
Pretty Fishy

I'll say one thing the Lannisters are fucking loaded with Gold everywhere in the trim of a room, chairs, and torches, hell I'm pretty sure I saw a gold-plated shitter. Did not matter all of it went into my Chest. In the first vault if I had to put an amount on the gold I would say a few hundred million gold coins in the back of the vault I saw coins from King Loreon Lannister the first Lannister king.

See that's what didn't make sense in the Tv show they have been mining for 8000 years but when it goes dry they are broke. It makes no sense that none of the Lannister ancestors thought of having a rainy day fund but I found my answers. It seems that every few generations put some kind of gold away for their decedents. Not anymore I'm taking everything. I'll have to go through Tywin's head to see if they have any accounts in the iron bank. Later though I'm making my way down through twisting and turning corridors. If I didn't have a map from Keven's head I would be lost but if I had to say I'm around a few hundred feet below the last vault and that was lower than The dungeon.

Dam ever is down here in this vault needs to be good because this is bull shit I could have killed a few generations of Freys by now. Coming around the last bend I see the vault it is pretty impressive It's probably fifteen feet fall and just as wide as I would say it is pretty thick. Looks like you need a combination with a key. Dam this will be harder than I thought *snot* if I didn't have magic. All I needed was to transfigure the outer rim of the vault into Siltstone one of the softest rock I can think of besides the eagles. (sorry bad joke) Now all I need to do is give the vault a little nudge and it will crumble under its weight.

A silencing charm in the area and a low-powered blasting curse on the top of the vault and the outer edge crumble kicking up a dust cloud in the area. Waiting for the cloud to go down. I get my first look into the vault and right in front of everything are 2 more dragon eggs one is white and the ether is gold. Sitting off to the side of a small table is a small journal ill look at it later. going deeper into the vault there is books lots and lots of books everything from history to books on banned like ritual magic nothing too big. I clean it out and take everything. I notice as I clean off a bookshelf that it wabbles a little looking down I see scratch marks on the floor. Pulling back the shelf I see a small cubby with Vials and jars of well-preserved liquid and cavies bags filled with seeds. Looking at what looks like a small book I look over it and I realize I hit the jackpot. The jars are filled with the Organs of the children of the forest, dragon organs, and Giant organs, and the vials are filled with the blood of each.

It seems some of the older Lannisters were dabbling into rituals trying to bond dragons with themselves. I already have an idea of how to get the information on doing that, But I will think of that later. Let's clean everything out. Heading back up I hear the noise and see a panicked guard rushing toward me I pop out and scream, he screams and then passes out. I can only snigger to myself. It's all of the small things. Time to look for more loot hmm I'm getting a little hungry and might get some food.

After finishing I head back up to the Solar I decide its a good idea to write a thank you note to Tywin It read

-"Sup Bitch, Thanks for the 'Loan'- Yours lovingly the traveling Scholar BFF of the laughing lion.

(if you don't get it The laughing lion was Tywin's Father who was made a joke out of by his bannermen, It's pretty much the reason why he is so ruthless and feared for not taking a shit.)

Trying to think if I forgot anything I can't think of anything at all. After a quick stop off at my base and emptying my chest then it will be time to head to the Freys.


As I make my way across this shit hole of a kingdom. I mean the Riverlands look shitty as hell someone went full scorched earth policy. I also realize that I have no clue where the Twins are I know they are on a river ill just fall in style and follow the biggest river.

After about an hour of looking I find it and dam this place is a shit hole I mean they bleed the people who cross dry of everything they have. Do I even want to take anything from here Besides the gold?

After cleaning them out of all their gold and they had quite a bit a few million just sitting down here. A quick Fiend-fire later the place is cleaned out no more weasels. After then I proceeded to dismantle the entire castle beside the bridge ill leaves that up. Also, I left a Note. I'm such a nice guy.

I'll Visit the Tullies later I feel like taking a nap right now.

A/N: What do you guys think to leave comments>