

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

S1eepless · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 23

Flock simply wanted what was best for the people on this accursed island. He had been one of the new recruits that had joined the retaking of Shiganshina. Now, he was what some were calling a Yeagerist, someone that is wholeheartedly supporting Eren in his idea to take the war to the Marley Nation.

So when he was given the order to escort Zeke with a small detail of troops to the Queen's residence at the orphanage, he did it with little hesitation.

Much that may come, he was still shocked when he met Zeke halfway there, naked and stumbling around.

As per orders, Flock commanded that the man be clothed and given a horse. They were to immediately go towards Historia's residence.

Scott and Rommel's carriage arrived at Historia's orphanage near sunrise. Already, the kids were out doing house chores and Historia watched over them.

Seeing the group dismounting from the carriage, Historia went to greet them. She was shocked, to say the least, that she was seeing her old comrades.

But what they told her next was even more shocking.

"Let me get this straight," Historia said. "You say that Eren is trying to conquer the world?"

Time had passed as it was nearing the lunch hour. Both parties sat around the table as the members of the 104th met along with Rommel, Scott, and a few of Historia's guards. Annie was counted among one of those guards.

"That's what it would suggest." Rommel stated. "Eren has been building up the Cavalry. They are far too strong for anything simply planned as defending Paradis Island."

"I'm saying that could be just a ploy." Armin, oddly enough, spoke up. "It is entirely possible that Eren is being controlled by Zeke. He has… royal blood in him. Their goal was something darker, I believed I overheard."

"They wanted Eldians to continue living, but by using the power of the Founding Titan, they couldn't ever reproduce?" Jean spoke as he scratched the stubble of his chin.

"I can't tell what is right or wrong." Mikasa spoke with a soft voice. "None of those sound like Eren. Out of all the paths that are possible for him to take, I believe those two are the least."

"Not if he is controlled." Connie spoke with disdain. "He didn't even flinch at Sasha's death. Do you really think the old Eren would ever do that?"

Comments were spoken, ideas suggested. It only amounted to one thing to do.

"We can't stay here any longer." Scott spoke up. "Queen Historia, if Eren comes here and successfully subdues you, all is lost. We must head to the capital where you can issue that Eren is planning a coup and end his farce before it even begins."

"Hold on." It was Annie that spoke. "First off, how do we even know what Eren is planning is bad? So what if he wants to invade Marley, aren't they the enemy? And furthermore, he still has a promise he needs to keep to me. I refuse to believe that he would break it so lightly."

"Annie…" Rommel narrowed his eyes. When she was within the custody of the Cavalry, Rommel was still head of that little faction. He had gotten to know the cold blond and just what it was that Eren promised her.

But even so, if they were to declare war on Marley, wouldn't her father could be a possible casualty of it? Or would Eren really go out of his way for just one person?

Anything else that was being said was cut off when one of Historia's guards entered the room, telling her that more people had arrived.

At first, the group feared that Eren had already descended upon them. With the tanks, he could make ground, but they thought they at least had a few more hours.

However, when they were greeted by the sight of a few Yeagerist and Zeke himself, they were still shocked but slightly relieved that it wasn't Eren himself. However, the presence of the man still brought about some form of tension.

"Annie." It was Zeke that spoke first. "So you were alive."

Annie chose to remain silent.

It was Mikasa that made a move. Taking one of the guns from Historia's guards, she brought it to bare and pointed it at Zeke's head. Only for Flock and a few members of the Yeagerist faction to block her shot.

"Flock, I don't know what they have been telling you, but it is all false!" Mikasa spoke with a fiery rage.

"You don't understand!" Flock spat back. "We simply can't sit back and wait for the enemy to come to us! We have to take the fight to them!"

"That's false!" Armin interrupted. "Flock! Zeke doesn't plan to take over the world! He plans to stop the reproduction of Eldians! To completely eradicate our entire race!"

"That's…. That's…" Flock seemed to stumble, ultimately looking at Zeke for an answer.

"Hehehe…" He gave a chuckle. "You guys don't understand. The radical prejudice that has been pushed on us Eldians. The sin of our past can never be forgiven, true or false. We will always be blamed. The only way to stop the cycle of hatred is for the end of the Eldian race! It won't be all bad. We can live in peace, but simply not reproduce any more of our kin."

With Zeke's plan finally admitted, some of the Yeagerist faltered. This wasn't what they wanted. They wanted to be free from their chains, yet wasn't that worse of a fate than one bound to radical prejudice?

It only a few seconds before more firearms were drawn and accusations began to be flung.

Each other side called each other names. Liars, hypocrites, they tried to twist the narrative to defend what they believed what they were doing was right.

"Ah, so everyone is here."

The current conflict was halted to a dead silent as a sudden voice spoke up.

