
'A' Beginning of ERAs'

Have you ever heard these phrases before. Never again will the waters become a flood. To us a child is born, to us a son is given. I can feel it in my bones. There is no passion to be found playing small. London bridge as fallen, the Queen is dead. Phrases so great that they can usher in a new era. Whether an era of peace, destruction, Chaos or love. A lot of people fear the start of a new era, but as you can see nothing bad as happen at the cost of these new beginnings and nothing is being expected to happen, because of the new generations and the changes in belief. except the fact that the first white man to be born was thrown out by his people resulting in the enslavement of black people for hundreds of years. These Phrases might not have meant much at the time they were said, but today they are like a sniper pulling the trigger of his gun and only grazing its target. Well those might have, but you know one phrase that didn't miss it's target's bullseye. That phrase is;

"Let there be light." The phrase YHWH used to create the new plain called midgard.


Balance and equality in the world is one thing we treasure the most, but what if I told you that balance as you know it today as man and woman was never the first ever balance to be created. In the beginning, YHWH stood over the empty plain, he had just created wondering how he would divide the plain and what would make it different from Utgard and Asgard. So after long consideration and much preparation he decide that the best way to divide the plain was to make two opposite ends. Ends that are balance with each other, where one cannot live with or without the other. YHWH order the space before him, separating Dagr from Nott and Nott from Dagr. what we know today as day and night. By creating this he opened new possibility for new balance, light-dark, good-evil, high-low, black-white, water-fire, earth-air, everything and nothing. But the most prominent balance was on and off. YHWH looked on his creation a muttered these words, "I have seen what I have created, and what I created, I like."


The second day of creation had rolled on by, for the day had turn into night and the night disappear at the break of first light. The plain was still looking a bit debilitated 'lame' it was time for a second throne deity to intervene. Trinity the God of cycle. As I said before, there is a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. One may believe that a cycle is a solid circle and an end it as not. but, what if it was not so at all, and in fact it was just seven lifetimes of birth, growth and death. This is trinity; creation persevante and destruction. By sacrificing one of his three souls he was able to create a firmament separating utgard from midgard and midgard from asgard. This soul was call Brahma, he liad waste to the creation of planetary(M.VEM.JSUN), balls of water, held together by the foundation of a great empire.


Once more did the night become day and again the gods shall continue their mission. An empty space with nine sphere but only one can be the habitat of creatures that would serve as proxy for gods, one which they call Earth. Olokun the God of life offer the single seed of nirvana which had: summon Dry land from beneath the tension of the waters of earth. Freeze to its core the planet furthest away. Make similar its biggest and closest neighbour. Boil the planet smallest in size, but make the one closest the hottest. bound the queen to its king and give them a child of ice. Olokun form the basic features of a world that was empty a was without a purpose.


By the fourth day it was time for the fourth god to see his purpose. Ra did not know what his exact purpose was, for his soul had no body. The universe was just a big playground for a free spirit like him. Ra found a way to make day and night more discreet from each other. A way to make sure that there was a harmonious dance in midgard forever. he created the sun and moon to hound there elements. Stars to light the dark, clouds to dim the light and months to mark each time of the year. I0


It may not mean much to man, but to a God its the beginning of a new story, the time as come again for a throne deity to give birth and offer life to the unborn. Kronos the god of time fell in love with the beauties of earth and together they created a god to which the earth gave birth, Poseidon the god of waters, his upper body is that of a gods and his lower body was a single fin instead of legs. With his powers he created fishes of the sea, the birds of the sky and the beast of the land. His triten he used to rule over all the oceans and his hidden city beneath the depths of the waters.


