
through the nine realms

ken aymaki and highschool student who loved anime an games whos always thought he was born into the wrong era now given the chance to let his talents be used in a new world what will happen

dontenglish · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

testing my powers an lots of death

Its been a few hours since I had last fought the bear hollow I had seen a fought a few other hollows and seen some menos grande who a hid from also from what I've seen the area of huceo mundeo I'm in has no ruler which made me even more worried so I had given up on finding a cave to hide in because of the chance of a group of hollows attempting to take over this area using it as a base and had instead hidden under the sand a good 8 feet and finally fell asleep in the sand.

8 hours later

Ken: *yawn* Well time to do something productive compared to yesterday first order of business is figuring out how much energy it takes to use macro and why I couldn't use it to mind control that hollow I have a few assumptions right now but I don't wanna risk testing the mind control and getting attacked by a hollow so today ill just test the cost for moving objects then we will test how to create ceros and how much freedom I get with making them if I'm really lucky I hope to get the ability fire ceros super fast like Starrk but I'm perfectly fine with any form of cero right now because increasing the number of ways I have to beat enemies is best right now once I reach Vasto lord ill be able to not worry about lack of ways to kill people.

So I started to using macro by moving the sand that's on top of my scales I then checked my to see how much energy it took to do it an saw that I had spent 10 points of energy to move the sand of my scales next I tested how much energy it would cost if I were to stop a moving object by swinging my tail and then using macro on it which had taken 50 energy away from me then I tested what happens if instead of using macro on my tail to stop the swing what happens if I just focus the wind in an area an, when I did it, took away 10 energy just like when I was moving sand.

Ken: hmm So it seems that macro, when used on a living thing, has increased in cost by at least 5x times could that mean there's also an increase when I'm trying to force someone to obey an order if so then macro will have very few uses in a fight unless I do a hit and run strategy which won't work with my current form though I can still use macro in a lot of ways to my advantage, for example, giving surprise attacks by controlling objects or I could use it for defense by controlling the wind or I could use it to enhance my speed by controlling the air so I don't get my speed reduced by it but learning all of this about macro makes me wonder if I get stronger would I be able to control even crazier things like vectors or causing earthquakes well nows the time to test my ceros to see how fast I can form them an also how accurate I can be with them.

I then started to crawl out of the hole I made to hid in so that I could find a target to shoot after a while of looking around I had found a hollow in the shape of an elephant which made me smile.

Ken: Damn lady luck must be on my side if i can find a perfect target like this okay well let's start the test.

I then started to form a direct my soul power towards my mouth then my soul power naturally formed into a huge red ball I then opened my mouth aiming at the elephant hollows head when it started coming out of my mouth it expanded a bit the 3-meter wide laser was shot towards the elephant but sadly it missed the elephants head an instead destroyed both of his front legs.

Ken: Damn I missed but I still did pretty good for a first time I think at least I hit him an from what I've seen my ceros pretty good it hits pretty far away since from what I've seen im like 60 feet away from him and it hit him an even went through his other leg too so its power an range is pretty good though the charge to make the cero on instinct was about 4 seconds long I may be able to shorten that by even more if I can form them naturally because in bleach ceros usually could get a lot smaller than what I had made so there must have been a lot of excess soul energy though one good thing to know is that this cero only took 20 energy which means it is not completely useless in combat it is just that I have to be able to immobilize them for 4 seconds but now let's kill the elephant but this time I want to try and control the spirit power that goes into cero an make it even smaller.

I then started to redo the process of the cero but this time I controlled the amount of soul power going into it an once it started to form a ball again I tried to condense the soul power in my mouth until it was the size of a small ball then I open my mouth to fire out the condensed cero this time when it was fired it instantly reached its target and continued on I then heard a loud explosion and a scream.

Ken: Welp that improved guess while I'm at it lets test the soul-devouring skill on the elephant hollow I killed an after that I should probably check what that scream was I might've killed someone so I don't want to waste-free stat points from what I've seen I probably did unless this elephant hollow is a lot stronger than it should be which I doubt since I killed the bear before an that was the same type of hollow.

I finally reached the dead elephant hollow after a few minutes and activated my soul-devouring skill on him I then felt something get even stronger in my body and when I looked at my stats my spirit stat hadn't increased but my energy had fully replenished.

Ken: So souls also restore my energy too that good I might be able to level up really easily if that's the case I could use my ceros to take out hollows and when I'm low on energy just devour souls well now let's go check out those screams I heard earlier.

Once I got to the area of the explosion I saw who the screams came from and I also realized who I killed.

Ken:{why the fuck is Kaname tosen at huceo mundeo is he already working with Aizen or something or could it be that this is one of those exams the soul reapers go through if so I'm fucked lets get the fuck out of here but first before I do that let's take advantage of them grouping up like that.}

I then charged up to three ceros one using 80 of my energy an the other two using 5 I had then ones which were using 5 energy be shot off at the bottom of my back feet when I turn around then I released the cero which I made using 80 of my energy it was a good 10 meters wide and hit a good portion of them I then turned around and fired off ceros at the bottom of my feet launching me away.

What I didn't know at that time is that some of the soul reapers saw me during that time.

{A/n hey guys dontenglish here again I just want to thank everyone whos supported me sorry for such a long time without a chapter I tried to make some time in my schedule to write anyway if you guys haven't noticed there's been a few changes first if you look in the tags for this book I added a new tag for multiple MCs you know what that means even more chapters also if you haven't also noticed I've changed the name of this volume so pretty much there gonna be two of the same number volumes for everything but they will have one difference they will have Side: and then either purity or impurity purity will be kens story an impurity will be the other MCs story I recommend you read both stories because there very important for the future volumes since they will meet sometimes an so it will be important to understand both characters anyway I just wanted to tell you all this also later there will be the first chapter for impurity either today or tomorrow so check that out an so once again thanks everyone for supporting this story}

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