
Great Unrest

In this world, basically every ordinary person longs to become either an evolver or an enhancer even if they didn't have the potential, because with this strength comes the elevation of status and respect. An example is that an ordinary Level 1 Enhancer receives a monthly allowance of £1,000,000 to cater for his or her expenses. This is the same amount of money that an ordinary working family would earn in a year. This shows the gap that exists between the strong and the weak in this world.

Originally, only people with Genotypes of C or higher had the potential to become enhancers or evolvers but now everyone, regardless of status had this opportunity.

The opportunity was even more important for third year high school students of Atlantis High School who had not awoken yet. Every year, around April, every high school would conduct final tests on its final year students and the first fifty would get the chance to be accepted into various colleges and specialized institutions where their various abilities will be groomed.

Other students who fall below the top fifty mark, as long as they don't fail can either join the military or join different noble or aristocratic families.

Failure in this test means that they can only be an ordinary people for the rest of their lives. That is why for members of the Senor 9 class, this VR gaming world has come at the right time for them. No one wants to be a weak person. No one wants to be a poor person and no one wants to serve as goons for others.

Alvin's current total savings amounted to £8,000 so he could actually afford a low level demonic beat core which could power his VR set for about one week. After paying £2,000 for a Level 1 demonic beast core, he collected his VR gaming set and set on his way home. The official launching will be at 6:00 PM today so he wanted to get home early to prepare!

Currently, because both his father and mother were high level enhancers before they died, they were able to rent an apartment which he would be able to use until he graduated. He also received a monthly allowance from the local government. So in three months' time, if he still was not able to awaken, he would have to search for a job to cater or himself.

But now, he is not worried at all. With this new technology in his hands, he will let the people of this world know what true power is!  


Almost at the moment of the VR game was announced and the promotional video was shown, in the 10 Hope cities of Salvation Continent, various Noble families and organizations began to try to use their family influences try to collect information.

The average person only knew that this VR gaming world could provide them an opportunity to rise to the sky with a single leap, but in fact this innovation could also be a source of big change in the power scales among the entire human race. The positions of various noble families and groups may all be reshuffled due to the rising of new powers. Enhancers and evolvers will no longer be the only standard. For these families and groups who are only interested in their benefits, this is not good news.

The fact that anyone may become a strong person, including their rivals and enemies, who after getting enough power will by all means enact revenge, was a cause of great uneasiness for them. This absolutely could not be allowed!

Therefore they knew they had to grasp the first opportunity, no matter the cost, to guarantee the current status quo. Basically, all families and organizations that had little vision took the same steps.

They tried to get their sources in the Ares Corporation to leak news to them about this game world and whether there were any shortcuts or cheat codes that they could use to get ahead of their competition. But unfortunately for them, all their enquiries hit an imaginary brick wall.

All secrets about this new innovation were in the hands of Kisuke Urahara and a few of the top brass! All people that partook in the games' development had mysteriously vanished together which their families after the games' launch.

No matter what methods they used, they still didn't discover anything!

At this time, in Silver-Bird City, the largest and strongest Hope city on Salvation Continent, in a huge office building located at the very center of this city, a 2.9 meter tall man with pure white shoulder length hair wearing a pure white gown was sitting on a desk with a frown on his face appearing to be in deep thought. All facial hair, including eyelashes, eyelids and beard of this man were all pure white. He appeared to be very old but the bulging muscles that were still evident despite wearing such a loose gown showed the amount of physical strength contained in his body.

This man was none other but the one and only Philip Constance, the Chairman of the Alliance of the Ten Hope Cities of the Salvation Continent. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and asked, "Bernard, what's the latest information about this VR gaming world from the Ares Corporation?"

Even though there seemed to be no one else in the room apart from him, he seemed to be assured that someone was listening to him.

"Sir, there is still no news. That strange scientist, Mr. Urahara seemed to have strangely disappeared after that announcement. He is nowhere to be found. We have also tried every means to locate the central server hosting the gaming network but that has also not yielded any results!" a voice suddenly sounded from beside the throne, then a young man of about 25 years wearing a black suit suddenly appeared out of thin air beside the desk. It seemed he was the one who just spoke.

Mr. Philip didn't even turn to look at him but was still frowning when he heard Bernard's report. "Disappeared? How can he dare to disappear at a time like this? Isn't he afraid that those greedy old monsters of the Ares Royal family will annex control of Ares Corporation while he is not around?" he suddenly asked!

Hearing his bosses' question, Bernard seemed to smile and answered, "I don't think they dare to! Sir, do you remember what happened to the King of Ares Empire's brother about fifty years ago when he tried to probe Mr. Urahara's strength?"

Mr. Philip's massive body shook when he heard that. He seemed to have been reminded of a nightmare that he had personally witnessed. On that day, he witnessed the true strength of that man, which made even him very desperate!

Everyone thinks, that man, Kisuke Urahara is just a psychic evolver who has very high IQ but no one knows the monstrous strength that lies within that weak looking body of his. Philip had always wondered how someone could practice to such length in this world where spiritual energy was so deficient.

That day, he knew if Mr. Urahara wanted to kill them, all he needed was a breath; they would simply disappear from existence. He was simply disinclined to manage them.

After thinking of this, he shook his head and stopped thinking of it. He now turned to Bernard and said, "If we can't get any prior information about this world, then what we have to do is send the greatest geniuses' of our family there so that we can get the greatest benefits possible. Send word to my family in Freedom city. Tell them to organize a team of geniuses with Silvia Constance as their leader as an expeditionary force into this world. After the expeditionary force gets enough information, you will personally lead the second team! We cannot allow other families to get ahead of us!"

"Yes, Sir!" Bernard immediately answered and immediately disappeared! Mr. Philip still had a frown on his face when he thought about the great unrest that such a new evolutionary path could bring to his rule.