It was the presumed last day of creation. The day in which the gods shall create beings that will serve as their proxy. A being that would be fashioned into the likeness and image of Odin, god of death. On the parapet of the Valhalian palace that overlooked mountainous terrain. Odin mold and shape two hairy bodys, one of that to the shape of a god and the other of a goddess. In the print less palms of bodies without souls, he drew lines and marking which will maketh one unique from the other. these lines also served the purpose of determine your lifespan. Odin brought them to the plain for Olokun to give them life but upon arrival, he received a necklace which allowed him to temporary wheal the power of life. Odin stood over the body of man before giving it life and declared. "Man, you shall rule over all things on earth, butcher those who dare defies author, but protect those who are placed under your care." he kneel down and covered the mouth of man and blew the breath of life into his body. He then turn to woman and commanded. "Woman, you were created last for a reason, you must respect the man to which you are wedded, be loyal and obedient and serve him in whatever way he want." and with that life was given to woman, Marking the end of an era and the start of new. Odin looked on his creation and spook over them. "You shall be known as adam and eve, and in future years Joseph and mary, elizabeth and philip and the greatest of your existence Shara and Kareem. i order you: eateth not of the tree in the midst of this garden the tree of knowledge o


At first YHWH and the other throne deities had no idea that the six day that they had expected to create this new plain would eventually matriculated into seven because of the wailing of one frustrated Lilith. her deafen sound force everyone, all life in the universe to drift off to a day long sleep. Only to wake at end of the screams. Long after Lilith broke free of her sackles she tried to enter asgard however, this was on the six day of creation and a firmament barrier was blocking her path. Once more did the other throne deities underestimated her intelligence. Immediately she realize that they had created a barrier in the midst of the two plains. her screams shatter the firmament only leaving a thin layer making it easy for anyone to get in.

**Valhalian, castle parapet, the day after creation**

"Papou" a voice called out to Odin. It was bright out and the grass- stone pattern of the parapet was sharper than ever, the fountain in the center was running with the clairest of waters and Odin was peacefully meditating a top the edge of the balusters, with the slightest push he could fall in to the bottomless abbist of Canon dome. Odin turned to see it was his grandson 'Boiga' a shape sifter, who had came to get him. "Papou, what are you going out here?" he wondered "Everyone is in the great hall awaiting your presents."

A cycle had begun a new and the gods where in Valhalla celebrating their newest creation, however celebrations cannot begin without the present of all throne deity present. "Oh I was just meditating."

Boiga was concern for his grandfather and so he asked "Is something wrong, Papou?"

"Oh nothing something just seems off about today." They both head back to the great hall where all the Gods rejoice to the announcement of his name. "Settle down everyone, so you may have seen than we created a new plaine, let the celebrations begin." cheering of gods filled the room.

one drink after the other, odin became more lost in laughter, Boiga pulled a knife from his waist and aimed it at Odin's neck. "father" Thor the God of thunder called out to warn him. "Mjölnir" Thor summoned his hammer that was half his size and only those deem worthy shall wheel its power. "Fetch" he threw the hammer aim at boiga head, it suddenly stop mid flight, changed its direction and aim right back Thor, sending him flying through the windows. Odin quickly grabbed a hold of Boiga hands and flanged him over his shoulder onto the ground.

The got up from the ground with a psychopathic grin. " I'm going to kill you all." he got and begun running around the room at the speed of light slitting the throats of of seven gods. These were all normal god without a title.

Rhea the god of space transported all throne god and power god to the throne arena to avoid any more blood shed of the innocent. "Everyone meet Lilith" Ra announce before break the the illusion she casted, "Goddess of confusion, deity to the throne of Chaos."

A battle between gods a the strike of Odin's blade, everyone fights with Lilith but in reality she sit upon her throne. Lucifer flew up to her a reminded,"You do know your confusion doesn't work on me?"

"I know," She assured, "Your lucifer, non of my visual confusion works on you, but your forget one thing, you have five other senses i can attack."

she lifted her hands but before she could, a naked man with wings of fire blocked her path. "lilith, I send you hel and hel you shall remain, never to return to asgard."

"You have won this battle but not the war." and that's what she said before falling to hel.

The person turn to lucifer and said. "Lucifer, you are under arrest for treason against your own kind and shall receive judge tomorrow at first light."
