
Throne of blood & thorns

“The one you don’t have feelings for will be the one you fall for. But the one you think you adored once will be the one you will hate with your soul. Beware of the sweet honey that will blind your judgment, but follow the scent of flowers. They will be the answer to your hunch. And remember, you are nothing but a pawn to these up high, so keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.” When Akila, a normal young girl, is kidnapped to have an offspring in order to provide an heir for her king, she is thrust into the middle of a power struggle between the gods and the mortal realm. After being captivated by her emerald green eyes, Ramses IV decided to make her his queen. Who could have predicted that a chance encounter would eventually result in the end of his reign? In the midst of the anarchy, the sorcery, and the magical beings, how far would Akila go to save her child? Would Ramses choose to make his new family his priority? His Sister? Or his kingdom? Disclaimer... This book might be built on some real facts and accurate events but the story and its characters are all made up and doesn't represent how the Egyptian history was or its reality. This entirely is a work of fiction and shouldn't be taken as reference to anything related to this civilization and its history.

Bebo_Elnadi · Geschichte
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135 Chs

Chapter 121


He walked firmly even though his bare feet barely touched the hot ground.

His eyes glowed as he looked around, watching for the furies or any of their servants. The Hecatonchires.

Those ugly, deformed beasts roamed Tartarus always, watching and guarding its residences.

He stopped and held his breath as he watched one of The Erinyes sisters walk as a group of her servants followed.

She held her whip in her hand tightly as she watched them listen to her orders.

Gods, how he longs to kill those ugly sisters and tear them limb from limb.

When he was a guest here, those creatures enjoyed torturing him. 

They took pleasure in breaking his soul and mind, then mending them again and starting over.

He had lived here for years and years, suffering that he forgot how the sunlight felt against his skin.

He had never thought that he would be able to escape this hell until one day he heard her sweet voice.