

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



"Babe's..this is not funny, seriously. Who does he take me for? I'm getting him to fûck me at all cost"Livy said to the person on the other end while spinning the can of drink on the table slowly.

"Badass bitch"The person replied and Livy smiled.

"You taught me"Livy replied and sounds of moan could be heard from the background.

"Oh..yeah,ah!! Sh*t! Babe slow"The person moaned and Livy scoffed.

"You're f*cking babe and you couldn't tell me,just stop with the noise.. you're turning me on"Livy rolled eye and the person laughed.

"Babe..ouch! I gat to! Aish!! Babe call you back later please! Ah!! Ouch! Deeper"The person said and hung up the call immediately.

Livy scoffed and unlocked her phone,she went to a website and the moment she found what she was looking for...she prod in a finger in her p*ssy,f**king herself afterwards.

"Ah!!"She moaned and increased the pace of her hand....she continued f**king herself till her whole shot covered her hand.

She brought it out and took it to her lips, licking everything while a silly smile played round her lips.

"F**k Alberto, can't wait to have you...all of you inside me"She moaned with a closed eyes, licking her fingers.



Liam could be seen, tapping his leg gently on the ground while looking at the gate.

He took his bottom lips in when a drop of tears tried falling from his eyes.

He sighed and looked at the gate again before looking down.

"Hope dad isn't crying again?"He thought and looked at his wrist watch.

Just then,a car pulled to a halt and he ran towards it immediately.

"Dad!"He squealed and rushed towards him, Alberto crouched to his level and envolped him in a warm embrace.

They broke the hug and Alberto cupped his cheek.

"How are you?"He asked but noticed the traces of tears in his eyes.

"Did you cry? Who made you cry?"He asked angrily and Liam shook his head.

"Nothing dad,I..."

"Don't lie to me Liam! Did they call you a motherless child?"He asked, trying so hard to maintain his cool.

Liam just hugged him tight which got Alberto hugging him back with a closed eyes.

"As long as I have you with me, then am okay"Liam said and Alberto tightened his grip on him, hugging him closely.

"Dad is here for you,am not leaving you and I don't have plans to"he replied and Liam chuckled.

"Ice cream"He smiled and Alberto nodded.

"Fine! Your wish,my prince"He said and Liam laughed.

"Let's go"



Ethan and Aria could be spotted,in the office cafeteria..but on a different longue thou,the one specially built for him.

On the table is a well served foods,of all kinds.

Ethan pulled out a chair and sat down while Aria stood with her hand folded at her back.

Ethan took the cutlery to eat but looked up and saw Aria still standing.

"Micheal, ain't you hungry?"He asked slowly looking at her.


"I might be cold,but am still a human! Starving you it's gonna be wickedness,so sit and enjoy with me"he said icily and Aria nodded before pulling out a chair for herself.

She took the fork and opened the plate of chicken ramen noodles.

She took a bite and moaned in pleasure.

"Yummy"She said and Ethan looked at her.

"Sorry,"she muttered and resumed eating

Ethan continued eating quietly but looked up and met her still devouring her food.

He chuckled silently and took a glass cup of water, gulping it down with his eyes still fixed on her.

"Why does his character looks like that of a lady? Even the way he eats!"He thought still looking at her.

Aria looked up and caught him, looking at her but Ethan took his gaze away from her and focused back on the plate of food.

"Weird"Aria muttered.



Dominic came out from the bathroom dripping wet,a smile playing round his lips as he damped his hair with the towel.

The moment he was done,he went to his closet and picked a white jogger for himself.

He slipped his body into the cloth and laid on the bed.

He took his phone, scrolling to where he saved Anaya's number.

Since she doesn't wanna have a word with him,he just played some cool game you know.

He took the number from Anaya's boss and gave her some cool cash.

Which means,he gave the lady some money in exchange of Anaya's number.

The moment he found Anaya's number,he began contemplating which one to go for!

Should he call her or send a text?

"Okay! Let's go for this,I might call her and she'll block me..I might text her and she'll block me,so sending an anonymous message it's the best"Dominic giggled and started typing a message.

💌"Hey gorgeous"He sent and waited for few minutes and Anaya texted back.

💌"Who is this please?"She texted and Dominic immediately typed a reply.

💌"An anonymous friend or still a secret crush😉"He texted and anaya typed back a reply.

💌"Secret crush?😳 This sounds interesting"

💌"Can I know you more?"Anaya asked and Dominic replied.

💌"😅😅😅 I just told you it's an anonymous friend but not to worry,you gonna know me soon! So tell me,have you had your shower and eaten?"

💌"Just now,but this is kind of weird you know…..chatting with someone I don't know"Anaya replied.

Dominic texted a reply and they continued chatting happily.



The three family sat round the table,having their dinner in total silence until Aria broke the silence.

"Adam,how was your first day at school? And about the scumbags I told you...how did the Kung Fu go?"She asked and Adam smiled.

"The school have some crazy students seriously! And their bullying rate! God sis! It's hell itself... especially, uhmmm..what's that her name? Yes,May Gomez! Silly girl"He scoffed and Aria chuckled.

"You know,I don't know why some people finds solace in bullying,it f**king irritates me,like is it a crime to belong to the middle class?"He scoffed and Aria dropped her spoon before placing her palm on her jaw.

Adam twitched her brows cos of the way Aria was gawking at him,smiling knowingly.

"What?"He scoffed.

"Am just wondering how you just resumed today and it's already complaining of bully,if I may ask,who did they bully?"Aria asked with a smile.

"One girl named vision"He replied and muched on the chicken in his hands.

"Oh...I know right? Why won't it be a girl? So tell me more about her! Did you find a crush already?"Aria smirked and Adam dropped the chicken in his hand.

"Mom!"He screamed but Hannah just hummed and continued eating.

"You know am not a flirt,so tell your daughter to stop sprouting nonsense"Adam shouted and Aria laughed.

"I don't remember calling you a flirt,I just asked if you got a....."

"Don't complete that statement"Adam snapped grabbing the knife and pointing it towards her.

"Okay fine! Lover boy!"Aria smirked and rushed out of the dinning running to the stairs.

The moment she climbed the stairs,she turned to Adam.

"Flirt!"she shouted and Adam gasped.

"Am killing you tonight"Adam shouted and ran after her with the knife.

"Aria! Adam! Gosh!! This kid's are going to be my end"Hannah laughed watching as Adam ran after Aria

"A bond between sister and brother"Hannah added with a smile.



