

this is a story meant for the daughter of thor, read to discover her true power

david_afolabi · sci-fi
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7 Chs

The saga of wisdom and eternal council

Mimir was an incredibly ancient being, celebrated throughout the realms for his deep wisdom and the profound counsel he offered. His dwelling place was by the Well of Urd, a mystical water source renowned for its wisdom-bestowing properties and for the profound enlightenment it imparted to those fortunate enough to partake of its waters. The allure of the wisdom held by Mimir was irresistible to Odin, prompting him to undertake a journey to the Well of Urd. However, standing between Odin and his coveted prize was Mimir himself, the guardian of the well. Mimir required Odin to make an enormous personal sacrifice in order to sip from the wisdom-infused waters: he demanded that Odin relinquish one of his eyes. Such an offering, Mimir maintained, was a price befitting the immense wisdom Odin sought. Unswayed by the steep price of his quest, Odin accepted Mimir's terms. He plucked one of his eyes from its socket and cast it into the well's murky depths. Having met Mimir's terms, Odin was granted permission to drink from the well, bestowing upon him wisdom and foresight beyond compare. Through this daunting sacrifice, Odin amassed a depth of knowledge unsurpassed by any other, earning him the title of the Allfather, the most sagacious of all gods. His absent eye also became an emblem of his transcendent wisdom and his ability to perceive beyond the constraints of ordinary realms.