
Throne Wars

Welcome, esteemed visitor, to the wondrous realm known as Akin, a land governed by the authority of nine noble families. Akin, a realm cloaked in mystery, beckons with its array of valiant heroes, fearsome monsters, wicked demons, and other enigmatic creatures. Deep within the verdant woods, a remarkable occurrence has taken place deep in the forest. the rebirth of a forest child. Let us eagerly delve into the unfolding story and behold the captivating twists and turns it holds. visit the world of Akin: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bf725gtnw3f5064/Untitled2_20230529132509.png?dl=0 most probably I will upload 2-3 chapter in a week

kindly_since_2002 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

past and present

Few years ago…

Nestled along the waterfront and far away from Dunkin, the Port of Maliba sprawled in an atmosphere of destitution. It teemed with street rats scurrying through its alleys, accompanied by stray dogs in search of meager scraps. The denizens of this area, adorned in the most tattered and disheveled attire imaginable, reflected the harsh realities of their impoverished existence. However, amidst the squalor and hardships, Maliba boasted two distinct claims to fame.

Firstly, renowned for its exceptional quality of fish, the port's seafood offerings garnered accolades far and wide. The bounty of the sea provided a glimmer of hope and sustenance for the struggling community, as the aroma of freshly caught fish wafted through the air.

Yet, the second claim to fame cast a more sinister shadow over the locality. Maliba served as a notorious haven for criminals, their clandestine hideouts scattered throughout the area. Dark alleyways and concealed corners concealed the nefarious activities of those who sought refuge within its boundaries. The port's reputation as a breeding ground for illicit dealings sent shivers down the spines of law-abiding citizens, for they knew to tread cautiously in these treacherous surroundings.

In the impoverished streets of Maliba, two men strolled amidst the squalor. One of them, his face smudged and stained, bore the scars of a blade across his eye. Clad in tattered garments, he exuded a hint of banditry, with a sword sheathed at his side.

"Elric, I can no longer endure this wretched existence," he exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration and yearning for change. Elric, his gaze fixed upon his companion, inquired, "Pray tell, Lucas, what course of action do you intend to pursue?" With a sly grin adorning his face, Lucas responded, "Elric, we have two options either marry wealthy women or seize control of Maliba."

Elric, mirroring Lucas's cunning smile, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Considering our appearance, it seems unlikely that any girl would willingly marry us. So, how do we go about colonizing Maliba?"

Lucas, brimming with confidence, revealed his plan, saying, "First, we shall pilfer riches from the nearest royal castle. Then, armed with the acquired wealth, we shall embark upon a conquest of the Maliba islands." After a moment of contemplation, Elric interjected, "Actually, I have a different proposition. How about this you proceed with your grand conquest of the Maliba islands, while I gather a group of skilled companions who can aid me in pilfering the riches from the nearest castle."

Elric nodded in agreement, and the two of them resumed their discussion, their voices filled with determination. As their conversation came to a close, they decided to seek refuge in a local tavern, known to be a gathering place for bandits and outlaws. Stepping inside, they immediately caught the attention of a man, his wrist adorned with a ragged cloth in place of a hand, and a worn helmet crowning his head.

"Well, well, if it isn't the renowned duo of Elric and Lucas." the man taunted, a sly smile crossing his face. Lucas, his expression a mix of anger and amusement, retorted, "And what brings you here, false captain? Do you seek trouble or have you grown tired of your pitiful exploits?"

"I'm here to put an end to you," the false captain replied, his eyes narrowing. "You've been terrorizing this town for far too long."

"We'll see about that," Lucas said, drawing his sword. "Elric, you take care of the others."

Elric nodded and stepped forward, unleashing a wave of dark energy that knocked the false captain's men to the ground. The false captain himself laughed and raised his hand, conjuring a ball of fire. The two men clashed, their magic powers swirling and clashing in the air.

Lucas was quick and agile, dodging the false captain's attacks with ease. He countered with his own spears of light, piercing through the false captain's defenses. The false captain was strong, but he was no match for Lucas's speed and skill.

As the battle raged on, the tavern was quickly filled with the sounds of screams and cries of pain. The false captain's men were slaughtered, their bodies torn apart by Lucas's spears of light. The false captain himself was wounded, his flesh blackened and smoking from Lucas's attacks.

Finally, Lucas struck the killing blow. He unleashed a powerful spear of light that pierced the false captain's heart. The false captain's body slumped to the ground, dead.

