
Before it all BEGUN

Imagine a place before all this, a place where people had no need to worry about whether a God exist or not, because they were the gods. Gods who live in six different realm. each realm had a leader who sat upon the Thrones of Deity. These thrones had names to signify the purpose of their monarchs. The throne of creation host the Din god, every thing known to mankind was created by them, every realm, every being, even the thrones were created by the Dins. The throne of order, they aren't really physical gods, they are more like spirits, who seek to maintain order and peace among realms, their way of life is one that is to be copy by all. Every one as a say in how their realm is ruled and no one is above each other except for the for the Agyter who sits upon the throne, no one dear speaks over him. The throne of power, they inflict fear upon others by using what they have over all others, their speed, their strength, and their agility. But only one Ellinika posses all though traits and only he shall sit on the throne. The throne of freedom, they believe in manumission, they believe no one should be held down by others, no one should be limited by the belief of others. unfortunately not all Apelikas think this way, and he sit on the throne. Peace will reign but not forever, not while the throne of war still exists. the Vayikins have always find something to fight about and the throne is one, their fight is never ending. They don't even know that fighting is pointless. When someone is already sitting and I don't think he plans on being dethrone for a very long time. For everything there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. everything we know will soon be gone, whether the earth is blown to piece or its burnt from its core. That's a decision to be made by the Endyen, the destroyers of the world. their monarch sits on the throne of destruction. and will be the end of everything even the thrones.

The many wings of a Tall dark and handsome Din god flap as he flew over Celestia on his way to the castle to speak to his father. He flew over the inner ring of Celestia, where high ranking Din gods dwell in golden huts and bathe in silver. "Father," a voice called out to a muscular albino man in his mid forty's well-embellished in white tunic adorn with golden accessory walking suspiciously from a ceiled room.

"Son" he turned and reply has he watch the many wings of his son abjure, after landing on the mezzanine overlooking the City of Celestia. "What can I do for you?"

He lift his hand away from his face thus creating a breach in the Arloc so as to enter his father's chambers. "Father, the gods of the outer ring is wondering when will you rid of the walls." he stated. Though they were in one of the six realms of Asgardian heaven, Celestia the realm of the din gods. Division amongst class and gender was very prominent. Only the monarch and his family line was allow to be in the inner ring. Farmers, soldier and those seen as accessory to the kingdom gets to live in the middle ring. while the others lay waste to the outer ring where prosperity isn't a thing. And unless you're one of the two daughters of YHWH you're bound to a god for the rest of your eternal life.

"About that" he muttered, as he pull up a hologram of what looks like a blue print of one of his future creation. "I was envisaging and I think we should leave the city as it."

"Why" Michael questioned, "does this have any to do with that?" he point to the hologram, "you've been working on that ever since I was cherub." he added.

Michael being the eldest of YHWH children, he was consider an equal and he is the only din god that can question YHWH. So he had no problem answering his questions, "No, this has nothing to do with my decision." he said "I just think that the rings create order in Celestia."

Michael narrowed his eyes in wonder as he watch as his father expand the blue prints making more space for new creation. "When did we start worrying about order instead of creation?"

"I just think we could use some of the other realms technique to make Celestia a even better paradise" YHWH argued, "speaking of other realms I have a meeting in limbo with the other Thrones, I'll speak with you on the matter some other time." YHWH snapped his finger and within a blink of an eye he was gone, vanish into a flash of light.

Michael returned to the outer ring of Celestia where the houses where only made of concrete walls and zinc roof. Unlike the people of the inner ring the residents bathe in pure water. He roamed the city seeking to help any one in whatever way he could, but the type of help he was offering, the gods were not interested in. He provided safety and security but what they actually wanted was equality and liberty. Michael was adored by many, but to others he was seen as a way of making YHWH their marionette. In the midst of light a plan to capture him was a foot. He heard destressing babble of hounds coming from the far end of the city, so he went to check what it was about. Upon arriving at the location he saw that this type of creature was a special one, it had a heart of fire and with just a bite could end the eternal life of any god. However, this was on command of its master and by the looks of it, he couldn't have had a master. Michael cautiously approached the beast, unfortunately he was attacked from the back with a bite to his neck, rendering him unconscious.



"What was that YHWH" trinity asked. The Thrones of Deity lies in a realm called limbo, a pitch back space with a circular Greek like arena, with columns around the edge and seven throne placed equal distance from each other around the pitch as if they where about to watch a dual. YHWH's throne of creation was to the right of Trinity's the throne of destruction, where it and Odin's throne, the throne of war sandwich the empty throne of chaos. Olokun and YHWH was very close so his throne of freedom was next to YHWH's, and where there is order there is power, so Ra's and Kronos' were next to each other.