Everyone looked to see that Eren had arrived with a detail of troops. They only shared the Cavalry's emblem, not even having the armbands those from Marley were using to indicate which Eldian was affiliated with what faction.

Eren briefly glanced at those we knew as he scanned the crowd. His eye's briefly narrowed when they passed upon Rommel. Rommel returned it with a glare, which Eren chose to ignore.

"Well, I suppose we can get down to business." Eren said as he demounted, his group of guards following suit.

"Is it true!" Mikasa quickly spoke up. "Do you really plan to eradicate all the Eldians just to bring peace to the world?!"

Some seemed to pause at this. Even though they told those who support Eren it early, it seemed the time to decide the final plan was upon them. They had been promised freedom. But was that escape in the form of death?

Zeke seemed to capitalize on this moment, spouting what he was saying earlier about how it was for the best. Only to be stopped as Eren held up a hand, shocking him as he was being told to quiet down.

"Oh yeah." He spoke so… nonchalantly. "That was a lie."

Everyone seemed to freeze and go wide-eyed at that. However, before anyone could respond, Eren lifted his hand and unsheathed a knife. Using a minuscule about of strength, he slid it across his palm.

It was used as some sort of signal, because as soon as he was finished, his armed guard drew their guns. An unknown brand, one that had never seen service. Firearms that barked fire in such a fast manner that it was unbelievable. The Marley had perfected the fire chamber of a gun where they could unload a clip in a few seconds. However, a clip still only held five bullets. The number of bullets fired from these guns far surpassed twenty, let alone five.

The guards had their targets. All of their guns only pointed at three people out of the cluster of beings within the pasture.

Bullets flew true as they shredded the legs of three individuals, Zeke, Annie, and Armin.

They seemed to scream out in pain as the bullets completely destroyed the tissue and muscle that formed their legs. One screamed in shock. One screamed in betrayal. One screamed in anger.

Eren wasted no time as he transformed, striking the ground and his surrounding body in a green light that came down from the heavens.

His Titan form was quickly formed as he outstretched his hands.

Zeke was first, not even having a chance to recover as he was bitten in half by Eren's lipless Titan. Next was Annie. A dazed face was permanently etched on her face, as such an action that Eren was committing seemed so impossible that she seemed to deny it. It wasn't until he was about to bite down on her that she came to a realization and smiled as tears leaked down her face.

Whatever she realized was lost to the world as she was devoured as well.

Armin didn't even bother to resist. Eren had obviously saved him for last. Realizing that he would kill everyone around him if he transformed, Eren capitalized on that fact. Not to mention that if he did throw everything to the wind and did transform, those tanks in the back would make short work of him.

He could resist and bite, but he would only delay the inevitable.

So, with a glare of hatred that did not belong on his face, Armin Arlet was lifted up in the hands of Eren Yeager.

Eren only regarded him for a mere second before he too met the same fate the other two before him did.

The deed done, Eren gave a sigh in the form of steam that encompassed his jaw, giving him a menacing look.

No one moved. All of them were shocked at the events that played out. None of them had even conceived that such a possible route of events would happen. So set in stone were they certain the future was that they deluded themselves to believe that a plot twist like this was impossible.

Eren would have smirked if he had lips.

A tired one.

Recovering from his brief moment of respite, he did something that shocked everyone. He spoke.

"Now then," He didn't move his mouth, but the voice that roared resonated within them and obviously came from Eren. "Only one left to go."

Eren looked down upon the tiny images that were in front of him. He seemed hesitant, but it was squashed in a brief second.

"Kill them."

It was the only order he gave as the men with bizarre guns came forward. The tanks that had been back in case Armin transformed came forward to help with the extermination.

But before any of that could be possible, a flash made its way toward the group. It was a blur, but everyone could make out the glint of swords against the sun as they made their way to the flesh of Eren's Titan.

Only to shatter against the nape of his neck, as Annie's crystal stopped the blades.

Eren glanced up, looking at his would-be killer if he had acted slower.

It was Levi, battered and bruised. Blood seemed to spout everywhere as he was obviously heavily wounded.

Levi didn't hesitate in his failed attack. Dropping down, he equipped more swords. Running directly ahead, he cut down the first guards he came into contact with. Those of the Cavalry acted as predicted. The closest three dropped their guns as they drew short swords that had been strapped to their waste. The others fell back, gaining ground just in case their brethren failed, leaving them ample time to gun down humanity's strongest warrior.

The three who chose to draw blades barely put up any resistance. So far below Levi they were that not even one had even gotten a parry in before they were bisected. The guards who chose to gain distance immediately turned to unload their magazine on Levi.

However, Levi acted quick. Shooting out a hook that found its perch in the throat of one of the guards, he reeled himself in. Using his inhuman speed, strength, and reflexes, he dodged and deflected the bullets that were fired his way.

