
Through the silence

A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. But he doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Will you take on the journey with the girl who is now just learning about the beautiful and the disasters of the world?

Amanda_Pearson_7531 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
22 Chs

Picnic on the beach

Colby's P.O.V

Sitting in the back of the police car I laid my head back, I don't blame the girl for calling; if I was her I'd probably call too.

Well I guess she will be safe while I'm gone now that she's out of the house.

I decided to rest my eyes as we drove to the police station, the hard plastic seats isn't the best place for a nap, but I haven't been sleeping well with everything going on.

Suddenly the car door opens and I nearly fall out of the car, the cop snickered and I got out of the car.

I didn't even notice half an hour went by as he led me into the station.

This isn't the first time I got arrested, but it's not to the point where they know me by name.

"Alright, kid the phone is over there," The officer pointed to a phone on the wall.

"Yeah I see that but I can't call anyone with my hands cuffed behind my back," I said sighing.

"Smart ass," The cop said turning me around and unlocked the hand cuffs, I then rubbed circulation back into them as I walked over to the phone and began to punch in my mother's number.

One ring, two rings...

"Hello?" My mother's voice whispered.

"Mom, I'm in jail I need you to come get me," I said into the receiver.

"What why?" My mother asked panicked.

"I'll explain everything, did Chloe go home?" I asked hoping she didn't, I tried to swallow the vile that came up into my throat.

"No, she didn't your father is furious," She whispered back into the phone.

"Don't tell dad that I'm in jail, just get me out and I'll go get her," I explained.

"Alright," She sighed and hung up.

The cop came back and hand cuffed me and walked me to cell, I went in and took a seat on the metal bench.

I leaned my head in my hands, this isn't anyone's fault.

I just hope I find Chloe before anyone else does.

Chloe's P.O.V

Hayley and I sat on the bench as we sat by a beach looking out onto the water.

"So you really don't know where you live?" She asked bewildered.

"No," I said after I calmed down.

"Sorry I don't mean to be rude but how?" She asked confused, I began to wonder maybe I should tell her.

I thought about it for a couple minutes before answering.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I asked instead.

"Sure, anything," Hayley said nodding.

"Okay, well I've only been allowed outside for a couple weeks, before that I stayed in the dark room under the house." I said honestly.

"Dark room under a house, you mean a basement?" Hayley questioned.

"Yeah that's what they call it too," I replied matter of fact.

"So you lived your entire life in the basement and you are now allowed out before a couple weeks ago?" She clarified.

"Yeah exactly," I agreed.

"So the bruises were from your parents?" She raised her voice a little.

"No, they are Colby's parents I don't have parents," I explained.

"You mean the guy you were with?" She wondered and I nodded.

"Then why are you with him?" she asked.

"He's the reason I'm outside," I said reminiscing.

"Still, why don't you just run away?"

After she said those words I heard a beep of a car behind me making me jump, I turned around and Colby's car was there.

"Colby, you're here!" I screamed running to the car, he got out and kissed me on the forehead as I hugged him tight.

"Thank you for looking after her while I was gone," Colby spoke to Hayley.

"Yeah whatever," She took a piece of paper out of her pocket and scribbled down something, folded the paper and passed it to me.

"It's my number call me anytime," She said before she walked away.

I opened the piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it, with her name above and a note under the numbers which read;

'If you ever need help just call me."

Colby wrapped his arms around my waist gently and hugged me.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked worried and I shook my head no.

"Want to have a picnic with me then?" Colby whispered the question and I leaned my head back against him, my eyes closed.

"As long as you don't leave again," I replied.

"I won't, I promise," He whispered in my ear.

I turned around in his arms, leaned up on my toes, and for the first time I placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me pulling me closer as he kissed me back; he tasted like tobacco and smelled of gasoline.

"I love you," I said barely audible from the sound of crashing waves behind me.

"I love you too, Chloe." He whispered back.

He let me go and smiled as he went to the back of his car and opened the trunk, there was a blanket and a big basket with a cooler on top.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked confused.

"I went back to the restaurant and they told me you two went this way," He explained.

"Oh okay," I said back as he passed me the blanket.

He picked up both the cooler and the basket out of the trunk and placed it down on the ground to close and lock the car.

He picked them back up and nodded toward the beach.

"Lead the way, beautiful." I blushed at his words and went down to the sands of the beach.

Once we got between the middle of the beach, Colby placed down the cooler.

"Right here should be good," I passed him the blanket and moved out of the way as he threw the blanket in the air and placed it down making a perfect square onto the sand.

I sat on the blanket while he started taking out the food and passing me a sandwich.

"It's strawberry jam, I hope you like it," He said with a smile as he sat beside me with his own jam sandwich.

I nodded while I un-wrapped the saran wrap and ate slowly looking over the dark blue, green waves that crashed against the sand pulling everything back with it.

It was now dark and it was getting to the part I couldn't see.

I finished my sandwich and leaned over to get a drink but I fell onto his lap, which made him chuckle and picked up a can and opened it with a loud crack and passed it to me.

"Thank you," I blushed taking a sip of the fizzy liquid in the can.

"You're welcome," Colby said while laying down looking up at the sky.

I placed my can up right in the sand and lay beside him and gasped at what I was seeing.