"Oh, nothing" YHWH responded, "What will we do about our situation." he added as he gestured towards the empty throne of chaos. yes they're six realms in Asgard and each as a monarch on the throne. However, about a hundred years ago the monarchs were curious as to what will happen if a single being posses the power of all the thrones. Thus YHWH created a new realm called 'Hel' but not on the Asgardian plain. Instead it was created on a plain below Asgard and would play host to the benevolent god and its realm. But they didn't know creating this realm would've cause YHWH to subconsciously fabricate a representing throne in limbo. In this new realm they created a new supreme God, well so they had though. They didn't knew that creating such a God, will only result in chaos and it would require the strongest body known to gods and that's the body of a Goddess. A being that has been shunned by her kind from the beginning of time. Because, her body is incongruously shaped; her waist is too thin, her bust and butt is oddly shaped, her hair is too long and red. and her voice has this annoying high pitch. But, what they didn't know was that the Physiques of a goddess would be the back bones of one of the greatest civilization.

They chained her to the grounds Hel, so she wouldn't be able to escape and enter the Asgardian plain, they beat and bruise her in any way they could trying to correct her 'disfiguration', but this only caused her pain and suffering. "What situation?" Kronos asked, "isn't she chain to the deepest part of her realm?" Kronos was a tall, paled skin, fearsome god who held the ability to bend time and space to his will.

"Yes" YHWH interrupted, "But she is getting stronger and stronger by day, and if we don't do something it, it'll be a matter of time before she break free."

She might have been the youngest of the thrones, but because she is a product of all six other thrones she would for sure, solo any of them in a kabiri. Everyone accepted this, except for one, the all mighty black and bold Olokun, A chocolate hunk. He was so egocentric, he believed that the whole of Asgard revolved around him and that it wouldn't exist without him. He was partially correct however Asgard did not only revolved around him, it also revolved around the other thrones of deity. "So, I guessing you have a plan to prevent this" he assumed.

"That's it we can't"


Celestia to a normal person would be paradise, except for that one point in the city were it's pitch black and only the present of YHWH's second born son could ever illuminate it. Here is where Michael was hanging from chains, weak and vulnerable. His cry was a howling scream but no one could hear him, because his brother was the god of sound and knew exactly how to cancel it out. "Oh, dear brother." he chuckled, "That's of no use when no one can hear you."

Michael was barely conscious and was only able to see the light aura emanating for the person's figure, but he knew immediately that it was his brother. "Lucifer," Michael muttered, "brother why are you doing this?"

"You know why," he leered, "This is the only way I can get father to do what is to be done"

Michael looked up and trying to look him in the eye but he still was too weak, "I told you," he said "I would talk to him and get him to move the rings."

"And how did that go?" he mocked.

Michael's tone change after that question because he knew his brother was right. No matter how much they ask and YHWH promises it will never happen unless Michael's life was being threatened. because YHWH only cared for himself and his successor. "Do whatever you must." Michael said in realization.


"What do you mean we can't?" Trinity exclaim sitting up right in his chair and retracting his ten arms and three faces to make one whole figure. a skinny ripped blue man with a white harem and white turban accessorized with golden thread.

YHWH looked over at him and said, "We can't stop her from breaking free, but we can stop her from entering Asgard."

"How?" Kronos Asked.

Asgard is a plain with six realm, seven if you count limbo, below Asgard lies another plain 'Utgaard' which contains the Hel realm. YHWH explained to the others that, by creating another plain called Midgard, in the midst of the other two existing plains, they will be able to manipulating her into thinking that Midgard is Asgard. and she will destroy it instead. he also explain that Midgard will contain eight worlds that will dance around a giant star in order to keep its balance, Seven of those world will be throne world while the remaining one will play host to our substitute gods and it will take six days to create this plain.


Lucifer flew down onto the mezzanine and abjure his wings, he life his hands and breach the arloc, but realized his father was not around. He entered the chambers and started snooping while he waited for him to return, he started running his fingers over the book on self behind the desk and suddenly the walls (the ceiled door) of the chamber opened revealing a pitch black room of nothingness. he curiously walk in and realized that the light he bears can too bring light to this room, "Lucifer," he heard a woman whisper in an echo, "Luucifferr."

"Who's there?"

