

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs



The two entered their hotel room with they cardkey.

They're staying on a different room thou, but same sitting room and kitchen.

It's a five star hotel to be precise.

"Sir when are we going back?"Aria asked and Ethan looked at her.

"No idea, depends on when we're done with what we're here for"he replied and Aria raised a brow, staring at him confusedly.

"Even if it takes months?"

"Do you have a problem with that?"He asked and she shook her head immediately.

"Not all"

"Your cardkey"He said and passed it to her.

"Thanks..I'll take a cool shower first and then prepare..."

"Don't worry, I'll place an order"he said coldly and used his cardkey to open his room.

Aria did same and entered her room.

Their room are facing each other.



The door bell dinged and Ethan opened his door room same as Aria and their eye's locked.

"I'll go get it"Aria said and Ethan just stared blankly at her before closing back his door.

Aria went and took the delivery from the guy before going back inside.

She set it on the table and went to Ethan's room before placing a soft knock on the door.

Ethan came out in just a singlet and black pants which got Aria looking away from him.


"Let's eat"he cut her off and Aria swallowed the lump in her throat before following him.

"Why the cold attitude again?" She thought worriedly pulling out a chair for herself.

Ethan said no word to her as he began eating his meal while Aria kept picking on her food with the fork.

Why is he suddenly acting cold right now?

If he knew he was gonna be cold while telling her to come with him?

He's totally ignoring her and the feeling is eating her up.

She looked up from her meal to find him still eating quietly.

"Sir."She called out and Ethan looked up from his meal.

"Don't you have anything to tell me? At all?"She asked and Ethan wiggled his brow.

"Where you expecting me to..."

"No...no...no.."She cut him off hastily and bite her bottom lips, trying to suppress the tears.

This attitude is killing!



Adam shrieked the moment the shadow that was running became clear to him.

"The f**k!!"He screamed and increased his pace.

He took the other route which the shadow is going to take eventually and hid behind a big flower.

That's the shortest route and that's why he took it.

The moment the shadow made a turn,Adam grabbed the person's hand... pulling her to the flower.

"Ahhh!!!"She screamed but Adam immediately covered her mouth with his palm while she struggled to break free from his hold.

"Keep quiet!"He whispered and the shadow's eye's widened at the voice.

"Adam!!"She screamed inwardly while bitting her bottom lips.

They suddenly heard sounds of footsteps approaching them and Adam pushed her down while he came on top her.

"Keep calm and stay like this"he muttered and began pretending to be kissing her while the shadow moaned in pretence.

The men walked to them and gasped the moment they saw what was happening.

"Get a room your two or probably a hotel!"The first shot angrily.

"Let's go!"The second said and they left immediately.

Adam immediately came down from her,the moment he was sure they where out of sight.

"Where are you coming from dressed this way?"Adam cautioned angrily and instead of replying him,she pulled him and crashed her lips on his.

Adam pushed her off immediately in disgust.

"What's that?"He shouted.

"Adam..it felt so real,am horny right now"She begged and Adam scoffed.

"You're horny? You where nearly raped months ago but my sis intervened and right now it almost happened and Instead of thanking me you're horny? Why then did you ran away from them? Threesome is not a bad idea"Adam scoffed and Nora took hold of his hand.

"Adam..the feeling of your on my body turned me. I might die if I don't do it,just a quickie please"She pleaded and pulled down her skirt.

Adam jerked off his hand from hers angrily.

"Seriously Nora? You want a quickie? When did you turn to a slut?"He asked staring at her confusedly.

"Am not a slut Adam but I can't control the urge surging up in me please"She begged and slide in a finger in her wet p*ssy bringing it out almost immediately.

"Am dripping wet for you Adam...just a quickie"She said licking her finger.

Adam looked at her disgustingly.

"You know,I made a mistake..I should have left them to have their way, since you're horny, there's a hotel down there, not quite far so go and satisfy yourself or you can get yourself a dildo. That way you're satisfy your sexual urge"he told her and began leaving.

Nora pulled her skirt back and went after him.

"Adam..I...am sorry!"She shouted but Adam ignored her totally.



"What the f**k are you saying?"Maggie snorted angrily staring at Lucas who had a pleading eye.

"Am not yet ready for an responsibility and that's why am telling you this. Remember you once told me you had a crush on Alexander Gomez?"


"He's in Paris right now"


"I'll make arrangements for you, you'll take the flight going to Paris tomorrow morning then..."

"Then what?"Maggie asked and Lucas chuckled and his face turned into a smirk.

"I want you to help destroy his image"Lucas said with a smirk and Maggie arched her brows.

"You just said it yourself that I have a crush on him and you expect me to ruin my crush's image?"She fired back.

"Calm down and let me explain the plan to you"he said calmly and Maggie looked at him.

"So this is what we're going to do..."



Aria stood at the balcony with a hand tucked inside her pocket while a glass of juice stood in her hand.

She bite her bottom lips tearfully looking around.

Why the hell did he bring her here in the first place?

