


[Ding! -50 HP]

Alvin slammed against the tree behind him as the claw of the Wind Wolf knocked against his sword sending him flying.

This was the second time he had been dealt with such attack meaning he had only 80 points of health remaining. He suffered two similar attacks, that would be his end.

A ferocious snarl, somewhere between a roar and a growl came from the Wind Wolf's mouth. Now, Alvin knew that he wasn't this beast's match. He had to escape! Raw instinct took over as Alvin immediately broke into a run with wild abandon.

Unfortunately, Alvin's movement speed was laughable when compared with the bloodthirsty canines of the wolf. The wind wolf snapped at him.

[Ding! -50 HP]

50 points of HP was once again lost instantly. High-levelled monsters attacking players had the advantage of the difference in levels. A guttural growl, and another strike. Alvin twisted to the side this time in response. The sharp claws of the wolf grazed him.

[Ding! -25 HP]

Alvin's heart began to beat faster. His HP was in the single digits now.

"Am I going to die so soon!" this thought flashed in Alvin's mind as he noticed the bloody claws of the beast moving towards once again.

"No!!!!" Alvin shouted as he tried to exert his body to explode more speed. But no matter what he did, the bloody claws moved closer and closer to him…..

He didn't want to die know. He didn't want all his hard work for the past day to be wasted. But reality was dawning on him!


"5 meters, 4 meters , 2 meters ….."

The claw was getting closer and closer. Alvin's anxiety was also growing stronger and stronger! Even though players could be reborn after they died in this world, Alvin had an inexplicable feeling; a feeling that if he allowed himself to die, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

This was the main reason why Alvin continued to struggle despite knowing that he had absolutely no hope of escaping, he still struggled.

At the final moment when the claw was about to touch him, his heart seemed to stop. All his 21 points of soul strength retracted into his body, then exploded out all at once. All these took place subconsciously. Alvin had no control over it.


At this moment, Alvin thought he heard a clear crisp popping sound go off in his mind. In the next moment, an invisible ripple suddenly spread out from him causing the space around him to twist for a moment! Everything froze for a second including the Wind Wolf whose attack was just about to land.

Centered on the body of Alvin, the ripple uncontrollably spread and diffused to his surroundings. Every living thing around a mile radius was affected by this ripple, including the Wind Wolf and the three strangers who were spying on him.

Their eyes turned white and fainted. The ripple continued to spread until it covered a 4 mile radius around Alvin and finally stopped and retreated back into his body.

The moment all the ripples were gone, Alvin slumped onto the floor together with the wind wolf. Alvin was totally exhausted. He couldn't even muster energy to lift his finger. He even felt that he would have passed out himself if it was not his astonishing will holding him together.

"What happened?" Alvin still wasn't aware of what had happened.

[Ding! Congratulations to player 'Monkey D. Arnold' for awakening the Platinum Ranked Skill 'Conquerors Haki'! Reward: 500 Exp, +6 Soul (Spirit)]

[Ding! Because player 'Monkey D. Arnold's' body is too weak to bear this skill, it has been temporarily locked!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have leveled up! Present level is 2. All attributes upgraded by 1. You have received 4 free attribute points!]

[Ding! Congratulations, you have leveled up! Present level is 3. All attributes upgraded by 1. You have received 4 free attribute points!]

Alvin's mind went blank with all the information that was going through his mind at this time. he had awakened Conquerors Haki and leveled up twice.

He just lay there staring at the Wind Wolf who was knocked out lying next to him. It took him a couple of seconds to reorganize his thoughts even with his astonishing willpower. He was once again experiencing the feeling of leveling up. Alvin suddenly felt energy pour into his body again. He once again felt his physical strength, Agility, physique and soul strength increasing slowly. Even though he had experienced this feeling before, he still closed his eyes and enjoyed this process.

During this process, he was still thinking about the process of awakening Conqueror's Haki! Alvin could remember that in the original One Piece show, all characters who awoke Conqueror's Haki did so under extreme situations of life and death.

Also, the Haki that he knew was an ability that knocked out beings with weaker willpower than the user, with some strong ones being able to affect reality. He didn't remember Conqueror's Haki being able to freeze space like what just happened. He clearly remembered that the Wind Wolf whose claws were about to land on him was frozen in place for a few seconds before dropping down!

He could understand that maybe, because of the situation that he found himself in previously, he unconsciously awakened it. But what Alvin didn't understand was that, could all players that entered this world also awaken such ability in such circumstances, or was it unique to him.

He thought about it for a while but couldn't come up with a suitable answer.

"It seems there are a lot of secrets about this world that i don't understand. I will have to properly investigate later"

At this time, Alvin whose body was exhausted from his recent outburst was suddenly filled with abundant strength. He felt that because he had leveled up twice, all his energy had been recovered. Standing up, he picked up his sword and immediately pierced the head of the wind wolf that had passed out.

[Ding! Killed a Level 3 Wind Wolf! Experience points: +30]

A prompt sound rang in his hears announcing the death of the Wind Wolf. Alvin looked at his attributes panel and all his attributes had increased by two points with his soul now reaching 29 points because of the reward for his breakthrough!

He looked at the 8 unallocated attribute points and added two points each to strength and agility. he then added 3 points to vitality and 1 point to soul(Spirit)!

The moment the strengthening processes from the allocation of these attributes were completed, he received another prompt.

[Ding! Congratulations to player 'Monkey D. Alvin' for achieving 20 full points in Vitality]

[Ding! Because you are the first player to ever achieve 20 full points in any attribute, you are rewarded with special Skill; Mysterious Aurora Healing Skill!]

"A special skill?" Hearing the system's prompt, he was first confused. He already had achieved 20 points in his soul attributes, so why was the system rewarding him now.

"Does it have anything to do with the system malfunction that occurred when I was logging in?" he thought as he opened focused on his new skill to see its effects.


Mysterious Aurora Healing Skill:

Unique Skill, Level 1 0/100.

This skill is only available to players who have obtained full 20 points in Vitality. Because it is a unique skill, no other player has it. This special skill can be upgraded!


Stamina Consumption: 20

Activate Increased recovery of HP and Stamina at the rate of 1 point every 5 seconds!

Five minutes minute Duration.

One hour cool down.

[Can be used to heal others when level gets to 3]


When he saw the effects of this skill Alvin became overjoyed. Now with this skill, he will at least be able to practice for longer periods of time and not have to break every time he runs out of stamina.

5/5 of last week's chapter.

chapter for today coming soon. Thank you!

NOTE: Skill Ranks

Bronze, Silver , Gold and Platinum!

Will be posting this together with cultivation/Evolution realms soon.

xeros01creators' thoughts