Reaching his destination, he decapitated the guards near the one he used as a pseudo tree to propel himself forward. Landing on his feet, he left the guard with the grapple in his throat to choke on his own blood before reeling it in.

Once again, he reacted quickly as he backtracked to avoid the hail of bullets being swung his way. Noting that there were two muzzles directed his way, he pulled his arms back and swung forward, releasing the triggers that held the blades within their handles. The blades had such a spin that they looked like a disk, flying in a weaving like manner before they found their home in the skulls of the two guards that were firing at him. They fell over limp as if the strings that held a puppet up were cut.

"What are you waiting for?!" Levi shouted as he landed on his feet. "Run!"

His cry for the others to run was met with the sounds of gears and machinery making his way to him. It was then he turned and came face to face with one of the steel behemoths known as tanks. The large-caliber gun he could no doubt dodge with preparation, but it was the side gun that was installed near the base. It looked exactly like the ones the guards held expect they were grouped together to form a group of three in an acute triangle formation.

It began to spin.

Levi wasn't going to survive this. Or rather, he wouldn't have, if it weren't for another figure that flew into the sky and launched a spear projectile into the gap between the turret and the car of the Tank. It was only a second before the thunder spear blew up and took the entire tank with it in a fiery ball of explosion.

Hange, the figure in the sky, quickly descended and grabbed Levi.

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard." She spouted off as she manhandled the midget. She saw that the others had gotten on horses at Levi's prompting and were already vacating the area.

"Yeah," Levi coughed up some blood. "But if I hadn't the brat would've killed the other brats."

Hange nodded, to focus on escaping and preparing to dodge just in case she heard the telltale signs of one of those large guns firing. But oddly enough no sound came.

It wasn't until she reached the rest of the group that were running away did she look back.

Landing in one of the few wagons, she rested Levi down slowly and looked back just to see how close the tanks were pursuing. But oddly enough, they stayed perch were they were, still beside their brother that was still up in flames.

Eren ignored the men that surround him and just opted to stare at them flee. Hange didn't know why he didn't pursue but was grateful nonetheless. She doubted that all of them would come out alive if they did give chase.

Hange's attention was torn from Eren when the person in her arms gave a pained cough. She immediately returned her attention to Levi as she began to give medic care to him. They had returned to the outpost where Zeke had used to be detained at.

It was there that Levi had awoken and wasted no time gearing up with the spare equipment that was left behind.

Despite Hange's protest, he took one of the many horses and began to ride it to the only destination they both could think of as to where Zeke might have gone. Historia's homestead.

They were too late, as they noticed in shock how Eren was already in Titan form and swallowed the three shifters up. Speaking of which, Hange turned to the closest person, Flock, and promptly asked him what the Hell was going on.

Eren gave a salute along with his other guard members. They had just buried the members that had died in the little skirmish. No man shed tears, but a few had looks of dismay and hatred on them. It was Eren that had given them the order not to chase and avenge their brothers. It was a spur of the moment thing, and all logical choices told him that giving chase was the best course of actions.

Yet he faltered.

Hearing the sound of the specialized engine that used the burst stone running, he turned to see a car, similar to a jeep from his old life, approaching them with a few tanks as an escort.

It was a car that a few of Hugo's assistants took on as a side project. They would soon enter the market to replace the all to common horse-drawn carriages.

Which means that if the model that hadn't been released yet was in use, there was only one man that was in that car.

"Hugo." Eren spoke to the man as he opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to inform you of the betrayal of Rommel… but it seems I was a little too late."

"I was already aware of it before. But I thank you regardless."

"Hmpf. Fools don't know that the future is with you. Anyways, how were those specialized bullets?"

"What did you say was in them?" Eren held up one of the specialized bullets.

"A ground-up flower that reacts negatively to the nerves when it hits your blood. If ingested, you would face mind numbly pains. So much so I warrant no Shifter would be able to think clearly that they could transform."

"Hm," Eren gave a hum. "How much do we have left."

"I am afraid that the flower is quite rare."

"I see." Was all Eren had said. "Regardless, we should get a move on. It seems that the Queen had run away from her duty. Gather the press at the capital, I will give a brief description of how Zeke Yeager has betrayed us and taken the Queen to Marley.

"As well as declare our declaration of war upon the Marley nation."

The group was silent as they remained hidden in some remote warehouse. Betrayed by the savior of humanity, it was all they could do to hide from the patrols.

Shortly after their scuffle with Eren and his Cavalry, they quickly made headway to one of the Scouts main bases of operation. It was there they quickly geared up and headed out once again to a disclosed safe house. It wasn't too shortly after that all bases of the Scouts were overrun by the Cavalry in search for the so-called traitors that took away Queen Historia.

