!!!!"




Heart y'all big time🤭

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