He isn't talking to her.. nothing at all!

Was this how she was going to live here with him for the so called period of times they'll be staying in Paris?

Suddenly an idea popped in her head.

"I'll take a flight going to Los Angelos tomorrow, can't continue here"she said and wipe the tears which was already flowing down her eye's.

Was she seriously crying?

Shouldn't she be happy?

At least with this cold attitude her secret was going to be safe but that's not what's happening right now.

She feels heartbroken and left alone.

Was this feeling?

"Well we share nothing in common and I shouldn't give him the impression that I feels bothered. He should go to hell for all I care!"She gritted angrily and gulped the whole content.

"I should go to hell?"Ethan asked and Aria turned back swiftly,the glass in her hand fell down and shattered.

He's been standing behind her since,while Aria was oblivious of his presence.

"You don't care at all?"Ethan asked and Aria scoff beneath her teeth.

"Good night."she said hurriedly and tried leaving but Ethan grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Ahhh..sir"she shrieked when she landed on his chest and Ethan did worse by wrapping his arms round her waist with Aria's hands placed on his chest.

"Sir..this..this..is not right! Am...not..a gay"she stuttered nervously and Ethan smirked.

"I never was..but when you came into the picture,I became"He chuckled and Aria shook his head.

"We're different people sir,am not a gay please"She pleaded and tried pushing him off,but he held her more tighter.

"Do you perhaps wonder why we are here?"He asked bitting her earlobe.

Aria shrieked at the sensation she felt immediately and she wouldn't deny it.

The feeling is awesome, and this is the first time she'll be having such feeling.

"You're not talking?"he asked giving her another bite on the earlobe and a gasp left Aria's lips.

What's he trying to do?

No! She shouldn't give him any chance cos one mistake can lead to her doom.

"Sir..I don't know what you're talking about. We're here for a business..."

"That's a crap. I added the trip in the schedule and it's just me and you!"He added pulling her more closer that Aria felt his weapon pressing against her *V*

She looked down and gulped, praying silently for a miracle to happen.

Her heart continued racing crazily that she thought it might flew out with the rate it was beating right now.

"Sir...am not a gay and I'll never be"Aria said boldly and Ethan chuckled before pulling her more closer, choking her while his weapon continued pressing tightly against her V.

"Your eyes says different. Are you gonna swear it that my touch isn't working?"Ethan asked with a smirk slowly taking his hands down her middle and Aria gasped.

"Don't do it sir..ah!!"She shrieked fearfully closing her eye's.

It's this the end for her?

Her little secret is soon unfolding within hours of their arrival?

Was this how fate wanted to treat her?

She thought fearfully with her eye's tightly shut.

"You see...my touch is sure having effect on you!"Ethan smirked and Aria's eyes widened.

"What's the people going to think about this? You being gay?"Aria asked and Ethan shrugged.

"I don't care about what the..."

"And am not ready to be a gay too"Aria shot and Ethan smirked.

"Am ready to turn you to one since that's what you did to me!"Ethan smirked.

"And how do you plan on doing it?"Aria asked calmly and Ethan cupped her cheeks staring loving at her eyes and Jessica's heart beat skyrocketed.

Why is his gaze having so much effect on her?

What the hell has he done to her?

"You're not a gay sir! You're not a gay sir!"Those words kept ringing in Aria's head as they both continued staring at each other.

This innocent man here thinks he is gay while he is not!

What the f**k is going to happen if he founds out that he have being played with?

Aria couldn't help but feel guilty at what she's doing to him.

"Tell me after this that you're still not affected by my touch"Ethan said and before Aria could comprehend what he was saying.

His soft lips met with hers and her eyes widened in total shock.

She wasn't expecting this.

This wasn't what she expected.

Why is everything happening so fast?

Why is nature rushing things?

This was bound to happen but why must it happen now?

Why is everything,every f**king thing in a haste?

Ethan pulled her more closer, sucking on her lips tenderly.

Aria's eyes shut on their own and her hands found way to his hair.

She dipped her fingers in his hair,melting into the kiss completely.

Ethan's eyes weren't still closed as they both melted in the kiss.

The feeling they're feeling right now,it's second to none.

Ethan is still shock thou,but still he was enjoying every beat of it.

The way her lips tasted, everything...

It's this how it feels to be in love?

With the same gender as him to be precise?

He still can't believe that his doing this but what can he do?

The heart choose a male like him to fall in love with and he couldn't help the feeling.

He have tried so much to keep his feeling in check but not anymore.

The more he tries,the more the feelings gets deeper.

Ethan sucked on her lips, grabbing her @ss immediately and a moan left Aria's lips.

"Oh..my!!"She moaned and Ethan broke the kiss immediately looking at her.

"You're still not a gay?"He asked with a smile licking his bottom lips and Aria looked at him.

She pulled him closer and Ethan's eyes widened in shock.

"What..what are you doing?"He stuttered.

But the next word that came out from her mouth left him in awe.

"Shut up and let me kiss you"






Shut up and let me kiss you😏