The news of what had happened was met with expected results. Those who were ignorant of the truth were outraged, calling for retribution against the country that took away the Queen. Those who knew were fearful. This was exactly the setup that would allow Eren to declare war upon the Marley nation.

And war did he declare.

He wasted no time in taking the mantle of the crown. He passed it off as him simply running the military until they got the Queen back, but it was anything but.

Drafts took place, taxes were enforced, everything and anything was being used to fund the army that was about to take off to invade the Marley nation.

It was met with no resistance. After the narrative Eren had crafted, everyone was eager to reclaim what was stolen from them.

Of course, for those who knew the truth, it was quite a shock.

So much so for the Yeagerist that were there on that fateful day Eren revealed his true plan.

"Not so idealistic now, are we?" It was Jean that spoke to Flock. They were in a little hideout, far from any civilization. There was a few of them, adding them all together, from the original 104th training group that joined the Scouts, to the Yeargerist that helped escort Zeke, their number was a little above ten, fifteen to be precise.

"I thought that Eren wanted to liberate us from Malely control…" Flock spoke to the jab. "But to declare us traitors when he fired on us without even a blink of an eye… Even if I agreed with him, I can't go back after what he labeled us."

"I suppose you are getting what you wanted. War with Marley."

Flock chose to say nothing.

Suddenly, a door to the hallway opened up, revealing Levi.

"Captain!" It was Jean that spoke in shock. "It's only been a week, should you really be up?"

"Shut up, brat." Levi responded cooly as he took a seat. "Every day we waste sitting here is a day that other brat gets closer to invading the entire world."

"I agree." Hange appeared shortly after Levi. "Jean, Flock, can you gather everyone up? We need to plan our next course of action."

With a nod, they gathered everyone up.

Those who originally were of the 104th training corps that joined the Scouts: Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Historia. Following them was Rommel and Scott. After them was Flock and six other members who also used to be Yeagerist before being labeled as traitors.

Including Hange and Levi, they were only fifteen strong.

Historia used to have a guard detail, but when she had gone outside, they had remained inside. Consequently, when they had made a mad run for it, they were left behind.

Historia didn't know what happened to the guards, her main concern being the kids, but had some hope that Eren would have some humanity and leave them be.

Regardless, here they all stood, in a cramped room, faces distraught over the recent flow of events.

"Listen," It was Levi that spoke. "We've been through a lot, but we still need to plot our next course of action."

"That's why I am proposing a plan to fight Eren." It was Hange that spoke.

"Are you insane?!" One of the ex-Yeagerist spoke. "Mr. Yeager has the entire support of the walls with him. How can we fight that?!"

"That's why we are proposing a plan that we all might not like." It was Levi that said that bit.

"Yes." Hange confirmed. "The plan is to get into contact with the Marley nation. Claiming that Historia was ousted by the tyrant Eren, we will be able to spin a story that shows us in a good light. We should also be able to get the story to circulate within the walls, allowing the people to question his sudden rise to power."

"Hold on." It was Flock that spoke up. "Why should we get in bed with Marley?!"

A few course of agreements followed him.

"In fact," He continued. "Why not get into contact with Commander Smith. He should know what to do."

"In case you forgot, it was Erwin that trusted Eren." Levi spoke. "I trusted Erwin, who trusted Eren. Regardless, even if we wanted to contact him, he's retired to some unknown location. Looking back on it, I suppose we should have been suspicious that the Cavalry went so far out of their way for the retirement of the Scout's Commander…"

"It's no use pondering over what-ifs." Hange spoke. "But he's right. We have no way to contact Erwin. It's why our best option is to go to Marley."

"Won't we just be choosing radical prejudice and oppression over Eren?" An ex-Yeagerist spoke. "In fact, shouldn't we join Eren? I am sure his ideologies fit it better?"

"I thought we've been over this…" It was Connie, who had remained silent during the entire meeting, that spoke. "He labeled all of us traitors and enemies to the crown. Even if we were to go out and state that we were on his side, there would still be suspicion. Besides, I am all for this plan."

"Why's that?" Mikasa asked. She had dead eyes, for she had once again lost her family for the third time in this lifetime.

"Isn't obvious?" Connie spoke with the same bite she did. "To kill Eren."

She couldn't even work up the strength to fight him on that topic. Eren had betrayed her by devouring Armin right in front of her.

"Okay," It was Flock that stated it. "Fine, I agree. The world Eren is envisioning isn't better than Marley's, is it? Switching from one tyrant for another, is it?"

"That's… Surprisingly perceptive of you…" Hange spoke with a bit of a shock.

"Well, I understand that the way that Eren is going about it is the wrong way, but the goal he wants I sincerely believe is the best end."

"So it is a matter of whether the means justify the end or the end justify the means?" Jean spoke with a bitter tone.