Sure, here is the story without any repetitions and with added cruelty:

The stunned silence in the tavern was deafening as the false captain fell to the ground, defeated. Lucas and Elric stood amidst the debris, their bodies battered but triumphant. Their victory sent shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it, a testament to the indomitable spirit and sheer power that lay hidden within them.

Breathing heavily, Elric looked at Lucas, a mix of relief and exhaustion in his eyes. "We did it, Lucas. We've proven our strength, and we will bring justice to this kingdom," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

Lucas smiled grimly. "I have a better idea," he said. "I, Lucas, hereby declare myself the rightful King of Maliba and its surrounding islands. Let it be known that anyone who dares to oppose me shall meet the same fate as this false captain!" He pointed to the false captain's dead body, his eyes glinting with cruelty.

A wave of fear washed over the crowd, but no one dared to challenge Lucas. They had seen what he was capable of, and they knew that he would not hesitate to kill them if they crossed him.

Lucas turned to Elric. "What do you think?" he asked. "Am I worthy to be king?"

Elric hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "You are," he said. "You have the strength and the will to rule. I will serve you loyally, my king."

Lucas smiled. "Thank you, Elric," he said. "I will not forget your loyalty."

Lucas turned to the crowd again. "I am your new king," he announced. "I will rule with justice and compassion. I will bring peace to this kingdom and prosperity to its people. Long live the king!"

The crowd cheered, but their cheers were mixed with fear. They did not know what to expect from this new king, but they knew that he was not to be trifled with.

The past will continue…

Currently deep inside Dulkin forest.

darkness filled the Dulkin forest and its surrounding like a thick, suffocating blanket. No one had ever expected this to happen, and the villagers were terrified. They had heard stories of the dark creatures that lived in the forest, and they knew that if the darkness spread, they would all be doomed.

Deep inside the forest, a circle maze with three layered wall protection was the only place that was still lit up. Inside the maze, a group of multi-species of horned monsters were protecting something precious to them and to the forest.

The monsters stood guard over the child of the forest. The baby floated in the air, suspended by nothing, as if it were still in its mother's womb. It grew at an unnatural speed, its skin stretching and its bones cracking. Within seconds, it had transformed into a beautiful young Naked woman. But the beauty was marred by the darkness of the forest, and the creatures that watched over her.

Castle of The Frey family.

In one of the rooms of the Frey Mansion, there was a round table with seating arranged for nine people. The room was brimming with occupants as all the chairs were occupied by the heads of the family and kings from their respective nations. There was no central chair or throne present. Instead, every king gathered around the round table.

One of the occupants shouted, "Where is my son? I want to see him right now!" Davis Edward exclaimed. "Don't act like I killed Altair, Davis. We are searching for him, dead or alive," Ethan Frey stated.

"What do you mean, dead or alive? I thought you had him hidden in the mansion," Blake Smith, the king of Aetheron, exclaimed. They were longstanding rivals, engaged in a centuries-long battle over the central forest land. Davis grew furious upon hearing this and declared, "If anything happens to my son, I will bring your downfall! And what sort of tricks are you playing with your daughter? Why are we forbidden from entering the Dulkin Forest?" His words were filled with anger and fear, fearing the loss of his son.

"Don't drag me into this. Altair himself willingly accepted the position as the head guard of Dulkin Prison. We never summoned him for this role," Issa, the princess of Dulkin and daughter of Ethan Frey, clarified. She entered the room unnoticed, as if she were some sort of ghost. Princess Issa, the enigmatic and cunning beauty, possesses an allure that is as captivating as it is mysterious. With lustrous ebony tresses that cascade down her back like a silken waterfall, her hair frames a face that carries an ethereal quality. Her almond-shaped eyes, adorned with dark, expressive lashes, hold a mesmerizing depth, their emerald hue sparkling with intelligence and a hint of mischief.

Issa walked down to her father and stood beside him. No one said anything to her in return.


"What is emerging from the forest?" exclaimed a woman in horror, as she collected the bodies that had been scattered from the forest. "It's a woman, and why on earth is she naked?" commented a man, who was engaged in the same task as the woman who had spoken earlier.

All the people engaged in the collection work abruptly ceased their activities, fixing their gaze upon the woman emerging from the woods. As she drew closer, completely unclothed, a sense of unease filled the air. However, as soon as her eyes locked with the onlookers, a wave of unconsciousness swept over them, causing each person to collapse in a faint.

The naked woman cast a glance at Frey Castle and began striding purposefully toward its imposing structure…

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