
Thrones and Treachery

Daniella is a strong, beautiful, and witty princess. All she wants is to study magic and see the world. However, her royal duties seem to be in her way. Her journey revolves around magic, friendship, duty, and love. Initially excluded from the inheritance competition by her sibling, she later discovers something terrible is about to happen to her kingdom. While everyone else seems to have given up, she is determined to save her kingdom. Her journey will explore love, sacrifice, family, tough love, unexpected love, secrets, rivalries, decisions, morals, and the battle between good and evil. There is no defined villain in this story; everyone is seen as a villain by our protagonist until proven otherwise. The secret in this story may just be jaw-dropping. Everyone has a secret but some more than others

NNice21 · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Strong woman

Flora pov

As Vider gently places Daniella to rest, the ordeal having caused her to pass out, he steps out of the carriage with Miss Motan by his side. 

"I think we should let your sister rest," Miss Motan suggests, her tone gentle yet firm. I glance up at the carriage and see Miss Mary assigning guards and handmaidens to watch over Daniella. 

I notice tears staining Vider's neck, remnants of Daniella's distress. Without hesitation, I offer him one of the embroidered handkerchiefs I've been working on during the journey, a delicate rose adorning its fabric. It was meant for Maxim but i think i can make another.

"Thank you," I say softly as I hand him the handkerchief. He nods in acknowledgment, but he hesitates to pick it from my hands. I reach out for his hand and hand it to him. He holds it and walks behind of Sinbad and stands with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry about that," Sinbad's voice breaks the silence, his expression reflecting genuine remorse. Even the dog seems to share in the somber mood, its tail drooping slightly.

"It's fine," I assure him, mustering a small smile. "The dog meant no harm. I'm just grateful your caravan found you in time."

"Me too. I thought they had left me," Sinbad admits, his voice tinged with relief.

"We wanted to leave you, but it would have looked irresponsible of me," a voice chimes in from behind. I turn to see a young, beautiful woman emerging from one of the carriages, dressed in a stunning satin gown adorned with gold jewelry fit for royalty, i think the most beautiful piece was the one on her head rap. the gold and the detail on that was rather blinding.

The woman approaches us with an air of confidence and elegance, her demeanor commanding attention. She moves with the grace of someone accustomed to respect and authority, her every step exuding regal poise. As she nears, her presence seems to fill the space around us, casting a subtle aura of power and influence.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier," she says, her voice smooth and melodic, carrying a hint of a unique accent that adds to her mystique. "I am Lady Nabila, the royal advisor. I am deeply sorry for the distress I caused your sister."

Her words carry genuine sincerity, and I find myself drawn to her presence, her lips had this perfect shade of red and her skin seems that it was kissed by the sun gods. Her eyes were as beautiful as the sunset, curious about this enigmatic figure who holds such a significant role in the realm. 

"I'm Princess Flora, of the far southern kingdom," I reply, offering a polite nod. Despite my curiosity, I maintain a sense of decorum, mindful of the formalities expected in such encounters. "My sister will be fine. She's had bad experiences with dogs in the past."

I turn to face Miss Motan and Miss Mary, gesturing towards them as I introduce them to Lady Nabila. 

"This is Miss Motan and Miss Mary, our advisors, or preferably, senior women," I say, acknowledging their presence with a respectful nod.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Flora, Miss Motan, and Miss Mary," Lady Nabila responds, her tone warm and welcoming. She extends her hand in greeting, and I shake it, struck by the firmness and confidence of her grip.

"Did you say you were a royal advisor?" I inquire, my curiosity piqued by her title.

"Yes," she confirms, her gaze briefly flickering towards Sinbad before returning to me. "I am indeed an advisor, but to a rather... unique individual."

She tilts her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes as she gestures towards Sinbad.

"Always running away and causing trouble," she adds, a hint of amusement coloring her tone.

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise as I turn to glance at Sinbad, whose expression remains stoic, though a faint smile tugs at the corners of his lips. 

"Wait, you're a royal?" I exclaim, my voice betraying my astonishment as I turn back to Lady Nabila, my mind racing to process this unexpected revelation.

"Not just any royal," Lady Nabila replies, her tone tinged with a touch of pride. She straightens her posture, her demeanor regal and dignified as she continues, "I serve the Emperor of Solaragrath. He is quite a handful, to say the least."

My jaw drops in disbelief, my mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of her words. The realization sinks in slowly, leaving me stunned and speechless. Sinbad, the unassuming traveler and advisor, is in fact an emperor.