"So then, are we all in agreement?" Levi said. "You can drop out and live your life in the shadows. I am sure the underground cities would take you in…"

No one said anything.

"So how do we even get across the ocean?"

"Simple." Hange spoke up. "A certain company owes us a favor."

Flegel Reeves didn't care much what the current King was doing. Eren had declared war, which meant that a merchant like Flegel would benefit all the more. Considering the orders for certain machines that his men had to make he was getting, the pre-war era was making business boon.

So, it was with some hesitation that he accepted a meeting with known traitors to the crown.

"Listen, Flegel, we aren't asking much. Just a boat." Hange commented, tugging on her hood. It was dark out, and in this alleyway, no one would notice them.

"Are the traitors of the crown trying to escape the continent?" Flegel spoke with some skepticism. "The only reason why I haven't called upon the Military Police is because of what you did for my father."

"That's why precisely we need a boat. Listen, do you think after all we've done for humanity, we would throw it away like that?"

Flegel simply eyed the girl, not knowing what to make of the situation.

"Do you have any idea what would happen if the government found out I was aiding traitors?"

"Nothing, because we will simply steal a boat that wasn't being protected."

Flegel continued to eye Hange.

"After this, we won't request anything else."

"We still have that disadvantageous deal with the Scouts that my father made."

"Break it off. Without Erwin or Levi to enforce it, the Scouts don't know why you have that deal. In fact, they think you came to the table to make it."

"Which means that if I break it off, it looks like would go back on my deal. Ugh…" Flegel rubbed his eyes.

"The last time I help you guys. Alright?"

"Thank you. I know you won't regret it."

"Tomorrow, an hour after dusk, a boat in port 3 will be left unattended. Fifteen people, you said? It should fit that many."

With that said, Flegel walked off, dusting himself of the Scouts.

That had safely taken the boat. No guards were present when they took to the skies with their Vertical Maneuvering gear and requisition the boat from its slot in port.

Currently, they were setting sail to Marley where they would work up some sort of deal that would allow them to talk with the leading officials of Marley. The current plan was to just show them Historia and hopefully they would allow them a meeting.

"You think Flegel would get some serious backfire for this?" Levi spoke to Hange, who was admiring the night sky.

"The ships were being prepared for the eventual trading routes they would establish in the future. I am sure they will be upset about one ship, but not enough to warrant a full-blown search for it."

"Unless Eren believes we stole it."

"I have the sneaking suspicion that Eren won't pursue. If he wanted to find us, he would have."

"I suppose that is true…"

With that said, both retired for the night.

The plan had gone exactly as they wanted. Historia, declaring herself Queen of Paradis Island, was granted an audience with the ruling body of the Marley.

It was there they confronted each other, stating facts and making agreements.

Finally, after a few weeks of debates, they came to an agreement that Historia was the rightful ruler of the Eldian people. The Marley, in return for helping Queen Historia, would gain the nation of Paradis as an ally, and all their resources naturally.

Eren gave a sigh as he looked at the reports.

Three months had passed since he essentially took over all of Paradis. In a dramatic speech that played on the flair of cinematics, he told the people of the evil deeds that had been done unto them. How Queen Historia was kidnapped from right under their nose, and how they would need to defeat the oppressive Marley nation to get her back.

Eren had declared war on Marley and all of their allies within a few paragraphs in that speech.

The people of Paradis were all too eager to join. He didn't even need a draft to force people into the Cavalry or Scouts, as volunteers arose immediately.

The war machine they were producing was endless. With the help of Hugo and himself, they were able to produce many machines that were deemed revolutionary.

Ships, tanks, aircraft, everything that was needed for war was being produced.

Finally, after focusing all resources to the war machine, they were equipped and ready for an invasion.

Of course, this was all for one goal. To simply invade and take the Armored Titan from Reiner. Everyone believed that they were in for a fight, a war that they could win, but Eren knew the truth.

There would be no war, only a single battle. One where he fought between Reiner and himself.

Eren would naturally have the invasion force to back him up to fend off Marley's army, but the end goal was Reiner himself.

No one knew this but himself. He had suspicions that Hugo had wisened up and realized he only wanted the nine Titans. For what, he doubted Hugo had a clue. But it seemed like he trusted Eren, nonetheless, as he said nothing in regards.

So, with another weary sigh, he left the building near the port, and soon boarded a warship, a heavily armed battleship, that was facing starboard to the shore. It was there that many legions upon his army were standing in military formation, waiting for him to deliver a speech that would begin the invasion of Marley.

Giving a tap on the mics that surround him to ensure that it was on as well as gather everyone's attention, he began the charismatic speech he had prepared.

Hugo stared in awe as Eren gave his dramatic speech. He covered each and every bases that any leader needed to state when giving an inspirational speech.

