
Chapter 7 - Revenir

Boom! A rock was blown apart by a translucent beam of mana. Robert looked at his palm- it didn't feel numb. However, Robert could sense that the junction between his arm which was full of mana and his palm which was devoid of it, was already putting a strain on his nerves and slowly a feeling of numbness spread through his palm.

"Hmm, note the time Danny", said Robert.

"Yep! About 13.7 seconds", replied Damien as he checked his watch, "It takes about 11.8 seconds in my case, do you know the reason, Bobby?"

"No, I don't", Robert moved his hands as they absorbed mana and the numbness disappeared.

"I tried to release mana through my tongue- apparently it is not much better than releasing mana through your feet."

"I guess it is most effective to release mana through your limbs", Damien said thoughtfully.

Robert crossed his arms and asked, "Why did you try releasing it through your feet?"

"I wanted to see if I could launch myself that way..."

"We already tested that mana blasts violate the laws of motion, there is no reaction force produced that will propel you", Robert said with a hint of disgust on his face.

"Oh yeah, we did that my bad," Damien scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Today is our last day... Let's hunt for one last time."

"Fine with me!"


Damien and Robert decided it was time to leave the forest since they had accomplished their task.

"Danny let us return I believe we have spent too much time in here. Mother must be worried sick", said Robert as he picked up his sword.

"I believe so too, let us depart then."

The duo advanced towards their home.

Two days went by in a blink.

"Ugggh, I'm tired can we stop for now. I don't have much stamina", chided Damien as he called for Robert who kept on walking ignoring his brother.

"Alright, we'll rest for now but only for half an hour. We must reach home before sundown!"


Somewhere far away in the Earl's territorial borders, there was a carriage stationed next to a tent. Many people surrounded the tent. The people seemed to be restless.

"God please save the Lord..."

"Spirit of the Dragon Emperor save our lord!"

Many such requests to the Gods and holy spirits were being made around the tent by the soldiers.

Inside the tent was a bed not too luxurious but comfortable beside which stood a man in a long cloak which was silver. The silver cloak gleamed in the candlelight indicating that the man was a scholar from the academy- a silver rank scholar! This person was a doctor of Triston hired by Lawrence for his travel to the borders.

He checked on the man laying on the bed before he stood up to go and mix some herbs. As he stood up, one could see that the man lying in bed was Lawrence.

While the doctor was concocting some medicine for Lawrence; one could see how injured he was. There was a bloody cut on his chest which stretched from his shoulder till his abdomen. As one looked closer, one could see that the wound was radiating purple light. The purple light had a soft glow with the blood frothing now and then- it was 'Chaotic Stroke'. A technique used by top-notch assassins.

"The Lord is suffering from a death blow... we must hurry to the capital! He needs the abilities of a gold rank doctor to save him. I can only prolong the magic attack from completely taking effect", explained to the doctor as he came out of the tent to inform the soldiers.

Lawrence had gone to the border in order to ambush an enemy hideout. However, his encampment was ambushed instead by some mysterious forces. Lawrence chased after them deep into the forest after which he did not return for a long time. The soldiers searched for hours and found him in the morning under a tree with a long wound on his chest.

Nobody knows what occurred in the forest during the time Lawrence was missing.

"Doctor how long will he survive before we reach the capital", asked a loyal soldier as he gazed at his lord.

"Not more than a day since we are still far from the capital we must hurry!"

"Come on men hurry up we must transport the lord within half a day to the capital."


"Aye!", soon all the 80 soldiers that had survived last night's sneak attack were all riled up for their lord.

Lawrence who lay inside was unknown to the changes outside. He was sweating profusely as if still fighting. His fingers twitched from time to time as his expression grew grim. It seemed he was annoyed by something.


It was evening now. The sun had come low and would set soon. Damien and Robert were 2 miles from the city gates- they were nearly home now.

"Whew, we are almost there now!", Damien wiped the sweat off his brow.

"Keep walking", Robert waved his hand as he continued to walk down the hill. A vast expanse of plains spreads out before them.

A stone paved road snaked across these plains heading towards a village and branching into many from there. A few carriages were moving on this road. At regular intervals, tall poles with wires attaching them stood beside the road.

"Hmm, what are those poles?", asked Robert.

"Ah! The dwarves made those I think they are called Telegraph poles!", Damien said with a

thoughtful expression.

"So what are those for?"

"I have read that they can be used to send messages to form one point to another, umm... by electric signals, I guess that they are 20 times faster than speed post!"

"Jeez, these dwarves build strange things, albeit that steam engine was pretty impressive," Robert looked at the purple sky.

"Yeah, they are also gonna try to reduce its size and replace horse carts, at least that's what the scholar society says."

"Where do you learn of these things?"

"You should read the newspaper more Bobby," Damien snickered.

"Oh! Look at that!"


"The village", Robert pointed at the village which looked as if it was on fire. The orange-yellow light brightened its surroundings: it looked like a star amid the darkening background.

"Haha looks like those lightbulbs made their way into this village," Damien rubbed his nose.

"How can you be sure of it?"

"Well, there are no screams or burning people running around!"

"Your logic...", Robert sighed.

"Let's race to home!"