"Lucifer" A figure screamed running full speed toward him until it was stop by chains bounding it roam limited distance. "Lucifer YHWHson, the god of sound."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes and look at the goddess and said, "Name and title, don't wear it." he took a step back to take a good look at her. "And, you are?" the goddess dragged the chain around, complaining to Lucifer about her life and how she was looked up in this dark place for centuries but lucifer only ask for one thing. "I asked your name not your entire life story."

She stopped her moving and turn to Lucifer. "The name is Lilith, goddess of confusion."

Lucifer was what not expecting this such as an answers hence therefore why he were curious to heard more. "What? there is no such thing as confusion." lucifer shouted. He slammed his mouth shut, wondering why he was yelling.

"Come closer." Lilith instructed, and has he walked a bit closer, she disappeared for a few seconds and out of nowhere grabbed onto Lucifer's eyes from the back, forcing him to experience every moment of her horrid life. After uncovering his eye, tears of blood ran down his slander light skin face.

Dropping to his knees, and wailing in a low pitch voice, Lucifer looked up at Lilith and whimpered "e cando estou enfermo, e ala quen me cura," healing himself.

Lilith walked up to a healed lucifer and speculated, "I know I have been locked up here for the entirety of my life but, isn't that forbidden."

"Yes it is, but I don't care." he responded very boldly, "Look, I gotta get back to Celestia, I Have a feeling YHWH will be returning soon." lucifer started looking around for a way to exit he could seem to find one, so he taken to Lilith for help.

She looked at him and told him what to do. "Just hold out your hands as if your opening a door and then turn." Lucifer slips out the door just before a flash of light and YHWH appeared.

Lucifer stood there and has he ceil on the arloc so no one could open it. That was rather suspicious of him for he as never once ceiled the arloc before, because he had nothing to hide, well, he had no one to fear. "Luck" he said with an up beat physical expression.

"Father," lucifer replied. "I presume you already know why I am here since you throne deities are omniscient."

Ignoring that he is all-knowing, YHWH turned to Lucifer, "So, what exactly do you want?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, Allah" Lucifer hissed.

A presents of absolute darkest filled the room as YHWH flared up in anger. "How dare you refer to me by that name."

Lucifer stood there not moving muscle, because he know that no matter how much power YHWH exercise, he can never hurt his light bearer. But, he knew that lucifer will not hesitate to decapitate his heir. Well Lucifer wouldn't do that to his brother, but YHWH didn't know that, for Michael surpassing his powers of omniscience. YHWH and the other throne deities, can tell what is happening before it happen, they can see and alter the future, however they can't see things regarding each other. Hence, why they couldn't see what the outcome of creating and powerful God'ess' would've cause. "Calm down daddy." Lucifer insisted. "No need to act all high and mighty. You already know this was going to happen, even before you created me. remember" he reassured. "That's why you call me luck, because I would actually give you your purpose as the God of Man."

"Lucifer, get the hel out" YHWH roared.

"Hel," he replied in a calm and suttle voice, "Funny, isn't that where you chain Lilith, the Goddess of confusion, deity of the Throne of Chaos."

YHWH snapped his fingers and you could hear when the rings that separated Celestia fall into the ground leave scars so the dins gods would know, even though the rings are gone class and power still remain. "there, now get out."

Lucifer walked towards the arloc about leave, but stop to ask one last comment. "Father," he stuttered, "don't throw Me too hard." Lucifer walked through a small opening which his father had created when he told him to leave his chambers. When Lucifer was out of range YHWH looked up and muttered, "I won't my son."


Lucifer walked up to a still barely conscious Michael and cut him from the chains that held him in the air. " I'm guessing you heard when the rings fell to the ground." Lucifer said. he picked him up from the ground and threw him over his shoulders, and began flying towards the inner ring where he could get some rest and recover. He laid him down in a pool of water to speed up the process but every time lucifer check the wound there would be no improvement. lucifer stood over his brother in worry and begun to cry. "Brother heal yourself, please, I cannot imagine a world without you here with me, so I beg of you heal. Just say the words, am sure father will understand." the ground beneath his feet begun to shake and to him it was a miracle was about to happen but in reality, it was the goddess whom was tired of the abuse decide it was time to break free.


The lights flash as the throne deities appeared one by one in pitch of the arena to discuss the current state of the plain. They felt the pressure as Lilith broke the chains and drew power from the universe.

Lilith drew massive amount of power from the universe to give her strength and immense control over her power of chaos. With the powers she gain, she mange split the utgardian plain in two seperate parts Hel and pandemonia. known to us today has yin and yang, with a Castle at each of the balancing points.

Michael was burn to ash by the wound on his neck.

YHWH created a new plain.