He talked about their oppression, how Marley had driven them toward this island through fear. How they turned their own people into Titans and leaving them to wander this land to devour us. And finally, how they came for some deal in the form of Zeke, their warlord chief, only to be betrayed and have Queen Historia kidnapped from right under their noses.

He said this all with a wave of seething anger, one that showed his disdain for the enemy.

Finally, he ended it with a call for action. Telling each and every man not to be afraid, but have courage for the Hell they were about to enter.

He reassured them that, although this was their first battle as a reborn nation, they had the advantage at not only numbers and technology, but the fact that they were in the right. He called it cowardly and evil leading the people of Paradis on and then stabbing them in the back like it was nothing.

He said they were on the right side of History, that today would be written down as one where the Justice took its rightful place at baring itself in full force.

Hugo couldn't help but smirk.

The man had grown from the child he once was, becoming a demon outright in the form that he was. The way he organized his armies, the strategies and plans he deployed. It was awe striking.

Naturally, as soon as Eren finished, a thunderous yell broke out.

The men of Marley nation didn't know that the army of Paradis army would be so well equipped.

When they had first raided their port oh so many months ago, they had blamed it all on the power of the Titans, claiming that the sole surprise attack relied heavily upon the Titans that formed.

Now they simply were bringing themselves to arm, strengthening themselves for the day they would invade that Demon infested island.

No one knew that they would strike first, as it was thought unfeasible with how far back in the technology age they were.

However, when the men on the warships heard strangely sound serins, they looked to the skies to see what caused it.

It was to their utter shock they saw flies buzzing around, but only those flies were becoming larger and approaching them at a fast rate.

"Planes!" A screech rang out, causing everyone to man their stations and point the anti-aircraft guns towards the sky.

But it was too late. Dive bombers descended and found their mark.

The Navy Fleet of Marley was small to begin with. When the Colossal Titan struck their ports, in practically annihilated all war vessels for Marley. However, Marley was anything if not pretentious. After the destruction, they focused all resources on ships that would be used to invade and blockade any forces, including Paradis.

Despite this, it seemed that no matter how many aircraft that they could shoot down, which wasn't many to begin with, each and every plane found the mark they were looking for, and soon the Navy of Marley was once again reduced to tonnage of steel that was slowly making its way towards the ocean's floor.

The report of the air attack came shortly after it began. Of course, they received no more transmissions from it after the report of initial contact. With the worse assume, Marley was put on full alert as they fortified their ports. They sent forces that they no doubt thought would simply waltz into the ports considering no vessels could defend them.

That was their mistake.

With focus out at the sea, they never thought to look up, where small planes released a large canister that exploded slightly above the city. The soldiers within the city, frighten, thought that the gas was poisonous. A few that breathed it in felt their throats burn, but simply equipped the gas mask that each man came with.

Gas had been banned as a war crime, but they knew that some smaller nations weren't above following such laws, so it was only natural that they funneled some profit into making gas masks for their soldiers.

Despite this, it would be all moot.

There were actually three ports covering the nation of Marley where land met the ocean. All it took was twenty-six planes. Twenty-five of them held the large canister that covered the military base in a blanket of gas. The last one held a device that would be released into the gas igniting it.

The gas was methane.

Soon, the three ports were nothing but oversized fireballs.

Eren simply observed the details he was being listed.

His fleet was large, but not in the sense of power. Within the time span he had given them, the army he controlled only had time to lay down the Battleship he was currently on and a few destroyers. The rest of the fleet was simply transport ships and Aircraft Carriers. The transport ships were made quickly and cheaply, with paper-thin walls and the bare minimum to keep it afloat.

The CVs were different, as they required to hold aircraft. Each one could hold about forty-one, and they only had four of them.

This was the force that Eren had. The transport ships varied in size, but the entire army was along for the ride, an impressive number of about 100,000 thousand.

It wasn't ideal, but Eren didn't want to win this war, simply the battle.

All he had to do was consume Reiner who would no doubt be present in the battle.

"Ignis Squads one through three reporting." An intel officer aboard the Battleship they were currently on reported. "All squads report that no craft is missing and each port has been bombed successfully."

A round of cheers and applauds went around after that statement.

It was worrisome to lose aircraft, considering they lost a few during the time they destroyed Marley's fleet. However, with the surprise and training beforehand with his pilots, they were able to sink each and every boat.

Only a select few of their ships could fight back, so it was paramount for them to destroy any naval resistance before they got their boys to land on the designated beach.

As for the Methane bombs, it was a tricky sort. They had found a large deposit of gas within coal mines. Instead of releasing it and letting it fizzle out, they found a method to contain it. It was the canister that they put it in that would lead to them to obliterate the ports and everyone within it in seconds.

