

kimbell_angelyc · realistisch
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28 Chs





"I get it that I fúçked up big time,but I want to make amends! I really love you Brianna and I want your forgiveness!"He said holding her hand.

"You cheated on me with my best friend Roger, why her? Why!"The girl yelled in tears

"I...I...was, Brianna I really love you"He said staring into her eyes.

He leaned closer and crashed his lips on hers while the girl reciprocated like she's being waiting for it.



The director and the producer yelled angrily at a time and they broke the kiss immediately.

Alberto used his back hand to wipe his lips while Livy smiled foolishly.

"It was supposed to be a slap!"The director told Livy.

"She messed up! I was expecting a slap from her but what did I get? She f**king deepened the kiss, tightening her grip on me"Alberto snorted disgustingly.

"Am sorry director"she muttered but deep down,she was bubbling with joy.

How much she've longed for this...and when she finally got the opportunity they wanted her to miss it all in the name of a movie shoot?

Hell no!

If the opportunity knocks at her door again, she's going to do it over and over again.

"Alberto..you guys.."

"Director,am really sorry.. we'll start again tomorrow, but right now,I gotta go!"He said hurriedly looking at the time.


"Sir tomorrow please"He said and rushed out of the studio.

The director turned and met Livy still licking her lips, smiling sheepishly.


Meanwhile,the moment Alberto left the studio,his phone began ringing.

📞"Am coming Ethan"

📞"What? Full your stomach? Is something wrong with Dominic? I'll be there shortly!"He replied and hung up.



Dominic pocked back his phone after speaking with Ethan but he's still maintaining the eye lock with Anaya.

"Okay sir,this becoming uneasy please.. enough with the stares or is this perhaps the first time you're seeing an angel?"Anaya smirked and Dominic chuckled.

"You're not even beautiful!"He said and Anaya's eye widened.


"Go get me a cup of coffee....am waiting for my friends"Dominic said and sat down before concentrating back on his phone.

Anaya gritted before leaving,the moment she was out Dominic raised his face from his phone.

"What was that for?"He asked holding his chest.



"You're the best sister in the whole world"Adam smiled hugging Aria's Arms as they entered the school environment.

Confused how he's finally going to school?

Aria explained things to Ethan, excluding the part that she's a female.

And Ethan being a human with emotions,he gave her the salary.

"Is that why you insisted that I follow you?"She rolled eye and Ryan chuckled.

"I wanted to flaunt my beautiful sister"He winked.

"He's a baby and a baby will he remain"Ryan said and Adam frowned.

"Am the real deal"he added stucking out his tongue to Adam and Aria smiled.

"Saver!"Someone screamed and they turned to see Nora approaching them.

"Hey,do I know you?"Aria asked and the girl nodded with a smile.

"Actually you saved me one night when three guys were harassing me"

"Oh...I remember,so how are you doing?"

"Am good and thanks for that night! Is..is..he your brother?"She asked pointing at Adam and Aria nodded.

"Actually you'll help me show them around,gat to..."

They where interrupted by the sudden screams.

👥"OMG!! They're here again"

👥"Francis piercings for me?"

👥"Those lips!"

👥"Gawd!! Am f**king wet"

👥"The M³!!"

👥"Mary's bag!"

"These students are sure silly? Why the screams?"Adam scoffed.

Marcus and his friends came down from their car including the M³ and just then Marcus eyes caught with Aria's.

"WTF!!" Aria and Marcus cursed at the same time, causing Adam and Ryan to twitch their brows.

"You know him?"

"That's the scumbag!"

"Marcus...we met her again"Kelvin smiled trying to go to Aria but Marcus pulled him back.

"She'll create a scene here! You know,she's a mad girl...so why don't we get back to her with the boys?"Marcus whispered and kelvin smiled.


"You see those scumbag? When they try nonsense... practice Kung Fu with them"Aria told Adam and Adam bumped fist with her.

"In Kung Fu I pledge"he replied while Nora kept staring at him,smiling.



A girl could be seen, coming out from the bathroom with a red towel wrapped round her body.

She darted her eyes round the room and smiled, everything in the room is red...seems like she's a huge fan of the color red.

She looked at the time and gasp.

"Am late?"She screamed and rushed to her closet.

After bringing out her school uniform, and doing the necessary things..she slip her body in the school uniform and took her bag, rushing out afterwards.

She rushed downstairs and met her parents having breakfast already.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad"she greeted and the couple nodded with a smile.

"Off to school?"Her dad asked.

"Sure dad"

"What about your dri..."

"I'll take a cap"she replied


"Mom am late already"She groaned and rushed out of the house.




Aria rushed into the office and met Ethan hitting the keyboard fiercely.

"Good morning sir"she greeted and Alex nodded.

"Here,go get me a coffee"He said and gave her his debit card.

Aria took it and left.

Few minutes later,she came back with a cup of tea.

"Here you go"She said and handed him the cup.

Ethan took the cup from her and without bordering to take a glance at the cup,he gulped the whole content down but spitted it out almost immediately.

"Jesus!! Do you want to kill me?"He shouted and Aria flinched.

"I..how will I kill you?"She asked.

"I told you to get me a cup of coffee and you brought tea! Are you insane?"He gritted angrily.

"Sir, thought you said tea"she replied and Ethan glared daggers at her.

"Go get me a coffee now,this time you're paying with your own debit card"He said coldly and sat down.

"Thought he said tea, why's my ear not suddenly working?"she thought bitting her bottom lips and left.




The first lecture was still going on when a girl walked in,very tattered and unkept.

One of the laces of her sneakers tied while the other is not.


👥"The overall late comer!"

👥"Change the sneakers for Christ!"

👥"She's suffering the poor sneakers"

👥"Her hair?"

The students screamed in mockery laughing their @ss out while pointing at the sneakers which is already pleading for a change or rather still a wash.

"Quiet everyone!"The teacher screamed but that added to the screams.

The vision girl wiped the tears that was rolling down her eyes uncontrollably.

👥"I can't believe that Silver high has to accept someone like her"

👥"She's streaking of poverty"

👥"How did she even get to school here? I mean they don't offer scholarships so how the hell?"

👥"She obviously stole the money! Can anything good come out from her?"

"Enough!!"Adam shouted hitting his hand on the desk and everywhere went silent.

"Seriously? Is this the only thing you guys are good at? Laughing at people's condition? She's poor! So? Does that mean she should be treated like a disease! We all are equal and I guess we should treat her equally!"

"That she's poor today doesn't mean she's destined to be! You can be at the top today but tomorrow you'll be crawling at her feet! What's all this? Let's behave like humans and stop with the animal behavior!"He added angrily before sitting back down.

And just like an order, everywhere went calm and the teacher resumed teaching.

The vision girl, slowly went to the back and sat down while Nora and Mariana stylishly looked at Adam and smiled.