"The last one will hand over their pocket money to the winner", with that Damien rushed off as he absorbed mana, enhancing his speed.

"Damn you!" Robert followed behind.


In the Earl's mansion.

Lady Katherine walked to and fro in a corridor, her expressions were of worry and pain. She was wearing a silver dress which matched with her blonde hair which went down till her waist. She bit her red lips and crossed her arms in frustration.

Finally, a door opened, a man in golden robes walked out. He had a clean bald head, a hawk-like nose in between two sunken eyes. His white brows and wrinkled forehead indicated that he was quite old. A golden badge showing a black dragon with a hammer and book in the background showed his authenticity as a Gold-ranked scholar. He slowly walked towards Lady Katherine.

"How is he, Doctor Le Bonn?", she asked with worried eyes.

"Ahem," the scholar cleared his throat and said, "No need to worry Lady Katherine, he will be back in shape after two weeks of rest. However, I am afraid that during this period he would be no stronger than a child and will not be able to use mana."

"Ah! That's good enough Doctor Le Bonn. I will arrange for people to guard his bedroom", Lady Katherine thanked the doctor once more as she sent him off.

After a while, Damien and Robert arrived.

"Your pocket money is now mine," chuckled Robert.

"D-Damn", Damien's breathing was rough as he held on to Robert for support.

"You two are home now?", Lady Katherine gracefully walked behind the steel gate.

"M-Mother?!", Robert and Damien were startled seeing their mother at the gate.

"Come in quick your father is injured, you must see him," she turned and stopped for a moment and exclaimed, "You two are Heralds already!"

The duo bitterly smiled as they walked in, however, their hearts shivered,'Father is injured?' 'What happened to Father?'

As Damien and Robert entered the room they saw the figure of a strong man who was now pale to his former self: Lawrence lay on his bed covered in herbs and bandages.

"Father!", shouted both the boys as they ran towards the bed.

"Mother what happened how did he get that purple wound on him".asked Damien as he looked at Lawrence's gaping wound.

"It is nothing, my sweetheart. He was injured in battle and requires rest. He will be in perfect form within two weeks, you need not worry"

"But Mother that does not seem to be an ordinary wound... I can faintly sense mana leaking out of it", said Robert as he expressed his concerns.

Katherine sighed, "Come with me you too we'll discuss this in my room, let your father rest"


Inside Katherine's quarters.

"Sit down, I shall tell you everything", said lady Katherine as she sat on her armchair.

"Your father has suffered from a technique called 'Chaotic Stroke'"

"What do you mean mother?"

"I don't understand", said Damien and Robert simultaneously.

"It is an assassin's spell it grants certain death most people who are affected in a matter of seconds but your father had somehow stopped it from taking effect. Truly assassins are troublesome, each of their attacks can cause several deaths... However, your father stopped the spell in taking. As a result, he is now comatose. Although he has evaded death the scar shall always remain and will hinder his potential for a very long time. Your father will have to face great perils in magic from now on. You will make your father proud; you two becoming Heralds is a very welcoming surprise in these troubled times. Practice and work hard."

"We will mother", said Damien indicating his intent. Robert nodded as well but there was a strange glow in his eyes as if something deep inside him had changed and will never be the same again.


Midnight. In Lawrence's quarters.

Lawrence laid in his king-sized bed occasionally moaning and taking in deep breaths. His torso was wrapped up by white bandages. A red quilt covered his legs as he lay there. An orange lightbulb dimly glowed, adding some light to his dark room. Then a woman walked in and smacked Lawrence on his head.

"Oww", he moaned.

"Quit acting now," said Lady Katherine.

"Yeah, I was bored acting sick," said Lawrence as he sighed and sat up upright.

"So what happened?" Lady Katherine asked as he sat down on the edge of her bed, her white gown pulled up to reveal her porcelain-like shins.

"I already sent you that letter. I wrote with mana if you didn't notice," Lawrence said with some annoyance, "Arrgh, that damn James. That blow didn't kill me but it hurt!"

"That 'Chaotic Stroke', James really wished to kill you this time... or he was playing with you. You must be careful now" Lady Katherine softly laughed, "Honey, what do you intend to do to that bastard if you catch him in the future"

"That's a difficult question... I think killing him will be doing him a favour", Lawrence stood up and suddenly black mana covered him as he jumped from the window and left towards the unknown.

"I'll be gone for a while do not let anybody know that I am not in my quarters", a telepathic mana message was sent to Katherine as she saw Lawrence disappear into the darkness.

'Jeez, this man, no wonder I love him.'


Inside Robert's room.

'What kind of spell is the 'Chaotic Stroke' that injured such a powerful person that he cannot even speak for a week. That is only because it was my father what if it was me, I would have died in an instant', as Robert spoke these words in his mind a dark thought took birth in his mind.

'What if I had that power I could bring the peace my father always talks about in this world. If I can have such strength I could force the people to do what is right instead of being selfish'

"I have decided I shall become the greatest assassin there is and bend the world to my will", proclaimed Robert as he stood in his room talking to himself. On his heart, a firm resolution carved itself. This was the start of the Nightmare assassin.

Christmas got us kinda busy

RhagnarOrionDumbtcreators' thoughts