The problem with most Methane bombs was the fact that the gas dispersed quickly, leaving it to have no effect when trying to use it as a weapon. However, with the special gas on this island from the burst stones, Hugo was able to invent a way to trap the Methane by using the burst stone gas.

The burst stone formed a thin layer above the methane, essentially trapping it. It wouldn't last long, but it was long enough for the second device, the igniter, to be released into the cloud and spark a chain of events that would cause the explosion.

Eren gave a sigh. He was slightly glad it worked, as he had no doubt many of the Marley forces would be within those ports.

Logically thinking, it would have been the most beneficial thing to take over those ports, as that would allow their craft to dock with ease. However, unbeknownst to any of the men that Eren ruled over, this was a one-way trip. So losing the ports were of no consequence for him.

If his goal had been world domination, then yes, he would have kept one port functional. However, that was beside the point.

"Prep the landing craft. I will be part of the first wave to invade the beach." Eren's statement seemed to shock a few people. Of course, when it came down to it, Eren held the power of the Titan within him. He would be a key driving point in the invasion, as he could obliterate the front lines of Marley's army easily with his power.

So, with their orders set, Eren boarded a small boat that had been retrofitted with a powerful engine that contained the burst stone. The speed they achieved would allow them to storm the beach as fast as they could.

A line had been made upon the beach line of the Marley nation. Usually, the distance between each point was far, and only two soldiers stood duty. The purpose of this line was to watch the shore for any invasion.

Since the Navy was destroyed, each designated spot was reinforced with a third person, a small change, but it helped to have an extra set of eyes. However, once they got the news that all ports had been destroyed, the Marley army frantically rearranged all remaining soldiers. Now the coastline was littered with small watches, waiting for them to see any ships on the horizon that would indicate that the Paradis fleet was planning to invade on that beachhead.

So, it was with fear that a small watch saw the numerous craft on the water from their binoculars. With a shaky voice, they reported their findings. Soon, the Army of Marley would arrive, but by then the Demon's forces would have already made it inland.

Eren got on the small boat as he heard Hugo rush after him.

"This isn't like you." He stated. "All forces in one go? I thought you would at least set up some decoys around the shoreline to make them uncertain of which beach you would be invading."

"Yes, I had thought of that." Eren roared over the sound of the Battleship and waves crashing against its hull. "But I decided simply a blitzkrieg… I mean a fast, unexpected strike would be more effective with all of their forces in one place. It will be easier for me to mow them down with my power of the Titan."

"That is true." Hugo nodded. "That is, if Reiner shows up, it may be troublesome. Our tanks will no doubt be too preoccupied with the other forces machinery to deal with that Armor."

"Nothing to worry about." The predetermined time for the order for them to descend came upon them, lowering the boat Eren was down into the water. "I was planning to deal with Reiner myself."

Storming the beach was easy. The watch that had been set up to alert the army farther inland had immediately thrown down their arms in surrender. They didn't expect to win a fight against 100,000 troops. Unfortunately, the so-called Demons had had enough of the oppression that the Marley had done them.

They didn't even say anything as they gunned them down, as they simply thought it would have been too much of a hassle to deal with those prisoners.

Thus, they began to move inland, where they would meet the army of Marley.

Men, Tanks, Planes, each and every device was used during the battle. Bodies lay strewn, some men screamed, some cried, others grit their teeth, dealing with the pain and delivering just as much back to the enemy.

Eren stood upon the corpsed of the enemy. He had just gone out of his Titan as it evaporated behind. He was atop a hill where the enemy had bunker down. He had caused a scene there, as well as when they had first come into contact with the enemy, making that his second time to transform.

Now, all he had to do was transform a third time.

It would be his last transformation.

Bodies had already piled up high before the last two shifters in the world met face to face. Machinery rose up like barriers, skewed and on fire as flying planes made their rounds to unleash their terror on those on the land. Every now and then, a fighter would be shot down to join its fallen brethren.

Such was the case that introduced Eren to Reiner. No longer was there any hesitation within the man who saw what he had once called a friend turn into a monster.

He gave a bitter chuckle as Eren approached him, recalling just what he did. The sole reason that this had all happened was because of him. Reiner recalled how it was he who told his warrior comrades to proceed with the attack. It was at his prompting that he allowed Bert to blow away the wall, trapping Eren's mother underneath the rumble, resulting in her death.

He could recall the time that he smashed the gate at such a young age. He recalled the amount he killed, directly and indirectly. He pondered that if he had not been part of the warrior project, would they be in this current living hell? Truly, the only reason he became a shifter was due to his loyalty. He wondered if someone at least half as competent would have provided better results.

Reiner gave a hysterical laugh as Eren stopped in his footsteps to raise a brow at him.

"I just found it funny." Reiner said after he calmed down. "That two people who had done such deplorable acts would decide how the future unfolds."

