

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



✨{MY BALLS!!}✨


That's the industry of Ethan Gomez,one of the best industries in Los Angelos with over 30 branches across the globe.

An industry that has a wide range of uses and wide range of products that are Skin care lotions,skin care creams,skin care powder,skin care gels,skin care masks,eye creams, and many more.

A White Limo screeched to a halt in front of the luxurious company.

The guard was the first to come out,he went over to the passengers seat and opened the door.

A man dressed in a coprate outfit came down with a phone placed on his right ear,his left hand tucked in his pocket, obviously he's on a call.

"No,that'll be tomorrow"He said to the receiver.

The guard carried his brief case while he began stepping in to the company engrossed in his conversation with whoever it was on the other end.

"Good morning boss"

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning president"

The workers greeted him while he nodded his head in reply.

"C'mon Alberto, that's how children of this day behaves"he said stepping in to his private Elevator.

"Nah!! Don't do it dude,you know how much he detects that"

"Okay bro,see ya"

"Gat to go!! call you later"he said and hung up the call then pocketed back his phone.

The Elevator stopped at the eleventh floor, and the door slide open while he stepped down.

"Welcome boss"

"Good morning sir"

The workers at the Eleventh floor greeted ,and as usual he gave a nod in reply.


The guard dropped the brief case on the cushion inside the office.

The office is very spacious and well decorated,a handsome photo frame of him hanged on the wall,one could easily mistake it as a room..it's extra ravishing and f**king magnificent.

He went over to his swivel chair and sat down before taking the files on his desk and going through it.

After few minutes,he closed back the file as a heavy sigh left his lips.

He took the telecom and placed a call,the receiver picked immediately on the first ring



"Penny wong says big changes are coming to make business travel from Indonesia easier!!"The news caster read out while Adam sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn,his attention glued to the screen

"Foreign minister penny Wong says the focus of Indonesia's president Joko widodo's visit to Los Angelos will be on strengthening economic ties between the two countries!!"

"This is bullshit!!"Adam groaned before taking the remote control and switching it to another channel.

Just then,the door bell rang and he sluggishly stood up to get the door

"Hey dude!!"Ryan jumped on Adam immediately he opened the door

"Get off me idiot!!"He said trying to push him off but he held him tighter

"Guess what??"

"You f**ked a p*ssy, what else"Adam rolled eye

"Not just a p*ssy bro,the holy mother p*ssy"he said with a smile which got Adam gasping in shock

"Am not missing any details bro,come give me the full gist!!"He said dragging him to the couch.

"Adam!!,come help me with the dishes"his mom yelled from the kitchen

"F**l, you didn't tell me your mom is at home..what if she heard this"Ryan said in a tone of whisper hitting Adam's shoulder

"As if she doesn't know"Adam scoffed and Ryan rolled an eye.