Lady Nabila's diminutive frame stands in stark contrast to Sinbad's towering stature, yet her presence exudes authority and command. She wastes no time in reprimanding him, her tone firm and unwavering as she pulls his ear, a gesture both comical and disciplinary.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in camp?" she scolds, her voice echoing with a mixture of frustration and concern.

Sinbad attempts to defend himself, but Lady Nabila cuts him off with a stern glare. 

"It was boring," he protests, though his excuses fall on deaf ears as Lady Nabila continues to chastise him.

Her grip tightens on his ear as she enumerates his offenses, her frustration evident in every word. Vider stands nearby, his arms crossed behind him, his expression unreadable as he observes the scene unfolding before him.

"And where are your clothes and robes? Your jewelry?" Lady Nabila demands, her voice tinged with exasperation.

'' I was robbed,'' he says. Sinbad's response only seems to darken her mood further, prompting her to pull on his other ear with equal force.

"This is why you need to stick with Vider," she admonishes, her gaze locking with his, her words carrying a weight of responsibility and consequence.

Meanwhile, Miss Mary sidles up to me, her voice low and conspiratorial as she shares a piece of advice.

"The best way to deal with royal pains," she whispers, a mischievous glint in her eye, "is with a firm hand and a sharp tongue. I wish I had used the same mechanism on you, considering you snuck out last night."

I recoil in surprise, my eyes widening as I realize she knew about my nocturnal excursion. I quickly place my hands on both ears. 

"You knew?" I exclaim, feeling a pang of guilt mixed with astonishment.

Miss Mary merely shrugs, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. 

"I have eyes everywhere," she says cryptically, her words sending a shiver down my spine. "You're just lucky Miss Motan doesn't know."

Lady Nabila's expression softens as she releases Sinbad from her grip, her demeanor shifting from stern to sympathetic. She fiddles with her necklace nervously, a telltale sign of her unease.

"We found you, but unfortunately, we can't proceed any farther," she explains, her tone tinged with regret. "The tree blocking our path is an ancient one, and its wood is too heavy to be easily moved. It will take at least two days to clear the way."

My heart sinks at her words, frustration and desperation bubbling up within me. "No!" I protest, my voice ringing out with a sense of urgency. "I have a wedding to attend!"

Sinbad nods in agreement, his expression mirroring my own disappointment. "As do I," he adds solemnly.

"But my situation is different," I continue, a note of desperation creeping into my voice. "There can be no wedding without me—I am the bride."

Lady Nabila offers a congratulatory smile, though the enormity of the situation isn't lost on her. "Congratulations," she says gently, her words tinged with sympathy. "But the size of that tree is indeed ridiculous."

Sinbad interjects with a suggestion, his gaze shifting upward to Vider. "Perhaps Vider can help move it," he suggests optimistically.

Vider's response is measured and to the point. "I know my limitations," he says simply, his expression unreadable.

With the realization sinking in that our journey has come to an abrupt halt, I can't help but feel a sense of despair wash over me. How will we overcome this obstacle and make it to the wedding on time?

The other path is a day longer. I observe, casting a glance up at the sky. "Considering magic is not an option, maybe if we work together, we may finish faster."

"Sorry, Princess," Miss Motan interjects, her tone apologetic. "Even with 100 men, it will take time."

"We can use the alternative route, but we can't camp there because. of..." Miss Motan begins, her sentence left unfinished.

"Bandits," Lady Nabila finishes the sentence, her voice filled with a hint of concern. "If it's shorter than the first alternative route, we can take the risk."

"That is a long shot," Miss Motan responds skeptically. "I still don't trust you people." Miss Motan's directness never fails to impress me. It's a quality that I both admire and sometimes find intimidating. Why would an emperor rob us?

"Reasonable enough," Lady Nabila concedes, her tone diplomatic. "We all need to arrive at our destination. Attacking you wouldn't be in our best interests."

"If we go now, before noon, we can get out of the bandit territory before dusk," Sinbad suggests. I glance back at Miss Motan and Mary. Miss Motan sighs deeply.

"I will go tell the guards about the change of course," Miss Motan announces before excusing herself.

"I will do the same with mine," Lady Nabila says, following Miss Motan's lead.

"Don't worry, Princess Flora," Mary reassures me, giving my shoulder a comforting pat. The dog walks up to me and rubs its head against my knee.

"We shall get there safely," Sinbad assures me.