
To The Grandline

As they ran, a group of marines tried to attack them, but they were easily taken care of by Sanji and Zoro. As they were running through an unfamiliar path to return to the ship, they saw a group of marines running towards them. "They are mine," said Luffy.

"Lightning Vortex!" Luffy shouted before he jumped forward and started spinning rapidly while at the same time releasing lightning from his body, creating a large vortex of electricity that was heading straight for the marine.

The lightning vortex crashed into the marines and started to drill its way backwards while at the same time electrocuting many of the marines and sending the rest flying into the nearby buildings.

When Luffy stopped his technique and stopped spinning, he was standing in front of a large group of marine bodies lying in front of him, while at his sides were several unconscious marines who had been hit by the electric shock.

Zoro and Sanji ran towards Luffy when they finally reached him, and the three of them continued on towards the ship.

"That's really cool, Luffy," said Sanji, while Zoro nodded.

"Yeah, that's one of my non-lethal attacks," he said. As they ran, they saw a girl standing in the middle of the road with a sword. After seeing her, Sanji started singing for her.

Luffy looked at Zoro and saw that he was scowling at the woman. The three of them stopped a few meters from the girl.

"I didn't know you were Roronoa Zoro and a pirate," she said to Zoro while looking at him with hatred in his eyes.

"Your girlfriend, Zoro?" asked Luffy. Zoro pulled out one of his swords before he answered.

"You two go first, and I'll catch up," he said, causing Luffy to nod and drag Sanji away as he shouted at Zoro. The two were running some distance down the road when they saw a man standing there in front of a motorbike.

Luffy saw it and immediately knew it was Smoker. The two of them stopped in front of Smoker, and Luffy looked at Sanji and spoke.

"Sanji, you go first; I'll follow," he said, causing Sanji to nod before running past Smoker.

"I don't think that's going to happen," said Smoker, with two cigars in his mouth. "This is the end of your journey, Monkey D. Luffy," he said as white smoke started to come out of his body. Luffy chuckled and stared at the smoke before he spoke.

"I don't think so smokey. "I have some kind of appointment with the Grand Line," said Luffy before blue sparks of electricity started to surround his body.

"You won't get to the Grand Line unless you beat me," Smoker said as smoke billowed around him.

"Sounds easy enough," said Luffy. In the blink of an eye, Luffy was in front of Smoker with his fist pulled back and coated with haki, causing Smoker's eyes to widen.

'Very fast!' Smoker thought before Luffy clenched his fist into Smoker's stomach, causing him to spit out some air and spit out a bit. The smoker then bent down and panted heavily on the ground.

While Smoker was crouched on the ground, Luffy sent a kick to Smoker's head, knocking him unconscious. As Smoker passed out unconscious, Luffy sighed and started walking towards the ship, but he suddenly stopped when he felt something.

"Are you going to come out or stay in the shadows, Dad?" Luffy asked before looking to his right, towards a dark alley. A man wearing a hood walked out of the shadows and smiled at Luffy.

"So you know who I am," said Luffy's father with a laugh. "Good to know your grandfather didn't turn you into a marine," he said, causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Well, you can't say he didn't try," Luffy said, causing his father to laugh. "But I think Shanks did a pretty good job with me," said Luffy, surprising the man.

"Red hair raised you?" Dragon asked in a shocked tone, causing Luffy to nod his head. "How long?" the dragons asked.

"About ten years," he said, surprising his father. "Well, I did spend a few of those ten years at other training grounds, but most of my time was with Shanks and his crew," said Luffy. His father seemed to think for a moment before he spoke.

"I see," he said.

Luffy then reached into his coat, took out a small card, and threw it at his father, who caught it.

"That's the number of my Den-Den Mushi," Luffy said, shocking his father. "Call me if you need me," he said before starting to walk away. His father smiled before speaking.

"Sure," he said as he put the card into his robes. After taking a few steps, Luffy stopped and narrowed his eyes as he stared in front of him before he spoke in a serious tone.

"Clan D has been hidden in the shadows of history for too long," Luffy said, getting his father's attention and causing his father's face to become serious.

"I agree," he said while looking at Luffy's back.

"The time is near when we won't be hiding anymore," said Luffy before his body turned into lightning and he disappeared. Dragon stared at where his son was standing before starting to laugh, then he walked back into the dark alley.

Luffy teleported himself to the docks and saw marines shooting at his ship while Sanji, Zoro, and the bounty hunter duo were fighting marines on the beach and Nami, Nojiko, and Usopp tried to get the ship out of harm's way. Luffy sighed before he launched one of his attacks.

"Raging Thunder!" he shouted, causing several thunderbolts to descend from the sky and strike the marines. Luffy then summons a thundercloud and jumps on top of it before flying towards Zoro and the others, telling them to get on board quickly.

When everyone had boarded, Luffy ordered the cloud to fly to the ship and land there. When everyone was down, Luffy turned the cloud into his throne and positioned it in its usual spot before he started shouting orders.

"Alright everyone, ahead is the entrance to the Grand Line," Luffy said, making them smile. "I guess we should say something to mark the occasion," he said, causing them to nod their heads.

Johnny and Yosaku went to the warehouse and brought a barrel of liquor and sat it in the middle of them all. Sanji was the first to set his foot on the barrel and speak.

"I'm going to the Grand Line to find All Blue," he said with a smile.

"I will become the king of pirates!" Luffy said as he placed his foot on the barrel.

"The world's greatest swordsman," said Zoro as he placed his foot on the barrel.

"The world's most famous bounty hunter," said Johnny and Yosaku as they put their feet on the barrels. When they said that, everyone thought they were cute before they just shrugged their shoulders.

"I'm going around the world, so I can draw a map of the whole world," said Nami, lifting her feet.

"I'm going to help my little sister achieve her dream... and keep her out of trouble," Nojiko said, making everyone laugh while Nami groaned.

"And I will be a brave warrior of the seas," said Usopp before he put his feet on the barrel with the others.

"And now to the Grand Line!" Luffy said as they all lifted their feet and smashed the barrels.

Power Stone Please

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