
Through the silence

A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. But he doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Will you take on the journey with the girl who is now just learning about the beautiful and the disasters of the world?

Amanda_Pearson_7531 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
22 Chs

The best friend

Colby's P.O.V

Crashing through the door, bandages around my naked shoulders, I know I shouldn't have left the hospital, but I just couldn't let Chloe be here alone.

My parents ran towards me when they heard the commotion, I staggered passed them attempting to get to the couch, coughing up blood on my way there.

"Oh my god Colby, you should have waited a couple more days," My mother said.

"No, No way," I exasperated.

"Today is Chloe's birthday, I want to see her. Where is she?" I panicked.

"She's in the basement-" My mother replied.

I got up to go get her making my sore body make the distance.

"-Are you sure you want her to see you this way, I mean you're still bleeding for god's sake." My mother called after me.

"I don't care, I made myself a promise and I plan on keeping it no matter the risk," I said reaching the basement.

"Sorry kid, I can't let you do that today." My father called from behind me.

There it was, the monster my father really was, one minute I was standing then there was a sharp pain in the back of my head, I heard my mother scream and the next everything went black.

I woke up an hour later to my whole body being in pain, I groaned in pain sitting up rubbing the back of my head, sticky wet feeling on my fingertips. Figured, its blood bastard cracked my head open.

Shit where's Chloe, I jumped up running to my bedroom door went to turn the handle and guess what; I'm shit out of luck. It's locked.

I screamed in frustration and kicked the door, it didn't budge.

Then I realized there was one other way to talk to her, I ran to the vent and got as close as I could.

"Chloe, Chloe can you hear me, it's Colby." I called out to her.

I waited a few seconds, I wonder if she's mad at me, maybe she hates me for leaving her, maybe-.

"Colby is that you?" Came a sweet voice coming from the vent.

"Yes, yes I'm home are you okay did anything happen when I was gone?" I asked anxiously.

"Something amazing happened I went outside; it's beautiful, the green grass, large trees taller than houses and even multi-colored flowers!" She sounded so excited, but also sounded as if she just woke up.

"That sounds amazing, Chloe. I wish I could have been there; it must have been a lot to take in. If you are tired though I can let you rest," I said hoping that she would say 'no let's talk,' or something along those lines, but then again checking the time on the digital clock says it's almost midnight.

"Okay, good night Colby," She said through a yawn.

"Good night, Chloe. I love you," There was no answer just soft snoring, I snickered to myself, she probably didn't hear me, besides she had a long day.

I hissed trying to straighten myself upright, and back to my bed, laying myself out on my bed I took out my phone to text Lucey, we've been best friends since we were kids.

Me: Hey Lucey what's up?


Lucey: Nothing much just worrying about your ass, what the hell happened last I heard was you got shot..

Me: Yeah, I don't really remember much about that night.


Lucey: You need to start taking better care of yourself before you end up dead.

Me: I won't have to worry about that much longer... You remember the plan right?


Lucey: Yeah I remember when are you going to do it?

Me: After I earn Chloe's trust.


Lucey: Oh, right your bride to be or whatever.

Me: I can't wait to finally see her, you think she will still like me when she actually sees me?


Lucey: Of course she will,


Lucey: Anyway I gtg to bed for school tomorrow, are you coming?

Me: I think I'm going to stay home for a while.


Lucey: Alright well goodnight.

Me: Night.

I put my phone on the charger on my bedside table and stared up into the dark silence.

Years ago when I found out Chloe was actually there in my head I promised we would run away one day. I doubt she remembers any of that now but I haven't forgotten not once.

I promised to protect her and that we would be friends forever, after I turned thirteen I began liking her more than a friend, and when I turned fifteen, my mother told me that we were meant to be together and that was her purpose here.

She's been down there by herself for years, and now that we are both eighteen we can finally meet each other.

Although I know my father's plans, he wants us married as fast as we can so he can pass down the one thing I don't want...

The gang, I'm the gang leader's son, so naturally I'm supposed to take over, and from there my son.

I don't want that for my family. No I will not let my family have a life full agony, and that's the end of that.