"Yeah," Eren agreed. "Although I could argue that there is no black and white, but simply good. What is good in your eyes may seem bad in another's. After all, was not the extermination of us demons a good thing?"

So it came back to that.

"You still hold a grudge?" Reiner recalled past memories of how Eren would become infuriated whenever the Titans were brought up.

"Not really." Eren gave a shrug. "Trust me, I still desire what I want from when I was young. This will achieve my goal."

"World domination?" Reiner asked in befuddlement. "You aspired such a thing at such a tender age?"

Eren gave a chuckle.

"No." He spoke as if it was determined. "To save the world."

Reiner narrowed his eyes.

"Marley's view of saving the world was world domination. Those of the walls were to exterminate Titans. Zeke desired to stop the line of Eldians, or so I've heard." Reiner was prompted to walk forward in anger. "So tell me, what is your definition of saving the world."

"Isn't it obvious?"

Reiner cut his arm.

"Destruction comes before creation."

Eren cut his arm.

Two bolts of green energy struck the ground as both men were surrounded by light.

Emerging from the bright light shone two tall, lean figures. One in full body armor while the other sported accessories of material slowly forming around him.

Reiner narrowed his Titan eyes as he noticed the new appearance of Eren's Titan. Long gone was his lipless and segregated teeth, but rather a mask that covered everything but the glow of his green eyes. He also wore gauntlets and armored boots. All of it was made with the material that the Warhammer Titan was common to make. However, what made it truly peculiar were a set of broken horns that extended from his head. Spiraling like a mountain goats, they gave off an air of incompleteness, as the broken status seemed unnatural.

Reiner somehow knew that Eren was waiting for him to complete everything. He didn't know what consuming all the nine powers would entail, but he suspected that it would allow Eren complete control over all the powers. The only advantage Reiner had was his armor, but even that could be broken with Eren's armored fist and feet.

He would have to tread carefully.

However, he did have one trick up his sleeve. The help of people who were trained to kill Titans and subdue threats on a magnitude of skills.

So with the effort both Eldian and Marley, they rose to defeat the true opponent.

The True Demons of this world.

Eren panted as he emerged from his Titan.

He was tired, worn out from the excessive fight and having transform already three times. It didn't help that his past comrades joined half-way through. He observed how their bodies lay about, covered in blood. He didn't know if they were alive or dead, but in the end, it didn't matter.

Eren simply looked up, the clouds above the sky departing to show a single ray of skylight upon him.

His figure was… different. He was the same, but a notable difference was the horns that spiraled from the side of his head. Unlike the Titan version where they were broken, these were completed and whole.

He had done it. He had gathered all nine Titans.

He heard the sounds of gunfire and explosions still off going. The war was still being fought as men fought, bled, and died for beliefs that would never see fruition. For Eren implemented the final phase of his plan.

Outstretching his arm, a bright green light began to emit from it. It gave off a faint haze of a glow, not unlike anything seen before.

The light began to morph and appeared to take shape of a sphere.

With a smile and tired eyes, Eren gave a sigh.

It was finally time.

He recalled the memories of the first Titan holder, Ymir.

She was a strange girl that wanted to achieve ludicrous dreams.

It was unfortunate that a demon fell in love with her and granted her the power to see those dreams become reality.

It was that foolish and naive girl that brought upon this land the power of the Titans by using the source of all organic life.

However, it was through these memories that a certain individual saw the source of all organic life and realize he too could use it.

But for what?

The answer was obvious.

He could alter reality whatever way he wanted, for that was the true power of the source of all organic life.

All he needed was all nine Titans in one vessel, himself.

Clenching his fist, the orb of light… No, rather, the source of all organic life faded into Eren's hand. With it, all its power flooded through his veins. Gritting his teeth at the power overload, he raised his fist further up.

The source of all organic life was fighting him, trying to break free from his grasp, but he would have none of it. Finally, he was able to close his fist fully, cutting off all light that the source of all organic life emitted.

With a determined look, he gazed forward and activated his command, unleashing a burst of light that covered the battlefield, the land, the sea, the entire planet.

Soon, everyone's world was covered in that white blinding white.

Then, everyone ceased to exist for but a moment.

Only to be reborn.

Well, this is the last chapter. Just the Epilogue which will wrap it up.

A few things I might want to add.

The methane bomb. Realistically, I don't think it would work. The gas simply disperses to fast for it to become dangerous on the surface. That's why you hear the news that the explosions typically happen underground. However, I concluded that if it was trapped by a thin layer of the burst stone gas they use in the 3DM gear, it could create a dome-like shape that traps it.

Not very realistic, but neither is giant, genitalless men fighting each other so I am just going to say "it works".

Second, the final fight. Really lackluster, I apologize, but as I am adding this chapter I am not at the best of my health. An excuse, but one I am using anyways.